Sunday, January 30, 2011

How Long Does An Acl Tear Take To Heal

Interview with Danilo Cups, an expert in controlled demolitions

di Jerry Lee

Alcune delle più diffuse tesi del complotto sull'11/9 vogliono che le Torri Gemelle e il World Trade Center 7 siano stati demoliti con l'uso di esplosivo nell'ambito di un autoattentato. Gli esperti di settore hanno coralmente dichiarato che questo non è possibile, ma i sostenitori delle tesi alternative preferiscono credere a quanto asserito da persone che non hanno nessuna competenza in materia.

Per stabilire oltre ogni ragionevole dubbio l'impossibilità che gli edifici del World Trade Center siano stati oggetto di una demolizione controllata, il gruppo Undicisettembre ha chiesto un parere al maggiore esperto italiano di esplosivi e demolizioni: Danilo Coppe.

Per chi segue il dibattito sull'11 settembre, Danilo Coppe non ha certo bisogno di presentazioni, essendosi già espresso in passato sull'argomento . Per chi non lo conoscesse riportiamo in breve il suo curriculum:
  • Geominerario esplosivista, con oltre 600 interventi di esplosivistica all'attivo;
  • Leader italiano nelle demolizioni controllate con esplosivi, consulente per enti istituzionali, reparti investigativi e reparti speciali;
  • Più volte ausiliario di polizia giudiziaria, criminalista, Technical Consultant and expert witnesses;
  • regular seminars on "Explosives and Explosions" at the University of Parma, Faculty of Law;
  • Holder SIAG Ltd Parma
  • President 's Research Institute blasting .

interview that was meeting with Cups, the expert finally disproved the possibility that the submissions of the conspiracy occurred and explained why it is foolish to believe that the whole of the World Trade Center was demolished by explosives or substances such as termite, or nanothermite supertermite.

Probably the irreducible continue to look for other excuses to support their arguments, but we are certain that this interview will be sufficient to remove all doubt who is confronted with a rational argument alternatives. We thank Danilo

Cups for his kindness and availability, and that the text of the interview that follows is based on the transcript of an audio recording, and was revised for clarity and approved by the cup itself.

Undicisettembre: cleared up any doubt. We ask first: you think that what has happened to the Twin Towers and the World Trade Center 7 is or is not a controlled demolition?

Danilo Cups: Absolutely not a controlled demolition.

Undicisettembre: What are the distinguishing characteristics visible from the collapse of the twin towers by a controlled demolition?

Danilo Cups: Actually notes visual characteristics are not so dissimilar in the sense that when we want to do a controlled demolition and then we implement what accidentally happened on September 11th, so there is analogy. This eliminates points of support, so as to determine the collapsed structure. What makes the difference is how you get this, things that certainly were not feasible so as were assumed in the various conspiracy theories.

Undicisettembre: As for the Tower 7, which is the subject of much controversy, what were the features that allow you to rule out the possibility of a controlled demolition?

Danilo Cups: I have looked at lots of pictures - also unusual, because the conspiracy theorists have tried to convince me and so I have also sent photos not published - where we see that the collapses of the Twin Towers have severely damaged the structure of the first WTC 7 that this collapse. There are photos taken from above and see clearly the serious injuries he suffered on WTC 7. Moreover, the structure del WTC7 era molto stretta e alta, che è la tipologia ideale di manufatto da demolire, perché basta eliminare pochi appoggi e questo crolla. Nel caso particolare, le macerie e i grossi blocchi che si sono staccati dalle Twin Towers, durante il loro crollo, hanno invaso la base perimetrale del WTC7 stesso e l'hanno colpito con pezzi anche ai piani intermedi, determinando lo stesso fenomeno accaduto alle Twin Towers, cioè la rottura di tiranti e puntoni di una struttura reticolare, che quindi non aveva più i presupposti per stare in equilibrio.

Undicisettembre: Se tu avessi avuto l'incarico di demolire le Torri Gemelle, che tipo di esplosivo avresti utilizzato?

Danilo Cups: Surely I would have used the linear shaped charges based on RDX or PETN, explosives which are two very fast. Certainly such an operation would take weeks and weeks of placement of the charges, with a tangle of wires for dozens of miles and connected with the mathematical certainty of breaking glass from all over the neighborhood, why would have resulted in a wave sound high. It would have been the only way to cut those steel structures.

Undicisettembre: How many men would be required to prepare two buildings like the Twin Towers, or even as the World Trade Center 7, a controlled demolition, and how long would it take?

Danilo Cups: Hundreds of highly trained technicians at least one week for each product.

Undicisettembre: So it was impossible that none of the occupants of the buildings was aware that someone was coming to put these explosives in all this time?

Danilo Cups: is categorically impossible because, among other things, these steel trusses are often covered with plaster or brick light, which serves inter alia as a means of securing services such as water pipes or electrical cables , which are then attached to the beams and other steel trusses. So any demolition would have to raise all these materials, place the charges, redoing all the upholstery and all the panels that covered the warping. It now takes months and months of total mastery of the structure.

Undicisettembre: would be possible to operate the controlled demolition explosives to a radio? What are the main problems of this practice?

Danilo Cups: Italy While such an operation would not be possible for the chaos of the frequencies that we, the United States would also be theoretically possible to do so, because there is very strict in the allocation of frequencies. Of course, the radio command should be given to only the main trigger, then create a system of secondary explosions triggered by shock waves transmitted by cable to the rest of the charges [in detonating cords, which are strings with soul filled with explosives, the wave shock or a detonation wave propagates very quickly along the cable as the cable detonates, Ed] . In a word activates a first charge and this will trigger other hundreds. In any case, all charges should be connected to cable, and then return to the first problem. Certainly also this: with what was happening at the World Trade Center was a host of supporting emergency, all kinds of private and institutional investors that might interfere with the signal or in turn activate the posts ahead of time.

Undicisettembre: The collapse of the Twin Towers starts at the top, right where they were hit by the airplane. If it was a controlled demolition, explosives were placed right there: at the top. It would make sense in the case of the Twin Towers? Where they should be placed explosives?

Danilo Cups: Absolutely were placed at the base with the highest concentration, then distributed throughout the development at intervals of 3, 4 or 5 floors apart. The problem is that in one case a plane hit the tower at a point that leaves about 17 floors above him and the other case there were over 32 floors. So we had some artifacts in a case of 17 floors in the 32-story that was over a gap of about 3 stories high with the structures affected, and almost nine meters when the Boeing 767 has removed the main bearings and then these have yielded two major complexes in those areas for reasons of weight. Among other things, collapsed before the building that was hit second, because there were 32 stories which affect the passage, on the hole. While the other building has held more because there were "only" 17 floors. Imagine a 17-story building that fell by 9 feet high: it is obvious that in a coaxial destroy everything that lies beneath.

Undicisettembre: Most conspiracy theorists claimed that the Twin Towers and Building 7 were demolished with thermite, then passed to supertermite or nanothermite. You can demolish skyscrapers with these substances?

Danilo Cups: Thermite is not explosive: the termite is a chemical very easy to find because it is iron oxide and aluminum. It is used to make welds in the so-called alluminotecnica : a primer that is activated in the face of ignition temperature of at least six, seven hundred degrees, and only then triggers this compound that produces a "merger"; certainly not an effect of "explosive". Again place the bags of termite and devices that can emit simultaneously or gradually six, seven hundred degrees every point where it is placed thermite is absolutely impossible. Even if we talk about supertermite the same thing, the supertermite nanothermite or more iron oxide is still aluminum, but with the addition of silica. Nothing changes.

Undicisettembre: So termite or supertermite does a bang, it makes a noise when it acts as an explosive?

Danilo Cups: No noise. The moment you turn on the ignition system, which can be plasma or electrode, is developed at this temperature in absolute silence and melts the material that is in contact.

Undicisettembre: Then you can destroy buildings like the Twin Towers and 7 World Trade Center with these substances?

Danilo Cups: Absolutely impossible. You might not ever even calculated that the reaction time to complete its route that is melting the steel side.

Undicisettembre: So it would not make any sense to use a substance like that?

Danilo Cups: No sense fact.

Undicisettembre: In 2007 Massimo Mazzucco led as evidence in his opinion "incontrovertible" that WTC 7 was demolished with explosives in a video where an explosion is heard seven hours before the crash and the fact justified with the following sentence :

"The time that the sentence was handed down is very little difference, as I said the same pair, when I interviewed him, plus a building is solid (redundant) must be more 'softening' in advance with individual offices, before placing the final set. Otherwise it will not come down, or is likely to remain in the middle, which is even worse.

In the same demolitions 'regular' if you notice, first download the final part of a series of more or less dense single explosion, designed to bring the structure close to the load limits. Only at that point by [sic] the way for the final set, with simultaneous explosions. Otherwise, every time it would take tons of explosives, to do everything at once, and 'controlled' at that point would be very little. "

Is it fair that the demolition of large buildings take place" on rate "and that ' explosive is detonated even after hours?

Danilo Cups: Negative. The first part of what Mazzucco said may be correct in the sense that sometimes you have to do the demolition of prior cycles. The second part of the statement is wrong, meaning that you can not go inside a building after it has already been given a number of shots, so the times are growing ever a few moments between the various explosions. So perhaps before you do a series of charges of weakness, but to follow the other wheel, we are talking about seconds, not hours. Who is the fool who would come into a building after it has already been weakened with the explosives? Would not it absolutely makes sense.

Undicisettembre: is true that in controlled demolitions are usually removed windows before demolishing the building?

Danilo Cups: No, glass is an inert material that can fit comfortably inside the wreckage and in controlled demolitions, as it casts the hand, hard glass flying away, are crushed under the collapse of the structure, then I would say that it is almost indifferent remove them or leave them.

Undicisettembre: They return to the hypothesis of controlled demolition of the Twin Towers, leaving in place all the windows in the increase of internal pressure at the time of the blasts would be sufficient to project them out or at least break them? Before you talk about "mathematical certainty to break the glass around the neighborhood, because a sound wave would have resulted in high ". The same sound wave would break even the glass of the building being demolished?

Danilo Cups: Obviously yes.

Undicisettembre: is possible to distinguish a spontaneous collapse of a controlled demolition based on the time of collapse? In the case of controlled demolition the collapse is faster than in the case of spontaneous collapse or not?

Danilo Cups: can distinguish first, because if it is a structural failure of traditional structures do not feel the sounds of explosions that would otherwise feel. You can hear thuds of explosions that may seem, that the moments very noisy indeed have been perceived as the Twin Towers to the so-called pancake effect, ie a floor which falls to the next. Or are the pillars of peak loads, as they say technically, when they give, they can tear or make noise due to shock at a distance almost explosive. So the first distinction is of a sound level meter.

the remainder of the spontaneous collapses are not those symmetries that are usually controlled killing. In the case of the Twin Towers, because of a long but relatively little of the Chamber, having taken even a few support has led to a collapse quite symmetrical, although osservando bene le immagini si vede che la struttura partiva storta e poi si raddrizzava, ma quello è un problema di baricentro: cioè il baricentro di una struttura che viene forzata a convergere in una direzione per la mancanza di appoggi tutti su un lato tende tanto più a raddrizzarsi quanto più il suo baricentro è basso.

Per quanto riguarda invece il tempo di crollo, nel caso delle Twin Towers è stato impiegato lo stesso tempo che se fosse stato un crollo voluto o una demolizione controllata. In altri casi ci possono essere, a seconda della tipologia costruttiva del manufatto, piccole differenze; ma alla fine l'energia di caduta, cioè massa per accelerazione di gravità, fa sì che bene o male la velocità sia la stessa.

Undicisettembre: È vero che le demolizioni controllate lasciano al suolo pozze di metallo fuso?

Danilo Coppe: Io ho fatto seicento demolizioni controllate e ho assistito allo “smarino” (cioè l'eliminazione delle macerie) delle stesse e non ho mai riscontrato pozze di materiale fuso o in fusione, nemmeno quando ho utilizzato cariche cave come quelle che ho menzionato prima.

Undicisettembre: Quindi la presenza di queste pozze non potrebbe essere attribuita a una demolizione controllata o alla presenza di esplosivi?

Danilo Coppe: No, no, assolutamente. L'esplosivo itself makes no such effect. The only thing that makes the pools of molten material is precisely the termite, but remember, thermite is iron oxide and aluminum, and aluminum was very inside of the building, systems for the separation of rooms, offices and things like that, because the building had many panels, so the aluminum, before a fire of considerable magnitude, having a low melting point, may have actually created these pools. But this is a problem with the large amount of aviocarburante who was present and subsequent fire that has been developed.

Undicisettembre: You know some colleagues who face your own business and has your same experience, even abroad, which has a different opinion on what happened to the Twin Towers and then tell "Yes, I think it was a controlled demolition" ?

Danilo Cups: No, I do not know, and when I pointed out that 99% of respondents were carpenters, veterinarians, and demolitions experts not the only thing that surprised me was an excerpt of an interview my American colleague Loizeaux [In the picture, Ed] , who said that the controlled demolition and the collapse of the Twin Towers looked alike, but in the same way that I I described. That is the collapse, the collapse looks like a controlled demolition, not to say that it is. But I do not know anyone who has an opinion contrary to mine.

Undicisettembre: In fact, I remember that during a seminar you said "It is not the collapse of the Twin Towers that looks like a controlled demolition, but the controlled demolition recreates the conditions identical to those that led to the collapse of the Twin Towers ". This statement was a bit 'exploited by the conspiracy theorists, who said Danilo Cups then argues that there was a controlled demolition at the World Trade Center. Got something to say about it?

Danilo Cups: I have always said that indeed it was possible that the eyes of an outsider there was this similarity and continue to confirm this. Failure to attend to the work can be confusing, the insider does not. But the experts have been consulted very few.

Undicisettembre: Did you see the replicas that did Mazzucco to your interview? Think we should respond to some of his points?

Danilo Cups: I saw them at the time and made me smile that it is difficult to convince a person when he made a faith of some arguments, so whatever you tell him one always finds how to counteract. I always remember that the only doubt I had with Mazzucco were caused by not having available record of the seismograph seismic station in New York, where the conspiracy theorists claimed that the explosions were clear and said "If you see me, I I show that the frequencies of the blasts to hundreds of hertz, while the frequency of collisions are units or tens of hertz, which stands for what is an explosion, and what a shock ". As the face of these my remarks I was presented this infamous plot, I always answered that I could be so precise about such a response. Then if an extract only the part where I say I can not answer, sembro incerto, dubitante o titubante: in realtà avevo già sufficienti elementi per non andare a cercare ulteriori approfondimenti sull'argomento.

Undicisettembre: C'era a tal proposito una domanda a cui tu hai risposto che la velocità di crollo nelle demolizioni controllate e quelle spontanee sostanzialmente è identica e la replica di Mazzucco è stata “Questa è un'affermazione davvero sorprendente, oltre che apparentemente in contrasto con una delle più note leggi della Fisica.”

Danilo Coppe: Qual è questa legge della fisica? Io resto sempre dell'idea che un corpo cade in base alla massa e all'accelerazione di gravità, so if I take off my 9 meter supports a controlled demolition or a plane, the drop speed is exactly the same. May be slower than the controlled demolition if there are a lot of warps to be killed with very small loads and distances itself activate a charge against another, which is a choice of the breaker which can sometimes be rewarding, sometimes can be negative. But surely in one case was as violent as the Twin Towers, where many supports have been eliminated all together if I had done the same thing with the explosives would have two speeds are exactly alike.

Undicisettembre: Confirm in this regard to have noticed that famous "meteorite" that is often displayed by conspiracy theorists? In that case you have verified the presence of these rocks, these tangles that they claim to be the molten metal?

Danilo Cups: When a car burns without explosion, you have to go look at what pieces are found embedded in the road, because the asphalt is a bituminous mixture that melts and then solidifies, and then necessary to remove the solid asphalt and then remake it completely because the mechanical parts to be stuck with these inert materials. Certainly, the cement has a higher resistance to this kind of cohesion with molten metal. But let's not forget also that in this case the debris themselves who created this huge mountain at Ground Zero have also created a refractory effect, ie the heat to be dissipated with more difficulty, especially in the lower parts of those who were in contact with the bottom and the concrete structures that were in the basement. So this has kept certain temperature refractory effect (activated by jet fuel) in connection with such aluminum, which may have created these popular pools, which may have made the metals interact with even the bricks.

Undicisettembre: Then the famous "meteor" could be found in any collapse spontaneously?

Danilo Coppe: Se il crollo è avvenuto accompagnato da un incendio, allora sicuramente sì. D’altra parte anche se il crollo è avvenuto “a secco”, cioè senza incendio, allora potremmo avere un fenomeno simile al funzionamento di una sparachiodi che riesce a conficcare per diversi centimetri un chiodo nel cemento a secco e a freddo, rendendoli coesi in maniera inscindibile.

Undicisettembre: I complottisti spesso chiedono un'indagine indipendente, tra l'altro non si sa bene da parte di chi. Che parcella richiederebbe la perizia di un tecnico esperto su un argomento così importante e complesso? Chi potrebbe sostenere tali costi?

Danilo Coppe: The parcels of an expert are also highly variable depending on the moon expert. I have seen in Italy do appraisals, and I myself have made, in which no one wants to make money (as was recently the case of Piazza Loggia, where one should seek only the reimbursement of expenses incurred). When there is this reluctance to shoot moral high figures, there is nothing that the expert asks a digit according to its expectations. In this case I do not think there would be some difficulties in finding expert cheap, but competent, the United States, that would do this kind of analysis.

Surely some mistake has been made, but I believe in good faith in the superficiality of the preliminary investigation, because when there is clarity in the mechanism of an event like what happened to the Twin Towers you are not thinking "I have found in it something to look for any residual explosive . At most one can ask if there were explosives on the plane, but in this case acted solely in the area of \u200b\u200bthe passage, would not have acted in other areas, nor in WTC 7. So frankly, was a scrupulous might have been avoided. We must also think about the priority that they gave at that time, they were pulling out people alive, and especially to name the human offal scattered in a pile of rubble unprecedented.

Video: Danilo Cups explains the collapse delle Torri Gemelle

Nota tecnica: Nel video Coppe parla di 17 e 50 piani soprastanti anziché di 17 e 32, ma chiaramente questa differenza non inficia i principi della sua spiegazione.


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