Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Xmen Invitation Wording

Steel at Ground Zero in Matera

John -

One of the stories that conspiracy theorists are wont to tell in an attempt to accredit their own theories is that the rubble of Ground Zero were removed and disposed in great haste in order to prevent that from their analysis shows evidence that the Twin Towers were destroyed by controlled demolition using explosives and incendiary.

The story is not true: the ruins were removed in a relatively short time (at least by our standards, where even the garbage disposal is a problem) but to be set aside in a warehouse for subsequent disposal, where they were subject studies and surveys (pictured at right, one of the top world experts in steel structures, Eng. Astaneh, while examining the wreckage of the World Trade Center).

Part of the wreckage was later spared from disposal operations and retained for further needs at the Hangar 17 Kennedy airport in New York, who in 2012 became a veritable museum of Ground Zero.

Other steel from the Twin Towers is finished in various museums and a number of tons was reused to build the military ship New York launched in 2008.

Now a number of beams (in the opening pic), with a total weight of about twenty tons, was obtained and reused by the sculptor Antonio Paradise, which intends to make a work depicting the Last Supper in that of Matera, in Basilicata.

L ' article Republic reporting the news is interesting for a change of subtitle in photo gallery :

"Last Supper globalized," the title of the first of the sculptures will be made of beams cut by blowtorch, obscured by the violence.

The passage shows how the world of normal people are well aware that most of the steel beams at Ground Zero were cut with a cutting torch to be removed and transported.

is a clear logic and banal. Yet hundreds of conspiracy theorists still believe that the cuts were caused by "termite."

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pictues Of Chicken Pox Stages

Pasta with pesto

walnuts, pine nuts and sunflower . A handful of each of these semi head. A sprig of parsley . A little ' garlic if you like. Chop coarsely by hand or in food processor. Adjust salt, add plenty parmesan cheese, extra virgin olive oil enough and a bit 'of water from the pasta to make it all creamy.

Here's a pasta sauce for a quick, nutritious and a bit 'different from the usual ...
proteins of the seeds are well matched with the carbohydrates of pasta (linguine full Board of Supervisors). Vegetable oils of seeds, the fiber of whole wheat pasta and protein seeds and parmesan slow down the absorption of sugars (starch paste), avoiding blood sugar spikes and drowsiness.

reference to the post "Walnuts almonds and hazelnuts" (September 2010) and "Sunflower" (June 2010) for the properties of oilseeds. At the post "Whole wheat pasta" (May 2010) to understand why it is better to choose whole wheat pasta.

-reference to your imagination to create variations on this dish tasty and nutritious complete (basil, thyme fresco, erba cipollina...).

Ottimo per sportivi e studenti. E anche per chi è a dieta!

Friday, February 11, 2011

How To Build A Round Concrete Bathtub

The laser for the treatment of diseases

When we speak of the relationship between light skin and the thought immediately flies to the sun and tanning, but also to tanning beds that are used in beauty salons to tan even in winter.
not really think it is wrong to sunlight, as it is very important for skin and its development, though - like all things - you should not abuse it in order to avoid the occurrence of the damage, or less permanent. In fact, in all subjects that expose their skin to the sun or tanning lamps for too long, skin problems occur. From the simple appearance of blemishes, premature aging of the tissue, the presence scars as a result of burns, until you reach angiomas and benign and malignant tissue.
All these damages caused by excessive exposure to sunlight, can be treated through therapies that take advantage of another type of light the laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiaton).
diagram of a laser source that emits a beam of green light.
lasers are light sources that emit beams of light with four characteristics fondamentali, ovvero coerenza , monocromaticità, collimazione e brillanza . Ed è proprio grazie a queste proprietà che il laser può essere usato in molti campi che vanno dal trattamento di superfici delicatissime, al taglio di molti materiali, alle misure di particolari proprietà della materia, o di velocità e distanze, alla cura di malattie cutanee ed oftalmologiche, in ogni caso con una precisione ed accuratezza senza pari.
Nella cura delle malattie, per esempio, si sfruttano i fasci laser pulsati, meglio conosciuti come laser frazionati, impulsi laser emessi ad intervalli di tempo regolari ed in phase, to hit the tissue in a controlled manner. Can be eliminated in this way, only the damaged parts, leaving intact the surrounding areas not affected by this problem, with an accuracy more than "surgical".
surgical device with laser technology
interventions that use laser technology does not leave marks or scars, and have a high success rate in each application.
a technique is now widespread in Western medicine and applied in aesthetic medicine in ophthalmology, dermatology, but is also in nephrology to treat a growing number of diseases, with a consequent evolution of technology through continuous research and experience is gained with time and use.
Among the many surgical use that lasers provide fourth generation, we can mention the removal of kidney stones, treatment of retinal injuries and diseases of the cornea, the removal of stains from skin tissues and tumors, all interventions that run through this technique, in specialized centers that do not provide all outpatient and in hospital and special care rehabilitation, often limited to simple measures.
In the fields of chirurgia estetica , delle cure antietà e dell' estetica in genere poi, la tecnologia laser è molto utilizzata per l'epilazione definitiva, per l'eliminazione di macchie, tatuaggi, piccoli nei, rughe e segni dell'invecchiamento in genere, con una semplicità ed una precisione, anche in questo caso, senza pari. Tanto che ormai sono numerosissimi gli operatori ed i centri estetici che dispongono di tali mezzi.
Molte altre ancora sono le applicazioni mediche di questa tecnologia, ma, e mi scuso per questo, per mancanza di spazio e risorse non possono essere pubblicate in questo articolo. Alla luce di ciò mi impegno to clarify, where possible, the doubts that the readers will have after reading this paper.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dirt Bike Baby Shower Theme

Wikileaks, the Daily Telegraph and the 'fifth cell'

of Brain_Use

The well-known British newspaper Daily Telegraph devoted attention these days in a cable coming from the U.S. Embassy in Doha, Qatar, dated February 11, 2010 and published by Wikileaks on February 1, 2011. The telegram is addressed to the Secretary of State, with copies to the Department of Homeland Security, FBI and CIA.

L ' hypothesis put forward by the Telegraph based on the content of cable is that a group of three persons of Qatari nationality could be a sort of fifth cell ready to intervene on 11 September. The three

, Alhajri Meshal, 35, Fahad Abdulla, 36, and Ali Alfehaid, 35 years, had booked seats on American Airlines Flight 144 to Washington DC on September 10, 2001, but failed to sign on. The plane of that flight, the day after, he assumed the appointment AA77 and crashed into the Pentagon.

The three had arrived in the U.S. August 15, 2001, a flight from London with British Airways. They had visited the World Trade Center, the Statue of Liberty, the White House and various areas in Washington, New York and Virginia.

On August 24, had traveled with an American Airlines flight in Los Angeles, where they had stayed in a hotel near the airport, paying in cash.

They then spent a week in California in the company of Mohamed Ali Mohamed Al Mansoori, an Arab of Emirates, also under investigation for possible involvement in the events of 9 / 11, according to the dispatch of the embassy in Doha.

In the days before the departure date, set for Sept. 10, the three had requested that the room was not clean. The hotel staff was so suspicious because it had been noted in the pilot room uniforms, laptop computers, packets addressed to Syria, Jerusalem, Afghanistan and Jordan, as well as lists containing names of pilots, airlines, numbers and flight status.

On 10 September, unable to board the flight to Washington AA144, the three took British Airways and a flight back to London, where they stayed until 13 and then fly with a new British Airways flight to Doha, Qatar, where you lose track of them.

The cost of tickets, including those for non-flight AA144, and reservations of hotels, according to the dispatch, was supported by a "convicted terrorist" . According to the Telegraph

, the story brings attention to the possible role of Britain in the early stages of organizing the attacks of 9 / 11. It is known that three of the hijackers, including Atta, had viewed the speeches del'islamista London Abu Qatada, and Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called "twentieth hijacker" (Who is serving a life sentence in the U.S.), had been in contact, always in London, with another preacher, Abu Hamza.

The three are not named in 9 / 11 Commission Report but appear in a list of 300 people the FBI wanted to question in 2002.

does not appear that the three had contact with the 19 hijackers, who were at that time in the United States for a long time to train on the fly. However, it is known that two of the hijackers of Flight 77 had spent time in Los Angeles in 2000, a period in which there is little information.

The suspicion is that the three Al Mansoori and might be involved in activities support and surveillance of possible targets or even could be a sort of fifth cell ready to take the 11 / 9.

currently no comments by the FBI or U.S. authorities.

More information is available in articles in the Daily Telegraph topic:

Friday, February 4, 2011

Little White Worms On Cat

semi-Cholesterol Eggs and prohibited

È opinione comune che chi ha valori alti di colesterolo nel sangue debba star lontano da uova, latte intero, formaggi , carne rossa e via dicendo.

Ho recentemente scoperto che alcuni medici sostengono il contrario…
Premesso che rimando alla lettura del libro “ Colesterolo amico o nemico ” di Attilio e Luca Speciani (edito da Giunti) per i dovuti approfondimenti (Do not worry: the book is smooth and suitable for audiences of all kinds and even highly recommend reading for those who have problems with high cholesterol), my contribution is simply to give some food for thought:

- There is a widespread 'information that have high levels of cholesterol in the blood is the highest risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease. This value is then strettamene to keep under control. But this post, that information is partial and distorted.

- Cholesterol alone, even if high, in the absence of other risk factors such as physical inactivity, obesity, blood pressure high, smoking, diabetes (or high blood glucose), is not attributable to increase the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease. Indeed, according to some, other risk factors mentioned are much more severe high blood cholesterol itself.

- Medical laboratories put an asterisk if the value of total cholesterol greater than 200 mg / dl, without considering that the really good indicator of an imbalance is not the total cholesterol, but the total cholesterol / HDL cholesterol (the so-called index of cardiovascular risk ). This index is considered acceptable if less than 5 man and woman in 4.5. For example, an individual who has a total cholesterol of 240 mg / dl and HDL cholesterol of 70 mg / dl has a hazard index equal to 3.43, thus very low. And if the person is not overweight, not smoking and moderate physical activity also has no reason of being prescribed statins.

- The industry has become very aggressive in offering their medicines as indispensable and irreplaceable. Some researchers have advanced the suspicion that both the statins market (and expensive drugs whose patent belongs to a few pharmaceutical companies) to press to demonize the cholesterol in and of itself. These drugs have serious side effects and should be prescribed only in cases of real need (Certainly not in such an active person, not obese, non-hypertensive Total cholesterol 250 mg / dl and HDL 60 mg / dl). It is no coincidence that of the statin group drug absolute world's best selling (charged with dizzying ...).

- According to the statins lower cholesterol but not total mortality . They would also suspected of widespread chronic heart failure.

- After 70 years the mortality from cardiovascular disease with high cholesterol is nothing and even after that age, high cholesterol appears to be a protective factor against cancer and infections.

- In addition, yes statins lower total cholesterol, but are unable to raise the village "good" cholesterol (HDL) . What you can do instead of simply a balanced physical activity. So why do some doctors before prescribing statins, do not tell patients to stop smoking, eat better, walk?

- also abstain from eggs and eat only low-fat milk would be a few seconds false indication. It is not abstaining from eating foods high in cholesterol that lowers blood levels of this. The value of our cholesterol is in fact only 20% influenced by diet, while 80% is produced dal fegato sulla base di alcuni “mattoncini” (acetil coA) che derivano da qualsiasi nutriente in eccesso immesso con l’alimentazione (non solo grassi ma anche zuccheri e proteine!) È quindi un eccesso di zuccheri in primis (e una sovralimentazione in generale) a stimolare una iperproduzione di colesterolo, mentre il colesterolo esogeno (proveniente dagli alimenti che lo contengono come uova e formaggi) blocca la produzione endogena . Non ha quindi senso limitare le uova, semmai mangiare cibi ricchi di colesterolo tiene sotto controllo la nostra produzione interna.

- Morale? Non serve a molto continuare ad iperalimentarsi, fumare, restare sedentari e prendere statine per stare tranquilli.

Prima di ricorrere a pharmacological solution (which obviously must be taken into account in the worst cases), it is possible to learn how to combat a sedentary lifestyle and eat better. What does it mean in practice to eat better? First of all to control the excesses and prefer quality to quantity. Check the intake of simple sugars (sweets a few!), Consuming carbohydrates whole, have a rich and varied breakfast, put the right amount of protein at every meal, whereas those walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, legumes, whole milk, yogurt, cheese and eggs, in addition to fish (by preference) and the white meat and occasionally even red. Fruits and vegetables are never fail and must be fresh, seasonal and preferably organic. And for extra virgin olive oil dressing. All in accordance to their personal tastes and with an invitation to take charge of their health.