Sunday, January 2, 2011

Exercise Treatment For Pectus Carinatum

The synchronized swimming

A group of Italian and French researchers noted, during an experiment, behavior of atomic nuclei never seen before, a kind of synchronized swimming of exotic particles that make up a core of poor stability. We know that a nucleus is determined by pairs neutron-neutron and proton-proton, rather exotic isotope of this nucleus that looked like presents pairs of neutron-proton

This is a new phase this nuclear ground state or in the first excited states of heavy nuclei unstable. Some physicists, the section of Naples and Padova, did collide nuclei of heavy atoms, when excited, to create nuclei of atoms with equal numbers of protons and neutrons, gamma rays revealing emitted by the nuclei when they return to minimum energy state, there was the basic structure of an unstable isotope of the atom of palladium, 92 Pd, whose nucleus contains exactly 46 protons and 46 neutrons. The motion of the nucleus of this isotope appears to be dominated by neutron-proton pairs, contrary to all atomic nuclei known so far. The neutron-proton pairs show, in fact, a "synchronized swimming" that is a pair of parallel spins different from that observed in other atoms. These particular behaviors are very different from those that occur with liquid helium (superfluidity) and the supercooled matter at about 271 ° C below zero (superconductivity).
being due to collective behavior between pairs of nucleons, these proton-neutron correlations can influence the rotational motion of the nuclei.

According Giacomo De Angelis, Head of National ' experiment, the objective of the study is to soddisfare l'esigenza di conoscere le forze nucleari fino in fondo, al fine di provare in maniera definitiva i modelli teorici. Lo sforzo dei ricercatori va nella direzione della comprensione dei processi di nucleosintesi stellari, in cui i nuclei più leggeri vengono bombardati da altre particelle, diventano più pesanti, decadono e danno origine alla maggior parte degli elementi chimici.

Angelo D'Addario


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