Monday, September 17, 2007

Red Bumps Like Misqutio Bumps Herpes

2008 September 16, 2007: The Towns citizens


Saturday, October 13, 2007 the group "Seigniorage Network» organized an event in Via Nazionale in Rome in front of Palazzo Koch, the seat of the Bank of Italy SpA

To participate and to inquire on 13 http://www.signoraggiocom/

We'll be there come along to protest against THE BANK THAT IS THE BANKS AND WE HUNGRY rob us without the government or ensure compliance Move 1 FINGER ITS LAWS AS THE COMEDY Bersani Decree, banks do the foul deed THEM AND DO NOT MAKE A PIPE.

IF THINGS DO NOT CHANGE Do not complain!
Tivat Buontempo 17/09/2007 09:51

---- What do you know about economic policy, economics, finance? Do you have a
minipa preparazione su questi argomenti? Per analogia, sarebbe come parlare d'inceneritori senza una preparazione da Chimico.

Studiare e' fondamentale...
W. G. 17.09.07 11:34
Il decreto Bersani mi ha fatto risparmiare il 50% dei costi per la chiusura del mutuo, so che per lei non é nulla ma a me ha fatto piacere. Se poi qualcuno crede che toccare chi veramente comanda non costi nulla é meglio che cresca. Bisogna anche essere realisti e capire che se si vogliono cambiare le cose, in contesti molto delicati, per una questione di equilibri si deve necessariamente andare per gradi; sempre se uno ha veramente la volontà di modificare qualche cosa, altrimenti chiacchere chiacchere chat ..........
Orpheus L. 09/17/2007 10:20

answers from real slaves without a brain or spine!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Nice Area In Reno To Take Pictutes

September 3, 2007: V-Day in the squares

Dear Beppe, I saw almost all your shows and I have 4 DVDs and all your books!

a house I have to confess: I think the V-Day is the greatest fools you've ever done and that Italy has ever had since 1861. What a pity! thought I was on track and on the other hand, you usually Arren populism.
your friends left you because you support support banks not because you're good or smart.
You have become useful only to your accountant. The next time I buy a book and step Hurigate 3 hours in good company. Regards.

Fransceo Dillin 03:09:07 21:22

=========== Dear bloggers, censorship here in the method of Grillo's blog makes that reality is distorted.

An example: the night of 08.11.2007, in the room

between the hours of 00:00 and 05:00 there was a lively debate among bloggers , which content - thanks to the censorship of part (my post's for example are almost all gone, but also of other bloggers) - but today is manipulated, then completely different.

Go to this address to verify:

http://n ew-ital / beppe-grillo-c ensura/pulizia-etnico-sessuale-11082007-ore0509.htm

(t ogliere gli spazi vuot i)

Troverete il file della stessa stanza salvato alle ore 05.09 del giorno 11.08.07. Poi, lo potrete paragonare con l'originale sul sito di Beppe Grillo. Così capirete come funziona la censura cosiddetta ANTISPAM per omologare il pensiero.

Questo è solo un esempio, ma ce ne sono a centinaia !

A proposito, andate a leggere i commenti di Manuela Bellandi, 11.08.07 00:38, dove da del bugiardo a chi denuncia la censura (secondo lei un invenzione). Osservate anche le risposte che da facendo riferimento a commenti poi spariti perché censurati.

E tutto ciò su un blog di uno che da anni LOTTA - o almeno dice di lottare - contro la censura che a he directed. This thing is SHAMEFUL, dear Grillo fine example you give, nice blog FREE, your ...

(copy the post before it is deleted by censors)

Hugo Kolion 08/11/2007 13:44

do not understand ... I WANT EXPLANATION OF
Jodi Brazzarola 11:08:07 17:23

-------------------------------- -------
Deeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuuunaseeeeeeeeeeegaaaaaaa to be careful about all those things, you have nothing to do. File deleted, tampered with and also appeared different from the original. Honestly, I think science fiction.
Bloggers I'm not naming international and the "great powers" are not certain to review the ca @ @ ed that you write! I do not think that our speeches are of importance to the political level.
Why, these are real people with mental masturbations slightly rin koglion ite. But really ite! Patty Gera (Gera aka patty fioreverde) 11/08/2007 17:34