Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Footballers On Shower

salad autumn-winter

D’inverno mangiamo meno frutta, è un dato di fatto.

Preference goes to a hot meal or snack, energy, and we easily forget to take our daily portion of vitamins derived from fruit.
So why not add some garlic all'insalata?
Here are some examples:

Fennel and oranges. A classic. Slice the fennel as thinly successful (I find it very convenient manual slicer), add orange slices cut horizontally, these subtly. If oranges are organic and you like, keep the peel and eat it too. Season with salt, balsamic vinegar (one drop) and olive oil. Garnish with pine nuts and, if desired, raisins.

grated carrots and diced apples . Garnish with toasted sesame seeds, plenty of lemon, salt and olive oil. Very good, really a starter vitamin. If you like to add wheat germ and brewer's yeast flakes: the vitamin content will increase further.

Pears and walnuts. Another classic. Pears sliced \u200b\u200band coarsely chopped walnuts, served on a bed of lettuce or lettuce (if desired with a touch of red radicchio and rocket). Season with salt, lemon juice (few drops, which also serves as not to blacken the pears), and olive oil. Garnish with shaved Parmesan.

Macedonia salad. Less classic, but it's right here il bello. Provate ad aggiungere alla vostra insalata (lattuga, radicchio, ecc.)spicchi di mandarino, pere e mele a dadini. Oppure piccoli pezzetti di kiwi, pera e chicchi di melograno. Provate l’insalata con ogni singolo frutto (lattuga e kiwi poi radicchio e mandarino, poi rucola e mela, poi valerianella e melograno) e poi con tutte le combinazioni che vi vengono in mente. Sicuramente scoprirete gusti e abbinamenti che vi sorprenderanno.

Aggiungendo dadini di formaggio e una fetta di pane integrale, l’insalata diventerà un ottimo piatto, unico in più sensi, per un pranzo veloce o una cena leggera, vitaminica e nutriente.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Church Sample Programs

Trapped Anti-matter of mathematics exercises

How many times have you heard, was the subject of many famous novels and screenplays, often has been the object of fear (in the famous novel by Dan Brown, is threatened by destruction of the world its use); in other cases it is used as fuel for spaceships ultra technology, but no one has really seen how it was done.
Years and years of effort and experience and on, have finally brought the long awaited results from all individuals who contributed to the success of the experiment "ALPHA" (Antihydrogen Laser Physics Apparatus). In one of the many laboratories of the Swiss research center, have finally managed to trap the anti-matter, also known as dark matter, which assumed the existence a long time, but was never able to isolate for study, since it annihilates immediately on contact with matter.
So far many theories have been chased in supporting the view l'esistenza di questa entità oscura, si pensa, infatti, che sia stata creata al momento del Big-Bang e che abbia potuto dare origine ad universi paralleli, ma mai, prima d'ora, l'uomo era stato in grado di isolarla per poterla studiare e vedere come fosse fatta. Mai prima d'ora, perché ora lo si potrà fare, su di una porzione molto piccola di anti-materia, ma lo si potrà fare.
È ormai noto a tutti che è stato aggiunto un nuovo grande tassello alla compilazione della grande mappa della storia dell'universo, mediante il quale si potrà far luce su numerosi lati oscuri che riguardano il sistema in cui viviamo, ma soprattutto sul modo in cui esso è stato creato. Magari, d'ora in poi saremo anche in grado di fare Predictions of how our story will evolve, or, better yet, take advantage of this new knowledge in order to take advantage of the continuing evolution of mankind.
speak of certain events, places a certain emotion, I suppose that telling the first step on the moon, has caused the same emotions in the chroniclers of the time, on the other hand, it is very difficult to be reporters for an event like that. A strong emotion, because in the future, will mean a lot and change the course of events in a radical way, signaling a new era in human history, hopefully better than that in which we live.
But, passing the record, we can say "Eureka !!!". As is known after the countless efforts and thousands of hours spent in the laboratory, the physicists at CERN, have finally managed to trap the anti-matter. These are 38 anti-hydrogen atoms, trapped for 172 milliseconds - an eternity compared to the few milliseconds of the previous experiments - thanks, as always the work of the Large Hydron Collider. This relatively large lifetime, will allow scientists to carry out numerous experiments very fine, which will allow him to confirm or destroy the arguments of the main features of the anti-trapped atoms. These theories include the CPT symmetry (charge - equal - time), that is the complete reversal charge of the particles, their spatial coordinates, but also the flow of time.
Now we will stop for sure, in fact, the Nobel laureate Samuel Ting, in collaboration with Roberto Battiston INFN, I'm already looking for antimatter in the universe, but also looking for any parallel universes, according to the theories fin ' now known, could be made dall'antimateria created when the Big Bang.
course experiments will not stop here, this is only the first step towards previously unexplored frontiers, but that, once achieved, may show up entirely new horizons, but also even greater doubts and questions to clarify even more complicated to solve.
In ogni caso si può dire che siamo testimoni di un avvenimento importantissimo per la storia dell'umanità, che segnerà sicuramente una nuova era. Ma che prima ancora premia lo sforzo di quanti, senza sosta, hanno lottato con tutte le proprie forze per soddisfare la propria sete di conoscenza e per dimostrare che dove tali lavori vengono valutati nel modo giusto, si possono ottenere risultati sorprendenti, altro che la “fuga di cervelli”


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Difference Between Eitiology And Pathology

Si avvicina il periodo degli esami, anzi per qualcuno è già cominciato e non finirà molto presto. La vita i questo periodo diventa molto frenetica, si passano intere giornate coi libri aperti a cercare di capire questo argomento, remember the formula, store that theorem.
Not to mention the endless hours spent in practice in order to address the written examinations of various subjects. Not to mention the many years the failed due to problems of various kinds. Or a waste of time to see if the exercise is correct or not.
In light of this, your blogger, try to provide a possible solution to this longstanding problem by clicking the link below, you can go directly to the website of prof. Addolorata Salvatore, professor of analysis at the University of Bari page you will find a series of tests, which is associated with the smooth operation.

Prof. A. Salavtore Tracks examination

find patterns in pdf format, directly downloadable with one click.

thank the administrators of the Facebook group "My chemistry course, for having passed the link.

PS read and discuss


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sean Cody.com Trailers

Wolfram Mathematica 8

If you need help while you are doing your technical work, whether it be computing, modeling, simulation, visualization, development, documentation and dissemination, what do you do ? Definitely use one of the many computer programs exist. At this
proprosito I'd like to point out the new "Mathematica 8" Wolfram house developer. This program allows you to meet all your needs, thanks to a much improved from the previous year. 8
With Mathematica can work, as well as arithmetic, probability and statistics, with the image processing and with the financial calculation. This new version also has a very simple data entry system and allows to shorten the work time by much. You can easily solve a system of differential equations or design a prototype, technical and scientific applications or entire solutions.

To download a demo of the program is enough Just click the link below.


To download the full version of the software distributed by Adalta clik The following link

Mathematica 8


Unique Grooms Table Ideas

Chem lab v 2.0, software that simulates the lab on your PC

Many people are fascinated by the chemistry labs and think that our work is fantastic - something partly true - and who still plays with stills and magic potions to Search the philosopher's stone. This thing is quite understandable, since it is very difficult to see close up a chemical laboratory, but even more difficult to imagine what is inside you can do.
In any case, nowadays, chemistry is a very popular school subject and to carry out simple experiments can be something for everyone, even greater visibility media lab activities that are given daily from the TV series with plots and police investigation, which often shows the most sophisticated analytical devices on the market.
In any case it is not given to all staff to create a laboratory, at least in reality, seeing it on your personal computer is very simple. Just visit the link below and download the chem lab v2.0.
Chem Lab v2.0 is a very beautiful that allows you to simulate some laboratory experiments directly on the desktop of your PC.
The GUI is very easy to use and with a few simple clicks you can enter the main screen tools and substances relevant to the fulfillment of the experience.
Among the available experiments, already in the demo version, are the titration, fractional crystallization, calorimetry, etc.. As well as a complete list of all the laboratory equipment.
link below you can download it from the program with a few simple clicks.
NB The software is in English.

Chem Lab v2.0

PS This section of the blog is, in my opinion, very important. In fact, as I tell you from first day of creation of this space, my main goal is to increase the dissemination of scientific equipment in the network, to begin with this type of program. I hope that all those leggerannpo that this article will leave their comment and their feedback on the software.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

How To Set Fast Track Ultra

New cooking workshops for kids!

They return by popular demand, the workshops for children, with five dates, from December 19 ...
Click on image to enlarge it several times and read all the details!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

World's Fastest Pocket Bike


Here a recipe for change breakfast and to introduce a seasonal ingredient different from the old, old, wheat ....
The chestnut poor food, but highly nutritious , is recommended for those who must deal with physical and mental stress, so great for students , and sports in general for the city-modern lifestyle, stress that it is starting.

also excellent for those who are in convalescence , for those who are anemic, for those who and stomach problems for the elderly .

Ingredients 300 gr chestnut flour
3 glasses of water (about 450 ml)
50 grams raisins 30 grams of pine nuts

a handful of chopped walnuts (optional) 2 tablespoons

oil 1 tablespoon sugar (optional: the flour is already sweet)


Do preheat the oven to 200 ° already half an hour before baking the chestnut.

Put the raisins to soak in warm water to make it recover and then proceed by sifting the flour into a bowl to remove lumps.

After adding a pinch of salt and sugar (optional), pour a little at a time in the water chestnut flour, mixing with a whisk until the batter is well blended and smooth, which would fall if belt is lifted with a spoon.

Wring and dry the raisins and add mixture, along with pine nuts and, if desired, a handful of coarsely chopped walnuts. Please note: set aside a small amount of these three ingredients that will be needed to decorate the surface of the chestnut cake before baking!

lined with paper baking a baking dish large enough because the mixture will lie down for at least an inch; grease the parchment paper with 1 tablespoon oil and pour the prepared mixture. Sprinkle

preparation with pine nuts, raisins and nuts and kept aside a few leaves of fresh rosemary, washed and dried.

pour flush one tablespoon of olive oil and bake at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes. Should form a nice crust full of cracks and pine nuts are lightly tanned.

If you see burning too much, turn the temperature down a bit and take it out 'before to keep it dry, so it is crispy but not too hard. Attention to

flour that is sold fresh only from late November : good chestnut flour is fine, soft and sweet already without any need for added sugar, while the chestnut flour is very poor and grainy tasteless.

Try to serve warm chestnut cake for breakfast, along with ricotta and honey!

This recipe is also great for coeliacs and for those wishing to observe the weekly day of abstinence from wheat / yeast / dairy products (in this case, avoid the cheese!).

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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Interested 's environment? Win a Master with Rep.it

You have until Dec. 10 to participate in the contest organized by Rep.it journalistic writing, a prize of a scholarship to participate in 2011 edition of the "master's degree in environmental communication, journalism , disclosure, green economy "organized by the CTS, and studies in the journal Modus Vivendi.
To participate just send a text which speaks about" the rapidly changing world of traditional energies, including the crisis of classical sources, oil First, the emergence and greenhouse gases, alternative energies, from solar wind power, advanced research centers, the wide-ranging policy but also individuals who get involved to find effective solutions, with a maximum of 3600 characters lungghezza e-mail posted on Rep.it Article at the bottom of which you pass the link:

setttimana Each will extract one of the articles were submitted to the jury (strictly in Italian and with an optional photo equipment ), which together with all other selected, will attend the final competition, which as a premium on a full scholarship for the master mentioned above.

I think its a good initiative. At a time like what we are experiencing, it is important that disclosure of the culture, especially when it deals with burning issues like this, it remains bogged down waiting for the rescue of who knows whom. It 'important to give the possibility to those who truly deserve it, to emerge and make available all of its knowledge, interpreting it in a scientific and objective.

Gpsphone Pokemon Emerald Source

The neutrino really exist? The birth

One of the major Italian scientists of the twentieth century was, without doubt Ettore Majorana who disappeared under mysterious circumstances in 1938, losing track of him.
One of his greatest theories was one that involved a sub - atomic particles: the neutrino, which he described and never appeared in the experiments. And in the background, a dark universe, made up 95 percent from the field whose nature is unknown to us. To shed light on these mysteries, scientists at the National Laboratory of Gran Sasso fell where it is dark and silence (in a thick rock wall 1400 meters, where you try to understand what are the laws that govern the universe). Yesterday, the bowels of the mountain started an experiment called "Gerda". It was on that a large detector that will capture the "Majorana neutrino", a particle so small and elusive as it is essential to shape the architecture of matter, and therefore the universe.
The heart of the instrument consists of a cylinder of pure germanium, and in particular of an isotope capable of undergoing the double beta decay, could prove the hypothesis of Majorana.
Unfortunately, the experiment will not be fast, since the double beta decay, the origin of the experiment is a very rare phenomenon.
For more information on the experiment here's the link to "Republic - Science:

h http://www.repubblica.it/scienze

Wedding Minister Letter

The idea to start this adventure I flashed in mind a few days ago, Crazy while to find the material useful in preparing for an exam. Despite losing a lot of time, the result was not satisfactory, so I said, 'Why not help improve the lives of those who use the Internet to make your life easier? ".

Perhaps my work will not be the best present on the square, but make no claim, provides this space for all those who wish to exchange ideas, searching for material (which I personalmetne I will be find, but can also be integrated with whatever you wish, advise me) and find news and events from the world of science.

I look forward to your contacts and I hope that you will be numerous and also I helped to raise the level of this small space in the universe of dispersed network!

Your blogger Ali

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Script For Blue And Gold Program

No! Not Little Red Riding Hood, but to cabbage, red variety.

many confused with the cabbage, that unlike a cabbage leaf wrinkled and green (the cabbage is one that appears in the header of my blog), cabbage, however, has the same healing properties , which are truly exceptional.

Moreover, unlike the cabbage, leathery leaves, is delicious to eat raw with the advantage of keeping intact all substances.

The properties of this vegetable (such as the cabbage) are really amazing: anticancer , cleansing, anti-anemic , were ulcer healing in the gastro intestinal in regulation of blood glucose in respiratory In some eczema, seborrhea in and skin protection. The enormous wealth of active (not yet studied all) makes this food a multipurpose remedy rare effectiveness. We're not used to cure ourselves with food, but the Romans used for centuries cabbage (oral and external applications) for all their diseases. It was used as a purgative, cleansing, preparing poultices for aches and bronchitis and to heal the wounds (the leaves used locally sfiammante have an undeniable power, healing and pain relief).

Eating in winter every day a little 'raw cabbage is really recommended, even for strengthen the immune system and prevent colds and not just . The palate can also drink the strongest succo, ottenuto con una centrifuga (mischiatelo in questo caso con succo di carota per renderlo più gradevole).

Il cavolo cappuccio esiste sotto forma di due varietà. Più conosciuto è quello bianco (lo stesso con cui tramite fermentazione si preparano i crauti). Il rosso, che poi in realtà è violaceo, è meno conosciuto, ma aggiunge alle proprietà sopra elencate, la presenza di antocianine antiossidanti. E nel piatto ha un effetto davvero allegro!

Come si prepara l’insalata? Tagliate il cavolo cappuccio a metà e poi affettatelo con una affettatrice (anche manuale, comodissima), oppure staccatene un paio di foglie alla volta, sovrapponetele, eliminate le nervature, arrotolatele and cut into thin strips with a good sharp knife.

Season the slices obtained with salt, olive oil, a little vinegar or lemon, and pleasure, cumin or fennel seeds or chopped walnuts and parsley. Or even nothing! More subtly

slice the leaves and the salad will be more tender. The same effect may be obtained by leaving it to rest, dressed, a few hours.