A goal for the new year
And so one year ends and a new one begins. Everything will resume the same? Maybe ...
Some people argue (rightly, in my opinion) that our life is solely and exclusively in our hands. Programming that reflects our inner conscious or unconscious.
We must cultivate our dreams and our goals. Anything is possible.
Certainly we can not expect to change others (and perhaps not even right), and only a small part we can hope to change the society around us. But it ourselves. The important thing is not to be discouraged and keep on going trying to grow. Even after many mistakes.
then try to find a moment, before this old year ends, to make a list of our objectives to be achieved in the new year, ogni campo (amore, lavoro, affetti, casa, viaggi, altro). Descrivete minuziosamente a cosa mirate. E fate questo pensiero: è possibile. Dopodiché muovetevi nella direzione dei vostri intenti con azioni concrete, anche piccole, ma senza mai arrendervi.
(Come da dizionario, l' intento è "la meta che si vuole raggiungere e a cui si tende con l'opera e col desiderio").
Cosa c’entra questo in un blog di nutrizione? C’entra perché alimentazione e salute sono strettamente connessi. E se siamo insoddisfatti, potremmo anche alimentarci in maniera perfetta, ma lo stesso non staremmo bene. E non riusciremmo a rispettare alcuna dieta.
E infine il mio augurio per il nuovo anno:
Che un’alimentazione sana diventi il vostro stile di vita e non una dieta restrittiva da seguire solo per un periodo per poi lasciarsi inevitabilmente andare e perdere tutto il benessere faticosamente guadagnato.
Che l’ attività sportiva rientri nel vostro quotidiano, meglio se all’aria aperta (anche solo la camminata è un traguardo per chi è sedentario).
Se il peso è la vostra croce, cercate di spostare il focus su quali siano gli altri problemi nella vostra vita e lavorate per mettere a posto quelli in primis. Riconquistare la propria forma dopo sarà più facile.
Buon 2011!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Magnetic Levitation Pic
Extrabyte.info of atomic nuclei, a site "magic" Chemical
La conoscenza della matematica ha come fondamento principale quello dell'esercitazione. Non è assolutamente possibile comprendere la teoria senza l'ausilio degli esercizi.
What I am presenting today is a magical site, what you need if you are looking for a complete collection of math.
Extrabyte.info is really a magic, which contains the list of exercises is complete - I have served me well while I was busy in preparation for the mathematical analysis of the lure of my course - and includes exercises done dimatematica and mathematical analysis for secondary schools and for the two years of university courses in science.
You will have thousands of exercises and explanatory pages of calculus I and II, algebra, algebra tensor and linear algebra, probability, differential and integral calculus, biostatistics, and much more.
All the exercises that you will find in these pages are revised and corrected by using Mathematica , to whom we have spoken, and whose reliability is not questioned. Course content, as recommended in the main page, should be taken with the benefit of the doubt, but I would say you need to stay fairly quiet.
It seems to me should thank the author of the blog extrabyte.info, "host" in these pages, which play a highly important and provides very valuable material.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Chikan Groping Italia
What purpose does the diet at Christmas?
These days pre-Christmas I found myself advising a lot of people on the diet to be taken under the parties. What to do, what not to do, what to eat, what not to eat. What happens with dinners and lunches. How to extricate themselves from relatives and panettone.
free days are a must, and also sgarra.
To then get back on line as soon as possible ...
may be helpful:
- always drink lots of water between meals, especially before going to the table;
- make sure to take the raw as appetizer (Just a slice of apple, or a stalk of celery or a piece of fennel, carrot);
- chewy and savor every bite (and we all know that it must be done but it is not so easy to do that!)
- do not deprive yourself of anything eating little of everything (and I mean a little taste, especially if the meal includes many courses);
- avoid drinking alcohol rivers (which is very energy and slows digestion) limited to one glass of wine and a finger of champagne;
- after a hearty lunch take a long walk (at least half an hour);
- while playing cards and Spizzica limit yourself to fresh fruit and nuts and in moderation (mandarins, walnuts, dried figs and almonds). Avoid instead nougat, panettone and pandori wheel continuous
- the following evening at a dinner abundant (with a dinner the night before - see binomial eve and Christmas-New Year's Eve or New Year) consume a very light dinner (a soup and / or fruit);
Who then prepare the Christmas Eve dinner hosting relatives and friends, I remember that, despite long-standing habit to offer numerous and abundant flow, in terms of food habit that is wrong, because We also expect a lavish lunch, the 25 (and what about the lunch with the leftovers, which many do at 26?). Besides, it would consume in our Christian tradition a dinner of "lean" on 24
evening ... And you can prepare a delicious dinner, even if characterized by simplicity.
For example how about a soup of pumpkin and chestnuts (http://www.cavolettodibruxelles.it/2010/11/zuppa-di-zucca-e-castagne) after an appetizer of raw vegetables and follow a different second fish in salt?
Merry Christmas!
These days pre-Christmas I found myself advising a lot of people on the diet to be taken under the parties. What to do, what not to do, what to eat, what not to eat. What happens with dinners and lunches. How to extricate themselves from relatives and panettone.
free days are a must, and also sgarra.
To then get back on line as soon as possible ...
may be helpful:
- always drink lots of water between meals, especially before going to the table;
- make sure to take the raw as appetizer (Just a slice of apple, or a stalk of celery or a piece of fennel, carrot);
- chewy and savor every bite (and we all know that it must be done but it is not so easy to do that!)
- do not deprive yourself of anything eating little of everything (and I mean a little taste, especially if the meal includes many courses);
- avoid drinking alcohol rivers (which is very energy and slows digestion) limited to one glass of wine and a finger of champagne;
- after a hearty lunch take a long walk (at least half an hour);
- while playing cards and Spizzica limit yourself to fresh fruit and nuts and in moderation (mandarins, walnuts, dried figs and almonds). Avoid instead nougat, panettone and pandori wheel continuous
- the following evening at a dinner abundant (with a dinner the night before - see binomial eve and Christmas-New Year's Eve or New Year) consume a very light dinner (a soup and / or fruit);
Who then prepare the Christmas Eve dinner hosting relatives and friends, I remember that, despite long-standing habit to offer numerous and abundant flow, in terms of food habit that is wrong, because We also expect a lavish lunch, the 25 (and what about the lunch with the leftovers, which many do at 26?). Besides, it would consume in our Christian tradition a dinner of "lean" on 24
evening ... And you can prepare a delicious dinner, even if characterized by simplicity.
For example how about a soup of pumpkin and chestnuts (http://www.cavolettodibruxelles.it/2010/11/zuppa-di-zucca-e-castagne) after an appetizer of raw vegetables and follow a different second fish in salt?
Merry Christmas!
Apricot Preserve Ham Glaze
come to me, the new column de ilkimiko
Cataldo: For me it is simply the condensation of water vapor in the air. The energy lost by these particles is clearly absorbed by the ice that tends to melt, for me it is. The dear and good old basic thermodynamics should not betray.
Now a new book will be part of this area is called "chemical come to me" and is an example of how scientific discourse can be applied to things of every day . Thanks to the collaboration of my colleagues (Gabriel Valencia, the founder, Cataldo Valentini, Alessandro Ferrara and Doris "Crookes" Vinci), we conducted a debate arose spontaneously, a phenomenon of everyday life, trying to solve a doubt through the exchange of ideas.
This way of being fully represents the main purpose of this blog, or the dissemination and application of science to everyday life in a simple and explanatory.
course may also occur, as in this case, the nuances of speech takes a bit 'more technical, but the explanations, where demands are of course denied.
thank the guys who participated in the discussion and hope that this book will soon be enriched by new products, we carry the full transcript of the dialogue.
Chemical come to me ... Today I happened to open the freezer and leave as you all know (do not know what to call it) that strange breeze, a kind of cool mist ... What is the reason? (Explanation in thermodynamics)
Angelo : Technically it is called flash! It 'a phenomenon caused by sublimation (ie the direct conversion from solid to gas) of that substance odorless, colorless, tasteless, which consists of most of our ecosystem. ... The breeze is due to the flow of matter between two zones with different temperature. The flow of matter is "pushed" by the temperature difference.
Gabriel: Ok I thought I also the thermodynamics of irreversible systems to explain it .. what is wrong is not the sublimation (there is as well) but the fact that if the vapor sublimates must have at least 100 °, ie the system has absorbed energy from the environment ... the framework of the delta h of melting and evaporation over another certain amount .... seen that the environment has a temperature greater than 100 degrees (hopefully) the absorption of energy from the environment can only lead to ice melting and not to the sublimation ..
Angelo E 'where you're wrong. The temperature difference is large enough to provide the energy needed for sublimation, a high number of particles. Following the gaming tends to reach the state of the system in which ... is missing - the air of the kitchen - very fast.
In fact, the energy barriers are a relative concept. Let me explain: it is true that we need a certain amount of energy to be processing, but it is also true that there are fluctuations of energy around a mean value. In light of this, some particles, the number is highly dependent on the width of fluctuation may exceed a certain energy barrier as that of sublimation. Ovviemente tend to return immediately to the lowest energy state, or rather, in the most probable.
Gabriel: Ok I thought of that ... namely, that small particles according to the Boltzmann distribution able to leave the ice and go in the vapor phase. This means that the steam must have 100 degrees, empirically if I put my hand to 10 cm from the block Ice cools the hand. It 's a matter of fact, and not 100 °, but it is a cold vapor.
The ice is temporarily condense the water particles of air (humidity in the neighborhood of the system (creating the breeze), but at the same time those affected by the temperature of the environment and spread as aerosols (as it appears moisture ), but with a lower temperature.
The experiment to test this would be to put the block of ice in an anhydrous and see if it comes out the breeze.
Angelo Who absorbs the energy released by the process of condensation of water particles dispersed in the air?
Remember that we are at the triple point, where the three states of aggregation coexist in the same space.
Gabriel: One moment the triple point dell'acqua è ben lontano... il vapore praticamente non è gas, ma l'umidità dell'aria che trovandosi su un intorno più freddo condensa (questo spiegherebbe il bianco in quanto la luce viene diffusa nella goccia) ma allo stesso tempo l'intorno superiore (l'aria) fa in modo di diffondere la condensa creatasi nell'ambiente come aereosol. (quando ti fai la doccia il vapore condensa sulle piastrelle perchè la piastrella ha una temperatura minore)
Angelo: E siamo d'accordo, ma la domanda era another (born a new debate). Who absorbs the energy released by the condensation of water particles?
imagine from where the whole process and find the answer. However, the explana ... it to your original question is correct.
Gabriel: is absorbed from the air, a gas tends to homogenize the kinetic energy of the particles, of course, to an average, then at the end of the room air (the air) will have a small delta temperature less. The problem is: how do to dimostarre if my assumption is correct?
The assumption is quite correct, the fog is a condensation (an aerosol) and water vapor, the temperature of the environment has yet It is as if you behave like a gas: released to the environment.
remaining in doubt and waiting for someone to do the experiment I have proposed, I propose a new question.
Alexander bequests reflect on one thing: if as you say, that it takes 100 ° C to vaporize the water, washed the floor with your mother Never dry!
As Angelo said, some particles have the energy to leave, and since the system is not closed they are not forced into equilibrium with the liquid, but only increase the entropy of the environment and within this scatter their energy (and then perhaps re-condense elsewhere, but you can not know)
after the liquid reaches another thermal energy (Example: the sun of the open window in the room where your mother has washed) and the question is being used by other particles (as you said hits the Boltzmann distribution) to escape and so on.
Same thing for the sublimation of water from the freezer (or freezer if you prefer)
you made one mistake, connect the concept of heat (energy needed to do ....) with the concept of temperature, heat and temperature are the same thing, then you will not find the particle at 100 ° C by placing a hand on the ice in the freezer.
after the liquid reaches another thermal energy (Example: the sun of the open window in the room where your mother has washed) and the question is being used by other particles (as you said hits the Boltzmann distribution) to escape and so on.
Same thing for the sublimation of water from the freezer (or freezer if you prefer)
you made one mistake, connect the concept of heat (energy needed to do ....) with the concept of temperature, heat and temperature are the same thing, then you will not find the particle at 100 ° C by placing a hand on the ice in the freezer.
Gabriel: How does a particle to sublimate if the environment is 25 °? admit that the ice around based, how many particles pass the barrier and go into the vapor phase at the instant when the round has just melted? certainly few and certainly the diffraction of light in the drop would be so small that it is not even visible to the naked eye (we would not see so much steam). The floor dries to the Boltzman distribution, but it is evaporating, that particles are in gas phase have 100 °, but they are always removed as a liquid aerosol. Ok, I myself, found good example! It's cold (3 ° is sufficient), there is fog. When you exhale the smoke out of your mouth. This is due to the fact that the air coming out from our much warmer than the air outside the lungs (which shall act for the block of ice) condenses almost immediately and see the smoke until the condensation does not spread. Certainly the air in our lungs is 100 ° and defective in liquid for that matter, and then Boltzman no longer valid. It 's just condensation.
Doriana: I would agreement with Valencia, the breeze that forms is due to the condensation of water vapor in the air (outdoors) around our system. If we open the freezer the cold air coming out of the latter will certainly at a temperature lower than the air surrounding (Say 25 ° C) and consequently tends, by the latter to buy back up to the heat balance and therefore the particles of vapor cools, condenses.
Angelo We understood, but the issue is still unresolved, what state are the particles at low temperature than air cooled ?
Solve this question.
Gabriel: Liquid course, but in a state of aerosols. The moisture is found incidentally in this state.
Cataldo: For me it is simply the condensation of water vapor in the air. The energy lost by these particles is clearly absorbed by the ice that tends to melt, for me it is. The dear and good old basic thermodynamics should not betray.
Alexander Unfortunately, although the phenomenon is apparently simple and common la termodinamica "basilare" non basta, il sistema (il freezer) è aperto, e la termodinamica basilare va bene solo per sistemi isolati o chiusi.
---:"per me è semplicemente la... condensazione del vapor acqueo in aria..."
quindi secondo te quella che vedo uscire dal freezer non è vaporizzazione del ghiaccio, ma la condensazione dell'aria esterna al freezer?
---:"l'energia persa da quelle particelle viene assorbita palesemente dal ghiaccio che tende a sciogliersi"
che l'energia termica debba andare dal corpo più caldo a quello più freddo siamo d'accordo, ma non credo che dobbiamo guardare solo l'umidità dell'aria(lo dico perchè hai fatto riferimento alla condensazione particulate air).
open the freezer you establish a current, due to different temperatures between the inside and the outside of the freezer, then the mass of ice is found to be immersed in the hot fluid (air) and that energy is sufficient heat to allow the passage state of particles of water vapor.
quindi secondo te quella che vedo uscire dal freezer non è vaporizzazione del ghiaccio, ma la condensazione dell'aria esterna al freezer?
---:"l'energia persa da quelle particelle viene assorbita palesemente dal ghiaccio che tende a sciogliersi"
che l'energia termica debba andare dal corpo più caldo a quello più freddo siamo d'accordo, ma non credo che dobbiamo guardare solo l'umidità dell'aria(lo dico perchè hai fatto riferimento alla condensazione particulate air).
open the freezer you establish a current, due to different temperatures between the inside and the outside of the freezer, then the mass of ice is found to be immersed in the hot fluid (air) and that energy is sufficient heat to allow the passage state of particles of water vapor.
Gabriel: What you said that being an open system and thus an irreversible system, one must look at in another way. But the state diagram of water says that at 1 atm and 298k is allostato liquid. so how does a sublime with the environment? Ammesso che Boltzman per questo sistema non c'entra o comunque c'entra molto poco.
Alessandro: In effetti, mi sono andato a vedere anche io il digramma dell'acqua e una spiegazione non l'ho trovata, ma sono solo delle idee.
Per esempio mi è venuto in mente, che quella che vediamo uscire dal freezer , non sia acqua, ma l'anidride carbonica, disciolta nell'acqua al momento del congelamento, per quest'ultima sarebbe possibile sublimare a temperatura ambiente.
Però a questo punto vado nel campo delle ipotesi, e non mi azzardo a dire di più.
Anyway how do we know the truth? The need to find us, or someone goes on to inform the proper authorities?
Però a questo punto vado nel campo delle ipotesi, e non mi azzardo a dire di più.
Anyway how do we know the truth? The need to find us, or someone goes on to inform the proper authorities?
Gabriel: This example was a possibility that I had not even remotely considered. If somebody did my experiment in anhydrous environment will solve the doubt. In any event I think since the carbon dioxide can sublimate the contrary view of the water and its concentration in the water to say the least negligible in any case I do not think that it can produce all that smoke. Oh the humidity of the air is not so abundant.
Cataldo: Trust mist that is due to the cooling of moist air due to ice. To get the sublimation should go to temperatures below 0 ° C and pressures of the order of tenths of a bar. In those temperatures are within a refrigerator but no one has the freezer working pressures bassisime.
Gabriel: I checked the state diagram of carbon dioxide ... impossible that there is CO2 in solid form, so no sublimation ...
guys are ... Every body has a soul .. so even the water .. and if it were the soul of the water that makes room for the soul of ice? no one has thought of?
Angelo As they say: Who Found! I caught a blurb, small, and in a very beautiful on phosphate water, I suggest you read, where it is explained, in short sublimation. In the article, I quote, there's a bit where it says that: "In reality, the best way to observe the sublimation is to not use water, but carbon dioxide, as shown in this image. Dioxide Dry ice is carbon frozen solid that sublimates at a temperature of -78.5 degrees centigrade. The fog you see in the picture is a mixture of carbon dioxide gas and cold air cold and damp, created by the sublimation of dry ice. "
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Herpès Pubis Images
A mathematical calculation as large as Manhattan
To four consecutive years a group of eighteen mathematicians, locked in their laboratories in different parts of the world, worked around one of the most complex and abstract calculations ever made called "E8" . In mathematics, the project E8 is the name of a simple Lie group and exceptional mathematical structures defined by its nineteenth century Sophus Lie to study symmetry. Lie algebra is a vector space, equipped with an operation called the Lie bracket. A simple example is the set of all 2 by 2 matrices. This is a vector space with 4 dimensions. The operation is the Lie bracket [X, Y] = XY-YX. Lie groups explain the manner in which symmetrical objects showing the viewer can rotate in the same way, as a sphere or a cylinder, a cone. While these are but three-dimensional objects, E8 describes the symmetries a 57-dimensional mathematical entity, and is itself a mathematical object to 248 dimensions.
To give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe complexity of the calculations, the mathematicians have made a comparison with the Human Genome Project: the genetic information contained in a cell was smaller than a gigabyte, but the result of the E8 calculation, comes to 60 gigabytes. If it were written on paper, the researchers pointed out, the sheets would cover the entire surface of Manhattan easily. L 'I have explained the structure of the symmetry of E8, however, appear not to have any practical use but p uo be useful in study of the "string theory" (the theory of physics that matter, energy, and in some cases the space and time are in fact the manifestation of the underlying physical entities, called strings).
Angelo D'Addario
Angelo D'Addario
Friday, December 17, 2010
Where Can I Find Black Shoestring Licorice?
Waiting for Christmas gingerbread biscuits
The revised Anglo-Saxon classic recipe: cocoa instead of spices and a little 'less honey and butter, not to stick the pasta with hands of our children, who will really enjoy with us to prepare these cookies to hang on the tree, to give away o. .. to eat!
Makes about 30 cookies: 360 grams of flour
160 g sugar 50 g butter 90 g of honey
an egg
milk to taste a pinch of salt
two teaspoons of baking powder
two tablespoons of Cocoa
have flour, sugar, the cocoa, baking powder and salt into a large bowl. Make a hollow in the center and put the butter into small pieces (above left soften), egg and honey. Knead the dough until will not be as soft and flexible with all the ingredients perfectly blended together. If necessary add a little 'milk to soften it. Once ready, let stand in refrigerator wrapped in plastic wrap for at least a couple of hours (more time will remain in the refrigerator, the better the outcome).
After this time, no job too, spread the dough with a rolling pin with a thickness of about half a centimeter. Create you many cookies using suitable molds in the shape of man or other forms of ginger Christmas and arrange on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
Cook, finally, in the oven caldo a 180° per circa 10-12 minuti.
Per decorare i biscotti utilizzate una glassa ottenuta con 125 g di zucchero a velo, 2 cucchiai di albume d’uovo, succo di limone q.b. per avere un composto fluido (non troppo liquido) da mettere in un cono di carta forno o in una siringa/sacca per decorazioni.
E se decidete di usare questi deliziosi biscottoni per addobbare l’albero di Natale, dovete ricordare di praticare un foro nella pasta ancora cruda!
Questa sarà la prima ricetta che prepareremo insieme con i bambini del laboratorio la prossima domenica...
The revised Anglo-Saxon classic recipe: cocoa instead of spices and a little 'less honey and butter, not to stick the pasta with hands of our children, who will really enjoy with us to prepare these cookies to hang on the tree, to give away o. .. to eat!
Makes about 30 cookies: 360 grams of flour
160 g sugar 50 g butter 90 g of honey
an egg
milk to taste a pinch of salt
two teaspoons of baking powder
two tablespoons of Cocoa
have flour, sugar, the cocoa, baking powder and salt into a large bowl. Make a hollow in the center and put the butter into small pieces (above left soften), egg and honey. Knead the dough until will not be as soft and flexible with all the ingredients perfectly blended together. If necessary add a little 'milk to soften it. Once ready, let stand in refrigerator wrapped in plastic wrap for at least a couple of hours (more time will remain in the refrigerator, the better the outcome).
After this time, no job too, spread the dough with a rolling pin with a thickness of about half a centimeter. Create you many cookies using suitable molds in the shape of man or other forms of ginger Christmas and arrange on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
Cook, finally, in the oven caldo a 180° per circa 10-12 minuti.
Per decorare i biscotti utilizzate una glassa ottenuta con 125 g di zucchero a velo, 2 cucchiai di albume d’uovo, succo di limone q.b. per avere un composto fluido (non troppo liquido) da mettere in un cono di carta forno o in una siringa/sacca per decorazioni.
E se decidete di usare questi deliziosi biscottoni per addobbare l’albero di Natale, dovete ricordare di praticare un foro nella pasta ancora cruda!
Questa sarà la prima ricetta che prepareremo insieme con i bambini del laboratorio la prossima domenica...
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Extend Outlet Around Tile
With 109 years Delay: Guglielmo Marconi
December 12 is a day that everyone should keep in its memory until the end of his days. There chiederte why and I tell you right away.
On this very day, back in 1901, one of the most important scientists in the world, especially the contribution that gave the field of communications, Guglielmo Marconi, sent the first wireless signal in human history.
Marconi, convinced Chei radio signals could be transmitted over long distances following the curvature of the earth, in November of 1901, installed an antenna for transmitting signals in Cornwall, after he boarded a ship in the Atlantic Ocean and from a distance about 3000 km, just from the city of St. James of Newfoundland on December 12, 1901, sent the very first radio signal over long distances. The antenna of 130 meters was raised by a kite made of 60 strings stretched on a spider web between two pylons 49 feet high and far among them 61.
E 'that started from that day's journey towards globalization and to the progress we have experienced in the last century and this century ago by leaps and bounds every day.
Imagine, if Marconi had not invented the telegraph or the transmission of radio signals, what would the world today. Most likely we would have only small steps forward (remember, you can not stop progress, has been going on since the beginning of human history without stopping in front of any obstacle), which would have meant nothing compared to what we are been able to do with those technologies.
Ormai tutto è basato sulla trasformazione veloce delle informazioni, mediante l'utilizzo dei telefoni o del web, i quali non sarebbero potuti esistere se il Marchese Marconi non avesse avuto tanta intraprendenza. Noi non ce ne rendiamo conto, ma per quanto possa sembrare facile essere in contatto col mondo direttamente dal proprio pc o telefonino, dobbiamo solo rendere granzie alla grandezza e alla scienza di un uomo come Guglielmo Marconi.
Per questo motivo dobbiamo ricordarci, ogni volta che salutiamo un amico su di un social network, inviamo un sms o una mail, ascoltiamo la radio o guardiamo la TV, di questo giorno e restare ammirati da tanto genio.
Load A Snowmobile On Truck
wheat germ and brewer's yeast
Si avvicina l’inverno e abbiamo bisogno di una maggiore quota di vitamine per difenderci dal freddo, dallo stress and the fact that we are much less in the sun and fresh air. An excellent supplement be taken daily (and easily) as seasoning (pleasant) is a mixture of wheat germ and brewer's yeast flakes . Added to salads, this seasoning / integrator will make them very good ... The
WHEATGERM is the "heart" of the wheat kernel is the part that is born from which the future plant. And 'rich protein (35%) and contains B vitamins, as well as the precious vitamin E . It abounds also iron and phosphorus , as well as football , copper, magnesium and manganese . With the refining of flour (white flour), wheat germ is removed with the bran. It takes a lot of courage to discard such an important and rich in vital substances!
Rich essential fatty acids, is highly perishable, susceptible to heat and light. To this must be kept in the refrigerator or in the dark at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C and should never be cooked. It is added to any raw food, it tastes light and pleasant, almost walnut, but more delicate. The
BREWER'S YEAST has a great value nutritivo poichè è molto ricco di proteine ad alto valore biologico ; è tra le maggiori fonti di vitamine del complesso B , oltre a contenere la D e acidi grassi essenziali. E’ un alimento altamente rimineralizzante ( calcio , potassio , ferro , zolfo , magnesio , silicio , ecc.) e tra le fonti primarie di fosforo ; è ricco di enzimi utili alla digestione ed ha pochissimi grassi (2%). Date le sue caratteristiche il lievito di birra svolge un'azione ricostituente, è antianemico , disintossicante (favorisce la depurazione del fegato), antimicrobico specie a livello intestinale dove rafforza la flora batterica. Inoltre, per la presenza di Biotina (una vitamina del gruppo B), aiuta a migliorare la qualità della pelle.
.Secondo alcune fonti il lievito di birra non andrebbe ingerito per periodi troppo lunghi, ma mescolato al germe di grano forma una sinergia perfetta che dovrebbe (a meno di intolleranze ai lieviti) eliminare ogni controindicazione.
Si avvicina l’inverno e abbiamo bisogno di una maggiore quota di vitamine per difenderci dal freddo, dallo stress and the fact that we are much less in the sun and fresh air. An excellent supplement be taken daily (and easily) as seasoning (pleasant) is a mixture of wheat germ and brewer's yeast flakes . Added to salads, this seasoning / integrator will make them very good ... The
WHEATGERM is the "heart" of the wheat kernel is the part that is born from which the future plant. And 'rich protein (35%) and contains B vitamins, as well as the precious vitamin E . It abounds also iron and phosphorus , as well as football , copper, magnesium and manganese . With the refining of flour (white flour), wheat germ is removed with the bran. It takes a lot of courage to discard such an important and rich in vital substances!
Rich essential fatty acids, is highly perishable, susceptible to heat and light. To this must be kept in the refrigerator or in the dark at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C and should never be cooked. It is added to any raw food, it tastes light and pleasant, almost walnut, but more delicate. The
BREWER'S YEAST has a great value nutritivo poichè è molto ricco di proteine ad alto valore biologico ; è tra le maggiori fonti di vitamine del complesso B , oltre a contenere la D e acidi grassi essenziali. E’ un alimento altamente rimineralizzante ( calcio , potassio , ferro , zolfo , magnesio , silicio , ecc.) e tra le fonti primarie di fosforo ; è ricco di enzimi utili alla digestione ed ha pochissimi grassi (2%). Date le sue caratteristiche il lievito di birra svolge un'azione ricostituente, è antianemico , disintossicante (favorisce la depurazione del fegato), antimicrobico specie a livello intestinale dove rafforza la flora batterica. Inoltre, per la presenza di Biotina (una vitamina del gruppo B), aiuta a migliorare la qualità della pelle.
.Secondo alcune fonti il lievito di birra non andrebbe ingerito per periodi troppo lunghi, ma mescolato al germe di grano forma una sinergia perfetta che dovrebbe (a meno di intolleranze ai lieviti) eliminare ogni controindicazione.
How To Get Rid Of Lines On My Bottom Lip
September 11: Germany: The upgrade and migration
Paul Attivissimo
The document "On September 11 in Figures" written by Undicisettembre, which summarizes the main data on the attacks and their aftermath, now no longer hosted at Scribd , where he resided until now and has been read by over 2700 visitors.
migration is necessary because of changes in the conditions of use Scribd, which made it difficult or impossible to download the document from the readers.
Ora il documento è liberamente scaricabile, in una versione aggiornata e ampliata, presso il link indicato in questo articolo .
Paul Attivissimo

migration is necessary because of changes in the conditions of use Scribd, which made it difficult or impossible to download the document from the readers.
Ora il documento è liberamente scaricabile, in una versione aggiornata e ampliata, presso il link indicato in questo articolo .
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Dior Aerosol Foundation
eCalc with a calculator for Mac OS X
little advice for all Apple users.
browse for applications, many already in default, but still a few as you discover the potential of this operating system, I came across eCalc , a dashboard application for Mac OS X.
and Calc is a scientific calculator with different functions, thanks to it, in fact, you can solve problems in algebra, geometry and mathematical problems in general.
Built on a graphical interface very easy to use and colorful, eCalc allows you to solve mathematical problems starting from simple to very complex.
There is also a function for converting units of measurement, a set of physical constants, chemical and mathematical and numerous other applications, which can be discovered using it.
The application is downloadable in demo version , but you can buy the full license directly from the application.
browse for applications, many already in default, but still a few as you discover the potential of this operating system, I came across eCalc , a dashboard application for Mac OS X.
and Calc is a scientific calculator with different functions, thanks to it, in fact, you can solve problems in algebra, geometry and mathematical problems in general.
Built on a graphical interface very easy to use and colorful, eCalc allows you to solve mathematical problems starting from simple to very complex.
There is also a function for converting units of measurement, a set of physical constants, chemical and mathematical and numerous other applications, which can be discovered using it.
The application is downloadable in demo version , but you can buy the full license directly from the application.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Footballers On Shower
salad autumn-winter
D’inverno mangiamo meno frutta, è un dato di fatto.
Preference goes to a hot meal or snack, energy, and we easily forget to take our daily portion of vitamins derived from fruit.
So why not add some garlic all'insalata?
Here are some examples:
Fennel and oranges. A classic. Slice the fennel as thinly successful (I find it very convenient manual slicer), add orange slices cut horizontally, these subtly. If oranges are organic and you like, keep the peel and eat it too. Season with salt, balsamic vinegar (one drop) and olive oil. Garnish with pine nuts and, if desired, raisins.
grated carrots and diced apples . Garnish with toasted sesame seeds, plenty of lemon, salt and olive oil. Very good, really a starter vitamin. If you like to add wheat germ and brewer's yeast flakes: the vitamin content will increase further.
Pears and walnuts. Another classic. Pears sliced \u200b\u200band coarsely chopped walnuts, served on a bed of lettuce or lettuce (if desired with a touch of red radicchio and rocket). Season with salt, lemon juice (few drops, which also serves as not to blacken the pears), and olive oil. Garnish with shaved Parmesan.
Macedonia salad. Less classic, but it's right here il bello. Provate ad aggiungere alla vostra insalata (lattuga, radicchio, ecc.)spicchi di mandarino, pere e mele a dadini. Oppure piccoli pezzetti di kiwi, pera e chicchi di melograno. Provate l’insalata con ogni singolo frutto (lattuga e kiwi poi radicchio e mandarino, poi rucola e mela, poi valerianella e melograno) e poi con tutte le combinazioni che vi vengono in mente. Sicuramente scoprirete gusti e abbinamenti che vi sorprenderanno.
Aggiungendo dadini di formaggio e una fetta di pane integrale, l’insalata diventerà un ottimo piatto, unico in più sensi, per un pranzo veloce o una cena leggera, vitaminica e nutriente.
D’inverno mangiamo meno frutta, è un dato di fatto.
Preference goes to a hot meal or snack, energy, and we easily forget to take our daily portion of vitamins derived from fruit.
So why not add some garlic all'insalata?
Here are some examples:
Fennel and oranges. A classic. Slice the fennel as thinly successful (I find it very convenient manual slicer), add orange slices cut horizontally, these subtly. If oranges are organic and you like, keep the peel and eat it too. Season with salt, balsamic vinegar (one drop) and olive oil. Garnish with pine nuts and, if desired, raisins.
grated carrots and diced apples . Garnish with toasted sesame seeds, plenty of lemon, salt and olive oil. Very good, really a starter vitamin. If you like to add wheat germ and brewer's yeast flakes: the vitamin content will increase further.
Pears and walnuts. Another classic. Pears sliced \u200b\u200band coarsely chopped walnuts, served on a bed of lettuce or lettuce (if desired with a touch of red radicchio and rocket). Season with salt, lemon juice (few drops, which also serves as not to blacken the pears), and olive oil. Garnish with shaved Parmesan.
Macedonia salad. Less classic, but it's right here il bello. Provate ad aggiungere alla vostra insalata (lattuga, radicchio, ecc.)spicchi di mandarino, pere e mele a dadini. Oppure piccoli pezzetti di kiwi, pera e chicchi di melograno. Provate l’insalata con ogni singolo frutto (lattuga e kiwi poi radicchio e mandarino, poi rucola e mela, poi valerianella e melograno) e poi con tutte le combinazioni che vi vengono in mente. Sicuramente scoprirete gusti e abbinamenti che vi sorprenderanno.
Aggiungendo dadini di formaggio e una fetta di pane integrale, l’insalata diventerà un ottimo piatto, unico in più sensi, per un pranzo veloce o una cena leggera, vitaminica e nutriente.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Church Sample Programs
Trapped Anti-matter of mathematics exercises
How many times have you heard, was the subject of many famous novels and screenplays, often has been the object of fear (in the famous novel by Dan Brown, is threatened by destruction of the world its use); in other cases it is used as fuel for spaceships ultra technology, but no one has really seen how it was done.
Years and years of effort and experience and on, have finally brought the long awaited results from all individuals who contributed to the success of the experiment "ALPHA" (Antihydrogen Laser Physics Apparatus). In one of the many laboratories of the Swiss research center, have finally managed to trap the anti-matter, also known as dark matter, which assumed the existence a long time, but was never able to isolate for study, since it annihilates immediately on contact with matter.
So far many theories have been chased in supporting the view l'esistenza di questa entità oscura, si pensa, infatti, che sia stata creata al momento del Big-Bang e che abbia potuto dare origine ad universi paralleli, ma mai, prima d'ora, l'uomo era stato in grado di isolarla per poterla studiare e vedere come fosse fatta. Mai prima d'ora, perché ora lo si potrà fare, su di una porzione molto piccola di anti-materia, ma lo si potrà fare.
È ormai noto a tutti che è stato aggiunto un nuovo grande tassello alla compilazione della grande mappa della storia dell'universo, mediante il quale si potrà far luce su numerosi lati oscuri che riguardano il sistema in cui viviamo, ma soprattutto sul modo in cui esso è stato creato. Magari, d'ora in poi saremo anche in grado di fare Predictions of how our story will evolve, or, better yet, take advantage of this new knowledge in order to take advantage of the continuing evolution of mankind.
speak of certain events, places a certain emotion, I suppose that telling the first step on the moon, has caused the same emotions in the chroniclers of the time, on the other hand, it is very difficult to be reporters for an event like that. A strong emotion, because in the future, will mean a lot and change the course of events in a radical way, signaling a new era in human history, hopefully better than that in which we live.
But, passing the record, we can say "Eureka !!!". As is known after the countless efforts and thousands of hours spent in the laboratory, the physicists at CERN, have finally managed to trap the anti-matter. These are 38 anti-hydrogen atoms, trapped for 172 milliseconds - an eternity compared to the few milliseconds of the previous experiments - thanks, as always the work of the Large Hydron Collider. This relatively large lifetime, will allow scientists to carry out numerous experiments very fine, which will allow him to confirm or destroy the arguments of the main features of the anti-trapped atoms. These theories include the CPT symmetry (charge - equal - time), that is the complete reversal charge of the particles, their spatial coordinates, but also the flow of time.
Now we will stop for sure, in fact, the Nobel laureate Samuel Ting, in collaboration with Roberto Battiston INFN, I'm already looking for antimatter in the universe, but also looking for any parallel universes, according to the theories fin ' now known, could be made dall'antimateria created when the Big Bang.
course experiments will not stop here, this is only the first step towards previously unexplored frontiers, but that, once achieved, may show up entirely new horizons, but also even greater doubts and questions to clarify even more complicated to solve.
In ogni caso si può dire che siamo testimoni di un avvenimento importantissimo per la storia dell'umanità, che segnerà sicuramente una nuova era. Ma che prima ancora premia lo sforzo di quanti, senza sosta, hanno lottato con tutte le proprie forze per soddisfare la propria sete di conoscenza e per dimostrare che dove tali lavori vengono valutati nel modo giusto, si possono ottenere risultati sorprendenti, altro che la “fuga di cervelli”
How many times have you heard, was the subject of many famous novels and screenplays, often has been the object of fear (in the famous novel by Dan Brown, is threatened by destruction of the world its use); in other cases it is used as fuel for spaceships ultra technology, but no one has really seen how it was done.
Years and years of effort and experience and on, have finally brought the long awaited results from all individuals who contributed to the success of the experiment "ALPHA" (Antihydrogen Laser Physics Apparatus). In one of the many laboratories of the Swiss research center, have finally managed to trap the anti-matter, also known as dark matter, which assumed the existence a long time, but was never able to isolate for study, since it annihilates immediately on contact with matter.
So far many theories have been chased in supporting the view l'esistenza di questa entità oscura, si pensa, infatti, che sia stata creata al momento del Big-Bang e che abbia potuto dare origine ad universi paralleli, ma mai, prima d'ora, l'uomo era stato in grado di isolarla per poterla studiare e vedere come fosse fatta. Mai prima d'ora, perché ora lo si potrà fare, su di una porzione molto piccola di anti-materia, ma lo si potrà fare.
È ormai noto a tutti che è stato aggiunto un nuovo grande tassello alla compilazione della grande mappa della storia dell'universo, mediante il quale si potrà far luce su numerosi lati oscuri che riguardano il sistema in cui viviamo, ma soprattutto sul modo in cui esso è stato creato. Magari, d'ora in poi saremo anche in grado di fare Predictions of how our story will evolve, or, better yet, take advantage of this new knowledge in order to take advantage of the continuing evolution of mankind.
speak of certain events, places a certain emotion, I suppose that telling the first step on the moon, has caused the same emotions in the chroniclers of the time, on the other hand, it is very difficult to be reporters for an event like that. A strong emotion, because in the future, will mean a lot and change the course of events in a radical way, signaling a new era in human history, hopefully better than that in which we live.
But, passing the record, we can say "Eureka !!!". As is known after the countless efforts and thousands of hours spent in the laboratory, the physicists at CERN, have finally managed to trap the anti-matter. These are 38 anti-hydrogen atoms, trapped for 172 milliseconds - an eternity compared to the few milliseconds of the previous experiments - thanks, as always the work of the Large Hydron Collider. This relatively large lifetime, will allow scientists to carry out numerous experiments very fine, which will allow him to confirm or destroy the arguments of the main features of the anti-trapped atoms. These theories include the CPT symmetry (charge - equal - time), that is the complete reversal charge of the particles, their spatial coordinates, but also the flow of time.
Now we will stop for sure, in fact, the Nobel laureate Samuel Ting, in collaboration with Roberto Battiston INFN, I'm already looking for antimatter in the universe, but also looking for any parallel universes, according to the theories fin ' now known, could be made dall'antimateria created when the Big Bang.
course experiments will not stop here, this is only the first step towards previously unexplored frontiers, but that, once achieved, may show up entirely new horizons, but also even greater doubts and questions to clarify even more complicated to solve.
In ogni caso si può dire che siamo testimoni di un avvenimento importantissimo per la storia dell'umanità, che segnerà sicuramente una nuova era. Ma che prima ancora premia lo sforzo di quanti, senza sosta, hanno lottato con tutte le proprie forze per soddisfare la propria sete di conoscenza e per dimostrare che dove tali lavori vengono valutati nel modo giusto, si possono ottenere risultati sorprendenti, altro che la “fuga di cervelli”
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Difference Between Eitiology And Pathology
Si avvicina il periodo degli esami, anzi per qualcuno è già cominciato e non finirà molto presto. La vita i questo periodo diventa molto frenetica, si passano intere giornate coi libri aperti a cercare di capire questo argomento, remember the formula, store that theorem.
Not to mention the endless hours spent in practice in order to address the written examinations of various subjects. Not to mention the many years the failed due to problems of various kinds. Or a waste of time to see if the exercise is correct or not.
In light of this, your blogger, try to provide a possible solution to this longstanding problem by clicking the link below, you can go directly to the website of prof. Addolorata Salvatore, professor of analysis at the University of Bari page you will find a series of tests, which is associated with the smooth operation.
Prof. A. Salavtore Tracks examination
find patterns in pdf format, directly downloadable with one click.
thank the administrators of the Facebook group "My chemistry course, for having passed the link.
PS read and discuss
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Sean Cody.com Trailers
Wolfram Mathematica 8
If you need help while you are doing your technical work, whether it be computing, modeling, simulation, visualization, development, documentation and dissemination, what do you do ? Definitely use one of the many computer programs exist. At this
proprosito I'd like to point out the new "Mathematica 8" Wolfram house developer. This program allows you to meet all your needs, thanks to a much improved from the previous year. 8
With Mathematica can work, as well as arithmetic, probability and statistics, with the image processing and with the financial calculation. This new version also has a very simple data entry system and allows to shorten the work time by much. You can easily solve a system of differential equations or design a prototype, technical and scientific applications or entire solutions.
To download a demo of the program is enough Just click the link below.
To download the full version of the software distributed by Adalta clik The following link
Mathematica 8
If you need help while you are doing your technical work, whether it be computing, modeling, simulation, visualization, development, documentation and dissemination, what do you do ? Definitely use one of the many computer programs exist. At this
proprosito I'd like to point out the new "Mathematica 8" Wolfram house developer. This program allows you to meet all your needs, thanks to a much improved from the previous year. 8
With Mathematica can work, as well as arithmetic, probability and statistics, with the image processing and with the financial calculation. This new version also has a very simple data entry system and allows to shorten the work time by much. You can easily solve a system of differential equations or design a prototype, technical and scientific applications or entire solutions.
To download a demo of the program is enough Just click the link below.
To download the full version of the software distributed by Adalta clik The following link
Mathematica 8
Unique Grooms Table Ideas
Chem lab v 2.0, software that simulates the lab on your PC
Many people are fascinated by the chemistry labs and think that our work is fantastic - something partly true - and who still plays with stills and magic potions to Search the philosopher's stone. This thing is quite understandable, since it is very difficult to see close up a chemical laboratory, but even more difficult to imagine what is inside you can do.
In any case, nowadays, chemistry is a very popular school subject and to carry out simple experiments can be something for everyone, even greater visibility media lab activities that are given daily from the TV series with plots and police investigation, which often shows the most sophisticated analytical devices on the market.
In any case it is not given to all staff to create a laboratory, at least in reality, seeing it on your personal computer is very simple. Just visit the link below and download the chem lab v2.0.
Chem Lab v2.0 is a very beautiful that allows you to simulate some laboratory experiments directly on the desktop of your PC.
The GUI is very easy to use and with a few simple clicks you can enter the main screen tools and substances relevant to the fulfillment of the experience.
Among the available experiments, already in the demo version, are the titration, fractional crystallization, calorimetry, etc.. As well as a complete list of all the laboratory equipment.
link below you can download it from the program with a few simple clicks.
NB The software is in English.
Chem Lab v2.0
PS This section of the blog is, in my opinion, very important. In fact, as I tell you from first day of creation of this space, my main goal is to increase the dissemination of scientific equipment in the network, to begin with this type of program. I hope that all those leggerannpo that this article will leave their comment and their feedback on the software.
Many people are fascinated by the chemistry labs and think that our work is fantastic - something partly true - and who still plays with stills and magic potions to Search the philosopher's stone. This thing is quite understandable, since it is very difficult to see close up a chemical laboratory, but even more difficult to imagine what is inside you can do.
In any case, nowadays, chemistry is a very popular school subject and to carry out simple experiments can be something for everyone, even greater visibility media lab activities that are given daily from the TV series with plots and police investigation, which often shows the most sophisticated analytical devices on the market.
In any case it is not given to all staff to create a laboratory, at least in reality, seeing it on your personal computer is very simple. Just visit the link below and download the chem lab v2.0.
Chem Lab v2.0 is a very beautiful that allows you to simulate some laboratory experiments directly on the desktop of your PC.
The GUI is very easy to use and with a few simple clicks you can enter the main screen tools and substances relevant to the fulfillment of the experience.
Among the available experiments, already in the demo version, are the titration, fractional crystallization, calorimetry, etc.. As well as a complete list of all the laboratory equipment.
link below you can download it from the program with a few simple clicks.
NB The software is in English.
Chem Lab v2.0
PS This section of the blog is, in my opinion, very important. In fact, as I tell you from first day of creation of this space, my main goal is to increase the dissemination of scientific equipment in the network, to begin with this type of program. I hope that all those leggerannpo that this article will leave their comment and their feedback on the software.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
How To Set Fast Track Ultra
New cooking workshops for kids!
They return by popular demand, the workshops for children, with five dates, from December 19 ...
Click on image to enlarge it several times and read all the details!
They return by popular demand, the workshops for children, with five dates, from December 19 ...
Click on image to enlarge it several times and read all the details!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
World's Fastest Pocket Bike
Here a recipe for change breakfast and to introduce a seasonal ingredient different from the old, old, wheat ....
The chestnut poor food, but highly nutritious , is recommended for those who must deal with physical and mental stress, so great for students , and sports in general for the city-modern lifestyle, stress that it is starting.
also excellent for those who are in convalescence , for those who are anemic, for those who and stomach problems for the elderly .
Ingredients 300 gr chestnut flour
3 glasses of water (about 450 ml)
50 grams raisins 30 grams of pine nuts
a handful of chopped walnuts (optional) 2 tablespoons
oil 1 tablespoon sugar (optional: the flour is already sweet)
Do preheat the oven to 200 ° already half an hour before baking the chestnut.
Put the raisins to soak in warm water to make it recover and then proceed by sifting the flour into a bowl to remove lumps.
After adding a pinch of salt and sugar (optional), pour a little at a time in the water chestnut flour, mixing with a whisk until the batter is well blended and smooth, which would fall if belt is lifted with a spoon.
Wring and dry the raisins and add mixture, along with pine nuts and, if desired, a handful of coarsely chopped walnuts. Please note: set aside a small amount of these three ingredients that will be needed to decorate the surface of the chestnut cake before baking!
lined with paper baking a baking dish large enough because the mixture will lie down for at least an inch; grease the parchment paper with 1 tablespoon oil and pour the prepared mixture. Sprinkle
preparation with pine nuts, raisins and nuts and kept aside a few leaves of fresh rosemary, washed and dried.
pour flush one tablespoon of olive oil and bake at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes. Should form a nice crust full of cracks and pine nuts are lightly tanned.
If you see burning too much, turn the temperature down a bit and take it out 'before to keep it dry, so it is crispy but not too hard. Attention to
flour that is sold fresh only from late November : good chestnut flour is fine, soft and sweet already without any need for added sugar, while the chestnut flour is very poor and grainy tasteless.
Try to serve warm chestnut cake for breakfast, along with ricotta and honey!
This recipe is also great for coeliacs and for those wishing to observe the weekly day of abstinence from wheat / yeast / dairy products (in this case, avoid the cheese!).
Here a recipe for change breakfast and to introduce a seasonal ingredient different from the old, old, wheat ....
The chestnut poor food, but highly nutritious , is recommended for those who must deal with physical and mental stress, so great for students , and sports in general for the city-modern lifestyle, stress that it is starting.
also excellent for those who are in convalescence , for those who are anemic, for those who and stomach problems for the elderly .
Ingredients 300 gr chestnut flour
3 glasses of water (about 450 ml)
50 grams raisins 30 grams of pine nuts
a handful of chopped walnuts (optional) 2 tablespoons
oil 1 tablespoon sugar (optional: the flour is already sweet)
Do preheat the oven to 200 ° already half an hour before baking the chestnut.
Put the raisins to soak in warm water to make it recover and then proceed by sifting the flour into a bowl to remove lumps.
After adding a pinch of salt and sugar (optional), pour a little at a time in the water chestnut flour, mixing with a whisk until the batter is well blended and smooth, which would fall if belt is lifted with a spoon.
Wring and dry the raisins and add mixture, along with pine nuts and, if desired, a handful of coarsely chopped walnuts. Please note: set aside a small amount of these three ingredients that will be needed to decorate the surface of the chestnut cake before baking!
lined with paper baking a baking dish large enough because the mixture will lie down for at least an inch; grease the parchment paper with 1 tablespoon oil and pour the prepared mixture. Sprinkle
preparation with pine nuts, raisins and nuts and kept aside a few leaves of fresh rosemary, washed and dried.
pour flush one tablespoon of olive oil and bake at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes. Should form a nice crust full of cracks and pine nuts are lightly tanned.
If you see burning too much, turn the temperature down a bit and take it out 'before to keep it dry, so it is crispy but not too hard. Attention to
flour that is sold fresh only from late November : good chestnut flour is fine, soft and sweet already without any need for added sugar, while the chestnut flour is very poor and grainy tasteless.
Try to serve warm chestnut cake for breakfast, along with ricotta and honey!
This recipe is also great for coeliacs and for those wishing to observe the weekly day of abstinence from wheat / yeast / dairy products (in this case, avoid the cheese!).
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
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Interested 's environment? Win a Master with Rep.it
You have until Dec. 10 to participate in the contest organized by Rep.it journalistic writing, a prize of a scholarship to participate in 2011 edition of the "master's degree in environmental communication, journalism , disclosure, green economy "organized by the CTS, and studies in the journal Modus Vivendi.
To participate just send a text which speaks about" the rapidly changing world of traditional energies, including the crisis of classical sources, oil First, the emergence and greenhouse gases, alternative energies, from solar wind power, advanced research centers, the wide-ranging policy but also individuals who get involved to find effective solutions, with a maximum of 3600 characters lungghezza e-mail posted on Rep.it Article at the bottom of which you pass the link:
setttimana Each will extract one of the articles were submitted to the jury (strictly in Italian and with an optional photo equipment ), which together with all other selected, will attend the final competition, which as a premium on a full scholarship for the master mentioned above.
I think its a good initiative. At a time like what we are experiencing, it is important that disclosure of the culture, especially when it deals with burning issues like this, it remains bogged down waiting for the rescue of who knows whom. It 'important to give the possibility to those who truly deserve it, to emerge and make available all of its knowledge, interpreting it in a scientific and objective.
Gpsphone Pokemon Emerald Source
The neutrino really exist? The birth
One of the major Italian scientists of the twentieth century was, without doubt Ettore Majorana who disappeared under mysterious circumstances in 1938, losing track of him.
One of his greatest theories was one that involved a sub - atomic particles: the neutrino, which he described and never appeared in the experiments. And in the background, a dark universe, made up 95 percent from the field whose nature is unknown to us. To shed light on these mysteries, scientists at the National Laboratory of Gran Sasso fell where it is dark and silence (in a thick rock wall 1400 meters, where you try to understand what are the laws that govern the universe). Yesterday, the bowels of the mountain started an experiment called "Gerda". It was on that a large detector that will capture the "Majorana neutrino", a particle so small and elusive as it is essential to shape the architecture of matter, and therefore the universe.
The heart of the instrument consists of a cylinder of pure germanium, and in particular of an isotope capable of undergoing the double beta decay, could prove the hypothesis of Majorana.
Unfortunately, the experiment will not be fast, since the double beta decay, the origin of the experiment is a very rare phenomenon.
For more information on the experiment here's the link to "Republic - Science:
h http://www.repubblica.it/scienze
One of the major Italian scientists of the twentieth century was, without doubt Ettore Majorana who disappeared under mysterious circumstances in 1938, losing track of him.
One of his greatest theories was one that involved a sub - atomic particles: the neutrino, which he described and never appeared in the experiments. And in the background, a dark universe, made up 95 percent from the field whose nature is unknown to us. To shed light on these mysteries, scientists at the National Laboratory of Gran Sasso fell where it is dark and silence (in a thick rock wall 1400 meters, where you try to understand what are the laws that govern the universe). Yesterday, the bowels of the mountain started an experiment called "Gerda". It was on that a large detector that will capture the "Majorana neutrino", a particle so small and elusive as it is essential to shape the architecture of matter, and therefore the universe.
The heart of the instrument consists of a cylinder of pure germanium, and in particular of an isotope capable of undergoing the double beta decay, could prove the hypothesis of Majorana.
Unfortunately, the experiment will not be fast, since the double beta decay, the origin of the experiment is a very rare phenomenon.
For more information on the experiment here's the link to "Republic - Science:
h http://www.repubblica.it/scienze
Wedding Minister Letter
The idea to start this adventure I flashed in mind a few days ago, Crazy while to find the material useful in preparing for an exam. Despite losing a lot of time, the result was not satisfactory, so I said, 'Why not help improve the lives of those who use the Internet to make your life easier? ".
Perhaps my work will not be the best present on the square, but make no claim, provides this space for all those who wish to exchange ideas, searching for material (which I personalmetne I will be find, but can also be integrated with whatever you wish, advise me) and find news and events from the world of science.
I look forward to your contacts and I hope that you will be numerous and also I helped to raise the level of this small space in the universe of dispersed network!
Your blogger Ali
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Script For Blue And Gold Program
No! Not Little Red Riding Hood, but to cabbage, red variety.
many confused with the cabbage, that unlike a cabbage leaf wrinkled and green (the cabbage is one that appears in the header of my blog), cabbage, however, has the same healing properties , which are truly exceptional.
Moreover, unlike the cabbage, leathery leaves, is delicious to eat raw with the advantage of keeping intact all substances.
The properties of this vegetable (such as the cabbage) are really amazing: anticancer , cleansing, anti-anemic , were ulcer healing in the gastro intestinal in regulation of blood glucose in respiratory In some eczema, seborrhea in and skin protection. The enormous wealth of active (not yet studied all) makes this food a multipurpose remedy rare effectiveness. We're not used to cure ourselves with food, but the Romans used for centuries cabbage (oral and external applications) for all their diseases. It was used as a purgative, cleansing, preparing poultices for aches and bronchitis and to heal the wounds (the leaves used locally sfiammante have an undeniable power, healing and pain relief).
Eating in winter every day a little 'raw cabbage is really recommended, even for strengthen the immune system and prevent colds and not just . The palate can also drink the strongest succo, ottenuto con una centrifuga (mischiatelo in questo caso con succo di carota per renderlo più gradevole).
Il cavolo cappuccio esiste sotto forma di due varietà. Più conosciuto è quello bianco (lo stesso con cui tramite fermentazione si preparano i crauti). Il rosso, che poi in realtà è violaceo, è meno conosciuto, ma aggiunge alle proprietà sopra elencate, la presenza di antocianine antiossidanti. E nel piatto ha un effetto davvero allegro!
Come si prepara l’insalata? Tagliate il cavolo cappuccio a metà e poi affettatelo con una affettatrice (anche manuale, comodissima), oppure staccatene un paio di foglie alla volta, sovrapponetele, eliminate le nervature, arrotolatele and cut into thin strips with a good sharp knife.
Season the slices obtained with salt, olive oil, a little vinegar or lemon, and pleasure, cumin or fennel seeds or chopped walnuts and parsley. Or even nothing! More subtly
slice the leaves and the salad will be more tender. The same effect may be obtained by leaving it to rest, dressed, a few hours.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Nicki James Striptease
red cabbage salad with pumpkin and pumpkin seeds ... Cream of red lentil
Which vegetable is everywhere this time of year? The pumpkin! With the spread of Halloween party for some years also in Italy, we find everywhere windows decorated with bright (or frightening)
pumpkins ... But if one part is becoming known for Halloween, a few other uses in the kitchen and know variety and properties .
With this post I wanted the information you need on this issue and tell the truth, on this occasion I thought I would finally shed light on the origins and varieties of pumpkin. Well ... it was not easy!
I discovered that there are many more varieties than I thought. Their origin is lost in the mists of time. Each continent, country, region and even locality, has its own variety. And this is normal, indeed, it is only fair since each local variety is well adapted to the microclimate and soil of the area.
But then the fact is that with the globalization of markets, here you will find here also the pumpkin or Japanese American. Not to mention the hybrids ...
To simplify (and forgive me botanists, farmers and agronomists to any sfondoni), there are 4 species (each with many varieties). The
legenaria is ornamental, was already known at the time of the Romans who used not to eat it, but to pack flasks for water and wine. The
maxima, the moschata and pepo ( Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbita moschata and Cucurbita pepo) instead come from the American continent and were then imported into Europe only in 1500 (such as potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant ...). The
pepo is the one whose fruit is harvested immature, and ... is nothing but the zucchini! (= Petite pumpkin). And here, too: dozens of varieties. The
maxima collects varieties rounder (like "marina di Chioggia" the Romagna, the valance, the yellow squash in the winter (the most common in Italy), turban squash, the Hokkaido, etc.).
The moschata therefore include more elongated (trumpet Albenga, pumpkin Long of Naples, Sicily, snake gourd, Butternut, violin, etc.).
The consistency and taste of the flesh of all these different varieties ranging from water to the paste. All are still sweet and tasty.
The yellow is more suitable for winter soups and risotto, the sea of \u200b\u200bChioggia and the valance and velvety to the filling for ravioli, and the Hokkaido has a hint of chestnut ...
The pumpkin flesh is rich in beta carotene , potassium, calcium , phosphorus and fiber and antioxidant action . For centuries, the sedative properties are attributed : a cream of pumpkin is very suitable for the evening dinner for those who are nervous and have trouble sleeping and also for restless children! Its sweet taste is very pleasing to even the smallest.
It 'also very rich in water and rule and soothes irritated intestines (both if you have problems with constipation than the other).
And what about the semi ? In addition to
avere un effetto vermifugo (conosciuto fin dall’antichità) sono ricchi di magnesio , calcio , selenio , zinco , vitamina E e acido linoleico . Utili nella prevenzione delle malattie prostatiche , ma alimento “curativo” in generale.
Consiglio di tenerne sempre un po’ in casa, di tritarli con un macinino e di usare questa polvere al posto del parmigiano o sulle bruschette…
Ricetta: risotto alla zucca e semi di zucca
ingredienti per 4 persone
300 g di riso semintegrale
350 g of pumpkin cubes
few leaves of sage (or rosemary)
A little 'onion
Vegetable broth
A handful of pumpkin seeds
In the risotto pan, heat a little olive oil with onion finely chopped, then add the pumpkin and let it cook for a few minutes and sage. Season with salt and add vegetable broth (or just water), stirring occasionally, until the pumpkin becomes soft. Now add the rice and brown together the pumpkin, gradually add the hot stock (or warm salt), stirring (as you normally would to the risotto). Pumpkin and wholemeal rice have the same cooking time and after about 20 minutes you will have a delicious risotto in a delicious orange cream.
Serve immediately with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkling of pumpkin seeds, chopped (or Parmesan cheese for lovers of classic flavors)!
Which vegetable is everywhere this time of year? The pumpkin! With the spread of Halloween party for some years also in Italy, we find everywhere windows decorated with bright (or frightening)
pumpkins ... But if one part is becoming known for Halloween, a few other uses in the kitchen and know variety and properties .
With this post I wanted the information you need on this issue and tell the truth, on this occasion I thought I would finally shed light on the origins and varieties of pumpkin. Well ... it was not easy!
I discovered that there are many more varieties than I thought. Their origin is lost in the mists of time. Each continent, country, region and even locality, has its own variety. And this is normal, indeed, it is only fair since each local variety is well adapted to the microclimate and soil of the area.
But then the fact is that with the globalization of markets, here you will find here also the pumpkin or Japanese American. Not to mention the hybrids ...
To simplify (and forgive me botanists, farmers and agronomists to any sfondoni), there are 4 species (each with many varieties). The
legenaria is ornamental, was already known at the time of the Romans who used not to eat it, but to pack flasks for water and wine. The
maxima, the moschata and pepo ( Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbita moschata and Cucurbita pepo) instead come from the American continent and were then imported into Europe only in 1500 (such as potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant ...). The
pepo is the one whose fruit is harvested immature, and ... is nothing but the zucchini! (= Petite pumpkin). And here, too: dozens of varieties. The
maxima collects varieties rounder (like "marina di Chioggia" the Romagna, the valance, the yellow squash in the winter (the most common in Italy), turban squash, the Hokkaido, etc.).
The moschata therefore include more elongated (trumpet Albenga, pumpkin Long of Naples, Sicily, snake gourd, Butternut, violin, etc.).
The consistency and taste of the flesh of all these different varieties ranging from water to the paste. All are still sweet and tasty.
The yellow is more suitable for winter soups and risotto, the sea of \u200b\u200bChioggia and the valance and velvety to the filling for ravioli, and the Hokkaido has a hint of chestnut ...
The pumpkin flesh is rich in beta carotene , potassium, calcium , phosphorus and fiber and antioxidant action . For centuries, the sedative properties are attributed : a cream of pumpkin is very suitable for the evening dinner for those who are nervous and have trouble sleeping and also for restless children! Its sweet taste is very pleasing to even the smallest.
It 'also very rich in water and rule and soothes irritated intestines (both if you have problems with constipation than the other).
And what about the semi ? In addition to
avere un effetto vermifugo (conosciuto fin dall’antichità) sono ricchi di magnesio , calcio , selenio , zinco , vitamina E e acido linoleico . Utili nella prevenzione delle malattie prostatiche , ma alimento “curativo” in generale.
Consiglio di tenerne sempre un po’ in casa, di tritarli con un macinino e di usare questa polvere al posto del parmigiano o sulle bruschette…
Ricetta: risotto alla zucca e semi di zucca
ingredienti per 4 persone
300 g di riso semintegrale
350 g of pumpkin cubes
few leaves of sage (or rosemary)
A little 'onion
Vegetable broth
A handful of pumpkin seeds
In the risotto pan, heat a little olive oil with onion finely chopped, then add the pumpkin and let it cook for a few minutes and sage. Season with salt and add vegetable broth (or just water), stirring occasionally, until the pumpkin becomes soft. Now add the rice and brown together the pumpkin, gradually add the hot stock (or warm salt), stirring (as you normally would to the risotto). Pumpkin and wholemeal rice have the same cooking time and after about 20 minutes you will have a delicious risotto in a delicious orange cream.
Serve immediately with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkling of pumpkin seeds, chopped (or Parmesan cheese for lovers of classic flavors)!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Disneyworld Gay Cruising Spots
11 / 9 for iPhone
di John - www.crono911.org
La tragedia dell'11 settembre è sbarcata tra le applicazioni disponibili su iTunes per i possessori di iPhone, iPod e iPad.
L' applicativo è stato realizzato da Luca Talpo per la serie iStory, ha un costo di 1,59 euro ed è disponibile sia in italiano che in inglese (scaricabile da iTunes inglese).
Lo abbiamo provato alcune settimane fa, ma il programma andava in crash su tutti i dispositivi who had the software updated to the latest release.
Reported the bug to the authors, in recent days it has released version 1.1, which solves all problems and works great.
The application, entitled iStory 9 / 11 is divided into five sections and is fully searchable online, so even if your device is not connected to the Web
Section WTC reconstructs the history of the World Trade Center; History presents a chronological summary of the main events that took place Sept. 11 from 5 am until late evening that day, Commando illustrates the biographies of 19 terrorists, raggruppati nei team corrispondenti ai quattro voli dirottati; Video propone i principali filmati relativi agli impatti e ai crolli nonché registrazioni audio (comprese quelle dei voice recorder ) e ricostruzioni grafiche; infine la sezione Vittime fornisce alcuni dati numerici sulla distribuzione delle vittime tra gli obiettivi colpiti e i voli distrutti.
Fa anche piacere constatare che la struttura espositiva e i testi sono in più punti ispirati all'ebook Crono911 , che ancora oggi rappresenta un importante riferimento in lingua italiana per chi voglia consultare una ricostruzione d'insieme di quegli eventi.
iStory 9/11 non è certamente una risorsa enciclopedica, considerata l'estrema sintesi della cronologia e la mancanza di riferimenti alle fonti, ma è uno strumento utile per diffondere la conoscenza della tragedia tra i più giovani, che non hanno vissuto consapevolmente i fatti del 2001 e che preferiscono senz'altro i gadget multimediali rispetto ai tomi cartacei.
L'applicativo si fa apprezzare però anche dai più esperti, perché consente di consultare velocemente un orario o visualizzare video e registrazioni. Tenuto conto che è ben possibile archiviare su iPod, iPhone e iPad altri documenti più corposi ( Crono911 , il 9/11 Report , ecc...), iStory 9/11 rappresenta un utile Completion in silence for a few seconds to turn the conspiracy.
conclude this short review hopes for the future new versions of iStory 9 / 11 integrating additional content, such as a picture gallery and links to major Web resources

La tragedia dell'11 settembre è sbarcata tra le applicazioni disponibili su iTunes per i possessori di iPhone, iPod e iPad.
L' applicativo è stato realizzato da Luca Talpo per la serie iStory, ha un costo di 1,59 euro ed è disponibile sia in italiano che in inglese (scaricabile da iTunes inglese).
Lo abbiamo provato alcune settimane fa, ma il programma andava in crash su tutti i dispositivi who had the software updated to the latest release.
Reported the bug to the authors, in recent days it has released version 1.1, which solves all problems and works great.
The application, entitled iStory 9 / 11 is divided into five sections and is fully searchable online, so even if your device is not connected to the Web
Section WTC reconstructs the history of the World Trade Center; History presents a chronological summary of the main events that took place Sept. 11 from 5 am until late evening that day, Commando illustrates the biographies of 19 terrorists, raggruppati nei team corrispondenti ai quattro voli dirottati; Video propone i principali filmati relativi agli impatti e ai crolli nonché registrazioni audio (comprese quelle dei voice recorder ) e ricostruzioni grafiche; infine la sezione Vittime fornisce alcuni dati numerici sulla distribuzione delle vittime tra gli obiettivi colpiti e i voli distrutti.
Fa anche piacere constatare che la struttura espositiva e i testi sono in più punti ispirati all'ebook Crono911 , che ancora oggi rappresenta un importante riferimento in lingua italiana per chi voglia consultare una ricostruzione d'insieme di quegli eventi.
iStory 9/11 non è certamente una risorsa enciclopedica, considerata l'estrema sintesi della cronologia e la mancanza di riferimenti alle fonti, ma è uno strumento utile per diffondere la conoscenza della tragedia tra i più giovani, che non hanno vissuto consapevolmente i fatti del 2001 e che preferiscono senz'altro i gadget multimediali rispetto ai tomi cartacei.
L'applicativo si fa apprezzare però anche dai più esperti, perché consente di consultare velocemente un orario o visualizzare video e registrazioni. Tenuto conto che è ben possibile archiviare su iPod, iPhone e iPad altri documenti più corposi ( Crono911 , il 9/11 Report , ecc...), iStory 9/11 rappresenta un utile Completion in silence for a few seconds to turn the conspiracy.
conclude this short review hopes for the future new versions of iStory 9 / 11 integrating additional content, such as a picture gallery and links to major Web resources
Friday, October 22, 2010
Hydroquione Makes Skin Darker
e. .. A wise rule
Very often we fail to consume vegetables as we should, either because their cooking is long, because there is swell and we want to avoid unpleasant problems ... relationships. Instead
legumes should be more present on our tables ...
... not only because they are one of the Mediterranean diet bases, but also because, especially in combination with cereals (pasta or rice or pearl barley or barley, etc.). are an excellent source of vegetable protein and are a dish balanced and complete .
Perfect for those who suffer from high cholesterol . But in general for all : sports, kids, children, elderly and pregnant women, given that in our affluent society is consumed exaggerated proportion of animal protein . The
red lentils (those in the middle in the photo), since peeled (without the outer skins) cook quickly and do not swell (it seems it's just the seed coat to create enteric fermentation). Instead, they have a mild laxative effect.
not be put to soak, but directly into the pot with water and, optionally, a stalk of celery and carrot into small pieces (but there is no real need: the red lentils are tasty even cooked in water and salt !).
Add salt and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring often and vigorously (important) and you'll get a delicious cream, without the need for mixer, blender or other. Then in
this cream you can bake the dough little or merge previously boiled rice or another cereal (such as barley or pearled barley, for example).
Season with raw oil, parsley and spices to taste.
quantities? 100g of lentils per person (about one half cup) in the covered pot for about twice the volume of water (if you see the water recedes too, add your own little by little, a little more, 'hot).
Use a pot with thick bottom and stirring often, both to facilitate the formation of the cream is to prevent it from sticking.
Note: This recipe is suitable for those wishing to observe the days of abstinence from yeast-wheat-dairy (purché non usi pasta di grano nella crema di lenticchie né parmigiano per insaporire) (vedi post del 16 ottobre 2010).
Very often we fail to consume vegetables as we should, either because their cooking is long, because there is swell and we want to avoid unpleasant problems ... relationships. Instead
legumes should be more present on our tables ...
... not only because they are one of the Mediterranean diet bases, but also because, especially in combination with cereals (pasta or rice or pearl barley or barley, etc.). are an excellent source of vegetable protein and are a dish balanced and complete .
Perfect for those who suffer from high cholesterol . But in general for all : sports, kids, children, elderly and pregnant women, given that in our affluent society is consumed exaggerated proportion of animal protein . The
red lentils (those in the middle in the photo), since peeled (without the outer skins) cook quickly and do not swell (it seems it's just the seed coat to create enteric fermentation). Instead, they have a mild laxative effect.
not be put to soak, but directly into the pot with water and, optionally, a stalk of celery and carrot into small pieces (but there is no real need: the red lentils are tasty even cooked in water and salt !).
Add salt and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring often and vigorously (important) and you'll get a delicious cream, without the need for mixer, blender or other. Then in
this cream you can bake the dough little or merge previously boiled rice or another cereal (such as barley or pearled barley, for example).
Season with raw oil, parsley and spices to taste.
quantities? 100g of lentils per person (about one half cup) in the covered pot for about twice the volume of water (if you see the water recedes too, add your own little by little, a little more, 'hot).
Use a pot with thick bottom and stirring often, both to facilitate the formation of the cream is to prevent it from sticking.
Note: This recipe is suitable for those wishing to observe the days of abstinence from yeast-wheat-dairy (purché non usi pasta di grano nella crema di lenticchie né parmigiano per insaporire) (vedi post del 16 ottobre 2010).
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Knee Pain Tenager Growing Pains
Review: September 11: an Oral History
In the first anniversary of the September 11 attacks was released volume "September 11: an Oral History" by the journalist New York Times Dean E. Murphy. As the title suggests, the book contains the testimonies of those who experienced the attacks firsthand. We come across since
now in the words vivid and full of emotions of the protagonists. We enter the living experience of those endless stairs confronted by the smell of acrid smoke and a stream of water polluted with a colleague who is blind assisted by his guide dog. We know the pain of those who had to abandon a friend quadriplegic overweight and waiting for aid that they could not save him and perished with him. We read of those who, to save others, he found himself moving heavy objects, amazed by his physical strength, which does not even have believed. We know an employee of the Pentagon, concerned about the fate of his brother who worked at the World Trade Center and found itself in a very similar experience after the crash of American Airlines Flight 77.
While rich flow extraordinary stories of pain, fear and hope, the reader expects to get to read a story "normal", the story of someone who is out of the Towers or having witnessed the crash of American Flight 77 into the Pentagon and has particular differences compared to the hundreds of other people. But it soon became clear that stories of "normal" just are not there, and every story about the 11 / 9 has something special, something that makes it unique in its human and emotional aspects.
It should be noted that none of the testimonies gathered by Murphy says the conspiracy theories. No survivors of the World Trade Center talks about explosion mysterious and none of the witnesses of the Pentagon no doubt that an airliner has crashed into the building's facade.
Murphy's book gives us a very powerful and exciting glimpse of what happened on 11 / 9, and it is thanks to books like this commendable that the words of witnesses may be eternal and pass on to future generations, because the memory of massacres in New York and Washington never lose.

now in the words vivid and full of emotions of the protagonists. We enter the living experience of those endless stairs confronted by the smell of acrid smoke and a stream of water polluted with a colleague who is blind assisted by his guide dog. We know the pain of those who had to abandon a friend quadriplegic overweight and waiting for aid that they could not save him and perished with him. We read of those who, to save others, he found himself moving heavy objects, amazed by his physical strength, which does not even have believed. We know an employee of the Pentagon, concerned about the fate of his brother who worked at the World Trade Center and found itself in a very similar experience after the crash of American Airlines Flight 77.
While rich flow extraordinary stories of pain, fear and hope, the reader expects to get to read a story "normal", the story of someone who is out of the Towers or having witnessed the crash of American Flight 77 into the Pentagon and has particular differences compared to the hundreds of other people. But it soon became clear that stories of "normal" just are not there, and every story about the 11 / 9 has something special, something that makes it unique in its human and emotional aspects.

Murphy's book gives us a very powerful and exciting glimpse of what happened on 11 / 9, and it is thanks to books like this commendable that the words of witnesses may be eternal and pass on to future generations, because the memory of massacres in New York and Washington never lose.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Blue & White Striped Throw Pillows
food hygiene
Ci sono alcuni alimenti che sulle nostre tavole sono presenti, non solo quotidianamente, ma ad ogni pasto . Un esempio? Facile: il frumento . Tra pane, pasta, pizza, crackers, fette biscottate e biscotti, almeno uno di questi cibi è presente costantemente nei tre pasti principali.
Nella tipica alimentazione italiana infatti troviamo come minimo biscotti or biscuits for breakfast, pasta and / or bread for lunch and definitely more bread for dinner.
And what about sandwiches, breadsticks, cakes, tarts, cakes and various snacks? The grain is practically everywhere. Not to mention the yeast ! The milk and dairy products are ingested almost daily, sometimes in small doses and unconsciously, by those who do not follow a special diet.
's why, even to those who have specific allergies, the board (along the Speciani - see post 8 October - it must be said), a day of "cleaning", to "breathe" the 'apparatus digestive system and give it some 'respite from molecules in the long run, drop by drop, could create an intolerance to build (it is in fact due to a build-up newspaper that you can create delayed food allergy or intolerance ).
was no coincidence (or is still in some cases) habit of some people to follow, as wise rule food hygiene, a weekly day of abstinence, such as "meatless Friday" of Christians (who in the past for most observant consisted of a real fast) or the "Saturday kosher" Jewish.
think of it, Did not our digestive system the right to rest at least one day a week, since working non-stop 24 hours a day forever?
Anyone observe this day, weekly cleaning, follow a diet based on fruits, vegetables and a few other simple foods, seasoned only with olive oil raw, taking care to abstain from foods, which usually assume almost daily, as yeast, milk and dairy products, wheat.
Here are some examples.
For breakfast: fresh fruit you like, puffed rice cakes with honey or jam, boiled egg, tea or herbal tea, or rice milk with oatmeal, almonds and raisins, orange juice.
Pranzo e cena: insalata mista di stagione (senza aceto e con poco sale), verdure crude in pinzimonio o grigliate, al vapore o bollite a piacere e a volontà, pesce o carne bianca grigliati, bolliti o arrosto , riso bollito, patate al forno, bollite o al cartoccio, polenta, minestroni di verdure e legumi o insalata di legumi o crema di legumi (lenticchie rosse, piselli spezzati e fave secche cuocendo formano naturalmente una crema) eventualmente mescolati con cereali meno usuali sulle nostre tavole, come orzo o avena o grano saracen o (nota: non farro, kamut o segale, ancora troppo simili al frumento). E poi frutta fresca o anche cotta, con uvetta e cannella and also dry, such as almonds, walnuts and pine nuts.
Too difficult? Pour this is one day a week and benefits will be enormous, especially for those suffering from various gastrointestinal disorders, related to a chronic inflammation of these organs.
Ah! And to help clean remember to drink lots of water on this day, or hot teas if it's cold.
Ci sono alcuni alimenti che sulle nostre tavole sono presenti, non solo quotidianamente, ma ad ogni pasto . Un esempio? Facile: il frumento . Tra pane, pasta, pizza, crackers, fette biscottate e biscotti, almeno uno di questi cibi è presente costantemente nei tre pasti principali.
Nella tipica alimentazione italiana infatti troviamo come minimo biscotti or biscuits for breakfast, pasta and / or bread for lunch and definitely more bread for dinner.
And what about sandwiches, breadsticks, cakes, tarts, cakes and various snacks? The grain is practically everywhere. Not to mention the yeast ! The milk and dairy products are ingested almost daily, sometimes in small doses and unconsciously, by those who do not follow a special diet.
's why, even to those who have specific allergies, the board (along the Speciani - see post 8 October - it must be said), a day of "cleaning", to "breathe" the 'apparatus digestive system and give it some 'respite from molecules in the long run, drop by drop, could create an intolerance to build (it is in fact due to a build-up newspaper that you can create delayed food allergy or intolerance ).
was no coincidence (or is still in some cases) habit of some people to follow, as wise rule food hygiene, a weekly day of abstinence, such as "meatless Friday" of Christians (who in the past for most observant consisted of a real fast) or the "Saturday kosher" Jewish.
think of it, Did not our digestive system the right to rest at least one day a week, since working non-stop 24 hours a day forever?
Anyone observe this day, weekly cleaning, follow a diet based on fruits, vegetables and a few other simple foods, seasoned only with olive oil raw, taking care to abstain from foods, which usually assume almost daily, as yeast, milk and dairy products, wheat.
Here are some examples.
For breakfast: fresh fruit you like, puffed rice cakes with honey or jam, boiled egg, tea or herbal tea, or rice milk with oatmeal, almonds and raisins, orange juice.
Pranzo e cena: insalata mista di stagione (senza aceto e con poco sale), verdure crude in pinzimonio o grigliate, al vapore o bollite a piacere e a volontà, pesce o carne bianca grigliati, bolliti o arrosto , riso bollito, patate al forno, bollite o al cartoccio, polenta, minestroni di verdure e legumi o insalata di legumi o crema di legumi (lenticchie rosse, piselli spezzati e fave secche cuocendo formano naturalmente una crema) eventualmente mescolati con cereali meno usuali sulle nostre tavole, come orzo o avena o grano saracen o (nota: non farro, kamut o segale, ancora troppo simili al frumento). E poi frutta fresca o anche cotta, con uvetta e cannella and also dry, such as almonds, walnuts and pine nuts.
Too difficult? Pour this is one day a week and benefits will be enormous, especially for those suffering from various gastrointestinal disorders, related to a chronic inflammation of these organs.
Ah! And to help clean remember to drink lots of water on this day, or hot teas if it's cold.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Best Place To Watch South Park Online
Food allergies: yes or no? We
When they come to me for a diet, many people ask me for advice if this is the case whether or not to take a test to detect food intolerance . I have long meditated on the answer to this question.
While the scientific community is very active on this issue and there are more and more in-depth research on what is and what a food intolerance test to detect it, the other the word "intolerance" is now on everyone's lips, and is often used improperly.
here I do not want to embark on challenging description of what is an intolerance, how it develops, which involves components of the immune system, what are the differences with the allergy symptoms and what it implies: that's why the reference site of Dr. Attilio Speciani , a prominent immunologist Milan on intolerance that he studied very thorough and enlightening. Who should then get an education you can go to www.eurosalus . with and under the heading to find food intolerances in my opinion the most comprehensive explanations, aimed at an audience as "profane."
My approach is to start with a weight loss diet / purifying , which is complete, varied and at the same time eliminating regularly, or wheel, food that the person at that time was used to introduce or almost daily (for eg milk). Only then, if there is a resistance to weight loss, or the reverse of negative symptoms on the gastrointestinal system (swelling, foul breath, colitis, indigestion, etc..) And not (drowsiness, stanchezza cronica, cefalea, ecc.), allora procedo consigliando il test delle intolleranze alimentari.
Il test che uso (anch’esso selezionato dopo lunghe ricerche) è innovativo e altamente preciso, ed è in grado di rilevare le reazioni avverse innescate da alcune proteine alimentari, sostenute da anticorpi di classe G (IgG). Tra l’altro offre un ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo.
Vi invito a provarlo!
When they come to me for a diet, many people ask me for advice if this is the case whether or not to take a test to detect food intolerance . I have long meditated on the answer to this question.
While the scientific community is very active on this issue and there are more and more in-depth research on what is and what a food intolerance test to detect it, the other the word "intolerance" is now on everyone's lips, and is often used improperly.
here I do not want to embark on challenging description of what is an intolerance, how it develops, which involves components of the immune system, what are the differences with the allergy symptoms and what it implies: that's why the reference site of Dr. Attilio Speciani , a prominent immunologist Milan on intolerance that he studied very thorough and enlightening. Who should then get an education you can go to www.eurosalus . with and under the heading to find food intolerances in my opinion the most comprehensive explanations, aimed at an audience as "profane."
My approach is to start with a weight loss diet / purifying , which is complete, varied and at the same time eliminating regularly, or wheel, food that the person at that time was used to introduce or almost daily (for eg milk). Only then, if there is a resistance to weight loss, or the reverse of negative symptoms on the gastrointestinal system (swelling, foul breath, colitis, indigestion, etc..) And not (drowsiness, stanchezza cronica, cefalea, ecc.), allora procedo consigliando il test delle intolleranze alimentari.
Il test che uso (anch’esso selezionato dopo lunghe ricerche) è innovativo e altamente preciso, ed è in grado di rilevare le reazioni avverse innescate da alcune proteine alimentari, sostenute da anticorpi di classe G (IgG). Tra l’altro offre un ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo.
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