food hygiene
Ci sono alcuni alimenti che sulle nostre tavole sono presenti, non solo quotidianamente, ma ad ogni pasto . Un esempio? Facile: il frumento . Tra pane, pasta, pizza, crackers, fette biscottate e biscotti, almeno uno di questi cibi è presente costantemente nei tre pasti principali.
Nella tipica alimentazione italiana infatti troviamo come minimo biscotti or biscuits for breakfast, pasta and / or bread for lunch and definitely more bread for dinner.
And what about sandwiches, breadsticks, cakes, tarts, cakes and various snacks? The grain is practically everywhere. Not to mention the yeast ! The milk and dairy products are ingested almost daily, sometimes in small doses and unconsciously, by those who do not follow a special diet.
's why, even to those who have specific allergies, the board (along the Speciani - see post 8 October - it must be said), a day of "cleaning", to "breathe" the 'apparatus digestive system and give it some 'respite from molecules in the long run, drop by drop, could create an intolerance to build (it is in fact due to a build-up newspaper that you can create delayed food allergy or intolerance ).
was no coincidence (or is still in some cases) habit of some people to follow, as wise rule food hygiene, a weekly day of abstinence, such as "meatless Friday" of Christians (who in the past for most observant consisted of a real fast) or the "Saturday kosher" Jewish.
think of it, Did not our digestive system the right to rest at least one day a week, since working non-stop 24 hours a day forever?
Anyone observe this day, weekly cleaning, follow a diet based on fruits, vegetables and a few other simple foods, seasoned only with olive oil raw, taking care to abstain from foods, which usually assume almost daily, as yeast, milk and dairy products, wheat.
Here are some examples.
For breakfast: fresh fruit you like, puffed rice cakes with honey or jam, boiled egg, tea or herbal tea, or rice milk with oatmeal, almonds and raisins, orange juice.
Pranzo e cena: insalata mista di stagione (senza aceto e con poco sale), verdure crude in pinzimonio o grigliate, al vapore o bollite a piacere e a volontà, pesce o carne bianca grigliati, bolliti o arrosto , riso bollito, patate al forno, bollite o al cartoccio, polenta, minestroni di verdure e legumi o insalata di legumi o crema di legumi (lenticchie rosse, piselli spezzati e fave secche cuocendo formano naturalmente una crema) eventualmente mescolati con cereali meno usuali sulle nostre tavole, come orzo o avena o grano saracen o (nota: non farro, kamut o segale, ancora troppo simili al frumento). E poi frutta fresca o anche cotta, con uvetta e cannella and also dry, such as almonds, walnuts and pine nuts.
Too difficult? Pour this is one day a week and benefits will be enormous, especially for those suffering from various gastrointestinal disorders, related to a chronic inflammation of these organs.
Ah! And to help clean remember to drink lots of water on this day, or hot teas if it's cold.
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