December 12 is a day that everyone should keep in its memory until the end of his days. There chiederte why and I tell you right away.
On this very day, back in 1901, one of the most important scientists in the world, especially the contribution that gave the field of communications, Guglielmo Marconi, sent the first wireless signal in human history.
Marconi, convinced Chei radio signals could be transmitted over long distances following the curvature of the earth, in November of 1901, installed an antenna for transmitting signals in Cornwall, after he boarded a ship in the Atlantic Ocean and from a distance about 3000 km, just from the city of St. James of Newfoundland on December 12, 1901, sent the very first radio signal over long distances. The antenna of 130 meters was raised by a kite made of 60 strings stretched on a spider web between two pylons 49 feet high and far among them 61.
E 'that started from that day's journey towards globalization and to the progress we have experienced in the last century and this century ago by leaps and bounds every day.
Imagine, if Marconi had not invented the telegraph or the transmission of radio signals, what would the world today. Most likely we would have only small steps forward (remember, you can not stop progress, has been going on since the beginning of human history without stopping in front of any obstacle), which would have meant nothing compared to what we are been able to do with those technologies.
Ormai tutto è basato sulla trasformazione veloce delle informazioni, mediante l'utilizzo dei telefoni o del web, i quali non sarebbero potuti esistere se il Marchese Marconi non avesse avuto tanta intraprendenza. Noi non ce ne rendiamo conto, ma per quanto possa sembrare facile essere in contatto col mondo direttamente dal proprio pc o telefonino, dobbiamo solo rendere granzie alla grandezza e alla scienza di un uomo come Guglielmo Marconi.
Per questo motivo dobbiamo ricordarci, ogni volta che salutiamo un amico su di un social network, inviamo un sms o una mail, ascoltiamo la radio o guardiamo la TV, di questo giorno e restare ammirati da tanto genio.
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