Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Difference Between Eitiology And Pathology

Si avvicina il periodo degli esami, anzi per qualcuno è già cominciato e non finirà molto presto. La vita i questo periodo diventa molto frenetica, si passano intere giornate coi libri aperti a cercare di capire questo argomento, remember the formula, store that theorem.
Not to mention the endless hours spent in practice in order to address the written examinations of various subjects. Not to mention the many years the failed due to problems of various kinds. Or a waste of time to see if the exercise is correct or not.
In light of this, your blogger, try to provide a possible solution to this longstanding problem by clicking the link below, you can go directly to the website of prof. Addolorata Salvatore, professor of analysis at the University of Bari page you will find a series of tests, which is associated with the smooth operation.

Prof. A. Salavtore Tracks examination

find patterns in pdf format, directly downloadable with one click.

thank the administrators of the Facebook group "My chemistry course, for having passed the link.

PS read and discuss



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