Food allergies: yes or no? We
When they come to me for a diet, many people ask me for advice if this is the case whether or not to take a test to detect food intolerance . I have long meditated on the answer to this question.
While the scientific community is very active on this issue and there are more and more in-depth research on what is and what a food intolerance test to detect it, the other the word "intolerance" is now on everyone's lips, and is often used improperly.
here I do not want to embark on challenging description of what is an intolerance, how it develops, which involves components of the immune system, what are the differences with the allergy symptoms and what it implies: that's why the reference site of Dr. Attilio Speciani , a prominent immunologist Milan on intolerance that he studied very thorough and enlightening. Who should then get an education you can go to www.eurosalus . with and under the heading to find food intolerances in my opinion the most comprehensive explanations, aimed at an audience as "profane."
My approach is to start with a weight loss diet / purifying , which is complete, varied and at the same time eliminating regularly, or wheel, food that the person at that time was used to introduce or almost daily (for eg milk). Only then, if there is a resistance to weight loss, or the reverse of negative symptoms on the gastrointestinal system (swelling, foul breath, colitis, indigestion, etc..) And not (drowsiness, stanchezza cronica, cefalea, ecc.), allora procedo consigliando il test delle intolleranze alimentari.
Il test che uso (anch’esso selezionato dopo lunghe ricerche) è innovativo e altamente preciso, ed è in grado di rilevare le reazioni avverse innescate da alcune proteine alimentari, sostenute da anticorpi di classe G (IgG). Tra l’altro offre un ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo.
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