Sunday, November 7, 2010

Script For Blue And Gold Program

No! Not Little Red Riding Hood, but to cabbage, red variety.

many confused with the cabbage, that unlike a cabbage leaf wrinkled and green (the cabbage is one that appears in the header of my blog), cabbage, however, has the same healing properties , which are truly exceptional.

Moreover, unlike the cabbage, leathery leaves, is delicious to eat raw with the advantage of keeping intact all substances.

The properties of this vegetable (such as the cabbage) are really amazing: anticancer , cleansing, anti-anemic , were ulcer healing in the gastro intestinal in regulation of blood glucose in respiratory In some eczema, seborrhea in and skin protection. The enormous wealth of active (not yet studied all) makes this food a multipurpose remedy rare effectiveness. We're not used to cure ourselves with food, but the Romans used for centuries cabbage (oral and external applications) for all their diseases. It was used as a purgative, cleansing, preparing poultices for aches and bronchitis and to heal the wounds (the leaves used locally sfiammante have an undeniable power, healing and pain relief).

Eating in winter every day a little 'raw cabbage is really recommended, even for strengthen the immune system and prevent colds and not just . The palate can also drink the strongest succo, ottenuto con una centrifuga (mischiatelo in questo caso con succo di carota per renderlo più gradevole).

Il cavolo cappuccio esiste sotto forma di due varietà. Più conosciuto è quello bianco (lo stesso con cui tramite fermentazione si preparano i crauti). Il rosso, che poi in realtà è violaceo, è meno conosciuto, ma aggiunge alle proprietà sopra elencate, la presenza di antocianine antiossidanti. E nel piatto ha un effetto davvero allegro!

Come si prepara l’insalata? Tagliate il cavolo cappuccio a metà e poi affettatelo con una affettatrice (anche manuale, comodissima), oppure staccatene un paio di foglie alla volta, sovrapponetele, eliminate le nervature, arrotolatele and cut into thin strips with a good sharp knife.

Season the slices obtained with salt, olive oil, a little vinegar or lemon, and pleasure, cumin or fennel seeds or chopped walnuts and parsley. Or even nothing! More subtly

slice the leaves and the salad will be more tender. The same effect may be obtained by leaving it to rest, dressed, a few hours.


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