Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chikan Groping Italia

What purpose does the diet at Christmas?

These days pre-Christmas I found myself advising a lot of people on the diet to be taken under the parties. What to do, what not to do, what to eat, what not to eat. What happens with dinners and lunches. How to extricate themselves from relatives and panettone.
free days are a must, and also sgarra.
To then get back on line as soon as possible ...

may be helpful:

- always drink lots of water between meals, especially before going to the table;

- make sure to take the raw as appetizer (Just a slice of apple, or a stalk of celery or a piece of fennel, carrot);

- chewy and savor every bite (and we all know that it must be done but it is not so easy to do that!)

- do not deprive yourself of anything eating little of everything (and I mean a little taste, especially if the meal includes many courses);

- avoid drinking alcohol rivers (which is very energy and slows digestion) limited to one glass of wine and a finger of champagne;

- after a hearty lunch take a long walk (at least half an hour);

- while playing cards and Spizzica limit yourself to fresh fruit and nuts and in moderation (mandarins, walnuts, dried figs and almonds). Avoid instead nougat, panettone and pandori wheel continuous

- the following evening at a dinner abundant (with a dinner the night before - see binomial eve and Christmas-New Year's Eve or New Year) consume a very light dinner (a soup and / or fruit);

Who then prepare the Christmas Eve dinner hosting relatives and friends, I remember that, despite long-standing habit to offer numerous and abundant flow, in terms of food habit that is wrong, because We also expect a lavish lunch, the 25 (and what about the lunch with the leftovers, which many do at 26?). Besides, it would consume in our Christian tradition a dinner of "lean" on 24

evening ... And you can prepare a delicious dinner, even if characterized by simplicity.

For example how about a soup of pumpkin and chestnuts (http://www.cavolettodibruxelles.it/2010/11/zuppa-di-zucca-e-castagne) after an appetizer of raw vegetables and follow a different second fish in salt?

Merry Christmas!


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