Friday, December 17, 2010

Where Can I Find Black Shoestring Licorice?

Waiting for Christmas gingerbread biscuits

The revised Anglo-Saxon classic recipe: cocoa instead of spices and a little 'less honey and butter, not to stick the pasta with hands of our children, who will really enjoy with us to prepare these cookies to hang on the tree, to give away o. .. to eat!
Makes about 30 cookies: 360 grams of flour


160 g sugar 50 g butter 90 g of honey

an egg

milk to taste a pinch of salt
two teaspoons of baking powder
two tablespoons of Cocoa

have flour, sugar, the cocoa, baking powder and salt into a large bowl. Make a hollow in the center and put the butter into small pieces (above left soften), egg and honey. Knead the dough until will not be as soft and flexible with all the ingredients perfectly blended together. If necessary add a little 'milk to soften it. Once ready, let stand in refrigerator wrapped in plastic wrap for at least a couple of hours (more time will remain in the refrigerator, the better the outcome).
After this time, no job too, spread the dough with a rolling pin with a thickness of about half a centimeter. Create you many cookies using suitable molds in the shape of man or other forms of ginger Christmas and arrange on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
Cook, finally, in the oven caldo a 180° per circa 10-12 minuti.
Per decorare i biscotti utilizzate una glassa ottenuta con 125 g di zucchero a velo, 2 cucchiai di albume d’uovo, succo di limone q.b. per avere un composto fluido (non troppo liquido) da mettere in un cono di carta forno o in una siringa/sacca per decorazioni.
E se decidete di usare questi deliziosi biscottoni  per addobbare l’albero di Natale, dovete ricordare di praticare un foro nella pasta ancora cruda!
Questa sarà la prima ricetta che prepareremo insieme con i bambini del laboratorio la prossima domenica...


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