Thursday, November 25, 2010

Church Sample Programs

Trapped Anti-matter of mathematics exercises

How many times have you heard, was the subject of many famous novels and screenplays, often has been the object of fear (in the famous novel by Dan Brown, is threatened by destruction of the world its use); in other cases it is used as fuel for spaceships ultra technology, but no one has really seen how it was done.
Years and years of effort and experience and on, have finally brought the long awaited results from all individuals who contributed to the success of the experiment "ALPHA" (Antihydrogen Laser Physics Apparatus). In one of the many laboratories of the Swiss research center, have finally managed to trap the anti-matter, also known as dark matter, which assumed the existence a long time, but was never able to isolate for study, since it annihilates immediately on contact with matter.
So far many theories have been chased in supporting the view l'esistenza di questa entità oscura, si pensa, infatti, che sia stata creata al momento del Big-Bang e che abbia potuto dare origine ad universi paralleli, ma mai, prima d'ora, l'uomo era stato in grado di isolarla per poterla studiare e vedere come fosse fatta. Mai prima d'ora, perché ora lo si potrà fare, su di una porzione molto piccola di anti-materia, ma lo si potrà fare.
È ormai noto a tutti che è stato aggiunto un nuovo grande tassello alla compilazione della grande mappa della storia dell'universo, mediante il quale si potrà far luce su numerosi lati oscuri che riguardano il sistema in cui viviamo, ma soprattutto sul modo in cui esso è stato creato. Magari, d'ora in poi saremo anche in grado di fare Predictions of how our story will evolve, or, better yet, take advantage of this new knowledge in order to take advantage of the continuing evolution of mankind.
speak of certain events, places a certain emotion, I suppose that telling the first step on the moon, has caused the same emotions in the chroniclers of the time, on the other hand, it is very difficult to be reporters for an event like that. A strong emotion, because in the future, will mean a lot and change the course of events in a radical way, signaling a new era in human history, hopefully better than that in which we live.
But, passing the record, we can say "Eureka !!!". As is known after the countless efforts and thousands of hours spent in the laboratory, the physicists at CERN, have finally managed to trap the anti-matter. These are 38 anti-hydrogen atoms, trapped for 172 milliseconds - an eternity compared to the few milliseconds of the previous experiments - thanks, as always the work of the Large Hydron Collider. This relatively large lifetime, will allow scientists to carry out numerous experiments very fine, which will allow him to confirm or destroy the arguments of the main features of the anti-trapped atoms. These theories include the CPT symmetry (charge - equal - time), that is the complete reversal charge of the particles, their spatial coordinates, but also the flow of time.
Now we will stop for sure, in fact, the Nobel laureate Samuel Ting, in collaboration with Roberto Battiston INFN, I'm already looking for antimatter in the universe, but also looking for any parallel universes, according to the theories fin ' now known, could be made dall'antimateria created when the Big Bang.
course experiments will not stop here, this is only the first step towards previously unexplored frontiers, but that, once achieved, may show up entirely new horizons, but also even greater doubts and questions to clarify even more complicated to solve.
In ogni caso si può dire che siamo testimoni di un avvenimento importantissimo per la storia dell'umanità, che segnerà sicuramente una nuova era. Ma che prima ancora premia lo sforzo di quanti, senza sosta, hanno lottato con tutte le proprie forze per soddisfare la propria sete di conoscenza e per dimostrare che dove tali lavori vengono valutati nel modo giusto, si possono ottenere risultati sorprendenti, altro che la “fuga di cervelli”



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