Paul Attivissimo
During the debate I held last September 11th with Tom Woods on a conspiracy theory about the attacks in nine years ago was told by Wood that the second the "official" plane that hit the Pentagon would "vaporized" ( video ).
In fact in all these years of consultation and study of technical expertise and published reports by the experts claim Such has never been found by Undicisettembre in any technical document.

A simple text search on Google shows that it is a screenshot of a Web site, not a technical report. The website is, and the page address from which this screen is this. The original page is no longer available, but it is archived at .
Just read to find out that this is an interview with an eyewitness, Frank Probst , and that the "steaming" mentioned refers only to an engine and still is not a literal description the explosion of the engine occurred at impact. Probst says that there were pieces of the same engine thrown in every direction, it is clear that vaporization does not speak literally.
"I was standing on the sidewalk (parallel to the site of impact) ... and I saw this plane coming right at me at what Seemed like 300 miles an hour. Towards the ground and where I watched this great big engine from this beautiful airplane just Vaporize , "Said Frank Probst, a member of the crew commented Pentagon renovations." It looked like a huge fireball, pieces Were flying out everywhere. "
These seem to be proof to the contrary, the slight vaporization of the origins of the thesis. No assertion techniques contained in the "official" but not a literal description of a witness, published on a website again, the plots were cultivated to give the "official" things that actually were invented to discredit them. Once again, been caught manipulating the truth that so often say they want to defend. It goes on like this for nine years.
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