È facile e divertente. Sarà una soddisfazione per i bambini vedere come pochi semplici ingredienti si trasformano in poco tempo nella loro crema preferita!
Cosa serve?
500 gr nocciole, 50 gr zucchero , 50 gr cioccolato fondente.
E un robot dalle lame in buono stato (perfetto il bimby)
Scaldate il forno a 180°C. Disponete le nocciole sulla placca grande, quella nera, di cui tutti i forni sono forniti.
Fate tostare le nocciole in forno per 15 minuti, finché non sentirete un delizioso profumino spandersi per tutta la cucina.
Poi estraete le nocciole dal forno e fatele raffreddare per qualche minuto.
Trasferitele quindi in uno scolapasta con i buchi piuttosto grossi e strofinatele contro le pareti di quest’ultimo (Used to remove the skins of the hazelnuts that was burned).
do not need to be picky and if some skins remains normal. Help you with your hands (pulite!)
Now transferred hazelnuts in a food processor robot with sugar and chopped chocolate.
If you want to use raw sugar, you'll have to "whip". If you put brown sugar in food processor, slowly turns into a very fine white powder, like sugar icing, which you can use, as well as to prepare for this cream, even dusting cakes, plum cakes and other sweets.
start and continue to whisk until you have obtained a cream homogeneous.
You must have patience because it will take at least 10-15 minutes, or maybe more, but do not be discouraged and continue to whisk, until the nuts, which at first will have a consistency "crumble" not be reduced cream, releasing all the oil contained within them. The nut is in fact very dramatically reduce the strength and that is why in this cream is not necessary to add oil or other fat (and you have the temptation after a while 'Resist! At one point, the nuts, chopped into smaller and smaller particles, will undergo a sort of "liquefaction" and it all finally take the appearance of the cream).
And here is the Nutella!
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