Face to face with supporters of staging
di Paolo Attivissimo
Sono stato invitato dal David Icke Meetup a Milano, l'11 settembre prossimo, come relatore per parlare degli attentati dell'11 settembre 2001 e della critica alle teorie alternative that affect them.
It seems to me an interesting opportunity, even to make face to face that for years the proponents of alternative theories systematically reject. Moreover there is little known or unpublished material that is worth presenting a preview on the occasion of the anniversary of the attacks.
The meeting will be held at the Library of Esoteric Union Street, corner Piazza Missori, in Milan, which has about 140 seats. I got confirmation from the organizers that I can videotape and publish the report online and debate. Admission is free.
to propose alternative theories will be Tom Bosco, from 14:30. The program includes 45 minutes presentation of the Forest, 45 minutes of my reply to the intervention of Forest and two areas of mutual replication of five minutes each before moving on space applications and actions to the public for an hour.
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