Paul Attivissimo
A video posted on YouTube by IC911Studies and coming from the archives of a local television station in New York is further clarity on the structural conditions of the "Third Tower", the building WTC7 or the Salomon Building , which according to some conspiracy theory would collapse in a suspicious way.

says he does not know exactly in which building is located, but note that behind him there is Barclay Street. Sequence is also visible in a corner of WTC 7, so it is likely that the Bank of New York Mellon , at the intersection of Washington Street and Barclay Street.
the map below, taken from Chapter 1 of FEMA, the building is circled in red and the direction of the frame is indicated by the arrow.
The reporter indicates a building and then to the right of WTC 7 WTC 7 WTC 7 indicates the same and while says "We do not know what this building is" ("we do not know what that building is) , confirming what was little known to journalists the secondary this skyscraper at the World Trade Center. Arising from this lack of familiarity with the various misunderstandings Aaron Brown (CNN) and Jane Standley (BBC) in the report if the building had collapsed or not.
The reporter adds that "Obviously they're on fire, maybe there's a chance That They Could collapse" : it says that the buildings have just said is clearly on fire and that perhaps could collapse. Once again, the words of reporter documenting widespread and obvious than it was suggested that other buildings, as well on the Twin Towers could yield.
The debris at the foot of WTC 7 indicate that the recovery goes back after the collapse of Torre Nord (WTC1) e dimostrano che le macerie di questo crollo giunsero fino al WTC7 e oltre.
Si nota inoltre che da numerosi piani del WTC7 esce fumo abbondante. A sinistra si possono vedere le file di finestre infrante sul lato nord (opposto alle Torri), dalle quali spiccano fiamme. Si odono anche rumori secchi, simili a scoppi, forse prodotti dalle macerie che si vedono cadere al suolo.
Il fumo è abbondantissimo anche sul lato corto opposto del WTC7, rivolto verso est.
Still images can not make the violence of the fire and the frantic rush of smoke. It is therefore advisable to watch the full video is available below.
Considering that WTC 7 was left to burn for hours without any intervention of the fire, does not seem so surprising that it collapsed. Surprisingly, if anything, that supporters of theses alternatives are so obsessed with it, because it is not clear what would have - the perspective of the theory of deliberate demolition as casus belli – distruggere un grattacielo minore (47 piani) che pochi conoscevano quando la devastazione di due edifici iconici come le Torri Gemelle era più che sufficiente a creare uno shock fortissimo nell'opinione pubblica.
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