È facile e divertente. Sarà una soddisfazione per i bambini vedere come pochi semplici ingredienti si trasformano in poco tempo nella loro crema preferita!
Cosa serve?
500 gr nocciole, 50 gr zucchero , 50 gr cioccolato fondente.
E un robot dalle lame in buono stato (perfetto il bimby)
Scaldate il forno a 180°C. Disponete le nocciole sulla placca grande, quella nera, di cui tutti i forni sono forniti.
Fate tostare le nocciole in forno per 15 minuti, finché non sentirete un delizioso profumino spandersi per tutta la cucina.
Poi estraete le nocciole dal forno e fatele raffreddare per qualche minuto.
Trasferitele quindi in uno scolapasta con i buchi piuttosto grossi e strofinatele contro le pareti di quest’ultimo (Used to remove the skins of the hazelnuts that was burned).
do not need to be picky and if some skins remains normal. Help you with your hands (pulite!)
Now transferred hazelnuts in a food processor robot with sugar and chopped chocolate.
If you want to use raw sugar, you'll have to "whip". If you put brown sugar in food processor, slowly turns into a very fine white powder, like sugar icing, which you can use, as well as to prepare for this cream, even dusting cakes, plum cakes and other sweets.
start and continue to whisk until you have obtained a cream homogeneous.
You must have patience because it will take at least 10-15 minutes, or maybe more, but do not be discouraged and continue to whisk, until the nuts, which at first will have a consistency "crumble" not be reduced cream, releasing all the oil contained within them. The nut is in fact very dramatically reduce the strength and that is why in this cream is not necessary to add oil or other fat (and you have the temptation after a while 'Resist! At one point, the nuts, chopped into smaller and smaller particles, will undergo a sort of "liquefaction" and it all finally take the appearance of the cream).
And here is the Nutella!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Cannot Connect To Three
WTC, if a debunker is wrong to show the moon, conspiracy theorists see only the finger
Paul Attivissimo. The article was updated after initial publication.
Yes, I was wrong. During the debate with Tom Wood on 11 September last year I said that a photograph of the second plane that hit the Twin Towers showed the airplane because it was like a dark silhouette against the light, while it would be more correct to say that in that photograph appears dark because the plane was coming in for a few moments in the shadow of the Towers. I have no problem publicly admit the error.
The photograph in question is this:
The anterior portion of the plane is dark because it is already in the shadow of the towers, the rest of the fuselage, still illuminated by the sun, is visible and if I note the livery of United Airlines.
The entry and exit from the shadow has been proven in this video of Park Foreman:
In other photos I have shown, like the one below, the plane was against the dark because (silhouetted against the glow of the sky).
I missed a number refers to a single photograph. So what? My error does not disappear technical data, images, documentation, testimony and expert reports that confirm the commonly accepted reconstruction of events. Do not remove the other images of the plane, where we see that it is not dark.
not alter the fact that the view of the plane with no windows and dark cited by Woods, to which I was answering a perfectly sensible explanation: the 'plane was in shadow or silhouetted against the sky and then seemed dark. Hard to see the windows, under similar conditions. That's it.
an explanation, it did not sense the conspiracy theory, for one simple reason: what sense would use a plane with no windows and dark and claim it as a Boeing 767 for United Airlines? Maybe it was too expensive to buy a 767 and paint it with United Airlines livery? They hoped that no case did we? If you want conspiracy
cheer for my mistake, let them. All they do is demonstrate why the conspiracy, after nine years, has not concluded anything, is too busy to look at the hand of those, the data in hand, the moon is showing politely.
Paul Attivissimo. The article was updated after initial publication.
Yes, I was wrong. During the debate with Tom Wood on 11 September last year I said that a photograph of the second plane that hit the Twin Towers showed the airplane because it was like a dark silhouette against the light, while it would be more correct to say that in that photograph appears dark because the plane was coming in for a few moments in the shadow of the Towers. I have no problem publicly admit the error.
The photograph in question is this:
The anterior portion of the plane is dark because it is already in the shadow of the towers, the rest of the fuselage, still illuminated by the sun, is visible and if I note the livery of United Airlines.
The entry and exit from the shadow has been proven in this video of Park Foreman:
In other photos I have shown, like the one below, the plane was against the dark because (silhouetted against the glow of the sky).
I missed a number refers to a single photograph. So what? My error does not disappear technical data, images, documentation, testimony and expert reports that confirm the commonly accepted reconstruction of events. Do not remove the other images of the plane, where we see that it is not dark.
not alter the fact that the view of the plane with no windows and dark cited by Woods, to which I was answering a perfectly sensible explanation: the 'plane was in shadow or silhouetted against the sky and then seemed dark. Hard to see the windows, under similar conditions. That's it.
an explanation, it did not sense the conspiracy theory, for one simple reason: what sense would use a plane with no windows and dark and claim it as a Boeing 767 for United Airlines? Maybe it was too expensive to buy a 767 and paint it with United Airlines livery? They hoped that no case did we? If you want conspiracy
cheer for my mistake, let them. All they do is demonstrate why the conspiracy, after nine years, has not concluded anything, is too busy to look at the hand of those, the data in hand, the moon is showing politely.
![]() |
The shadows of some buildings of the World Trade Center at 9:03 on 11 September 2001. |
Red Cervical Mucus Before Period
Walnuts almonds and hazelnuts
E’ vero che la frutta secca è molto calorica e fa ingrassare?
Sfatiamo questo mito.
Anzitutto distinguiamo tra frutta secca con il guscio (noci, nocciole, mandorle, pinoli, pistacchi…) e frutta secca disidratata (uvetta, prugne, albicocche e fichi secchi).
Entrambe queste categorie di frutti sono ricchi di principi nutritivi, ma in quantità e qualità differenti.
La frutta secca con il guscio in particolare è ricca di proteine , grassi “buoni” (i famosi omega 3 e omega 6 , o acidi grassi polinsaturi ) vitamine e sali minerali .
E’ vero quindi che sono ricchi di grassi, ma non bisogna demonizzare i grassi in assoluto. Un po’ di grassi “buoni” ci vogliono nella dieta, servono per nutrire il sistema nervoso , che di grassi è in gran parte formato.
E in questa società così stressata e stressante, cibi protettivi per il nostro fragile sistema nervoso si rendono assolutamente necessari!
Gli omega 3 e 6 inoltre (ormai lo sappiamo tutti) aiutano a mantenere sotto controllo i livelli di colesterolo e trigliceridi e proteggono quindi il nostro sistema cardio vascolare .
Prendiamo le noci ad esempio: un vero scrigno di omega 3 (gli stessi grassi del pesce per intenderci), rame e zinco (utili per il sistema immunitario), potassio , magnesio , fosforo , zolfo , ferro e calcio . Poi ci sono le vitamine : E e C (antiossidanti!) ma anche A e B1 . In ospedale ho visto prescrivere piccole quantità di noci nelle against high cholesterol diets and for diabetics. And what about the
almonds? Together with sunflower seeds, are rich in magnesium and are therefore highly recommended to us women for disorders related to cycle and menopause (including mood swings el ' osteoporosis).
And nuts? Highly and energy digestibility i, very suitable for children and sports for healthy snacks and energy. The Austrian and German
packaged under the name "Fruit for students' bags containing a mix of nuts, almonds, hazelnuts (sometimes cashew nuts) and raisins. Since ancient times it was believed that the oily nuts stimulate the intellect! Not a bad idea to recover our children: the study, despite forces them still for hours on a chair, causing a significant consumption of energy, and the "Fruit for students" is an excellent source of unrefined sugar and readily assimilated by brain, which feeds only on sugars (raisins) protein (nuts almonds hazelnuts) and mineral oils useful for the concentration and intellect (nourish the nervous system). And here
different ways of using those precious fruits, rich in elements essential to our well-being, nella dieta di tutti i giorni:
- A colazione : the, una fetta di pane integrale con miele e 10 mandorle (ottimo il bilanciamento tra proteine e carboidrati, buono il contenuto di fibre e sali minerali)
- Spuntino o colazione : uno yogurt bianco con 3 noci, mezzo cucchiaino di miele e un cucchiaio di geme di grano (leggera, completa e gustosissima. Adatta agli ipercolesterolemici).
- Spuntino : un frutto fresco + un pugno di “Mix dello studente” (ma non solo per gli studenti, anche per chi è a dieta! Sostituibile da un pugno di mandole per le donne, con un pugno di noci per chi vuole tenere a bada il colesterolo)
- In viaggio o sotto esame : “Mix dello studente” a volontà più spremuta di arancia o altra frutta fresca.
- Dessert : qualche mandorla intinta nel miele.
- Merenda per i bambini : pane, nocciole e cioccolato (al posto della nutella!)
Chi ha i bambini si può divertire addirittura a prepararla in casa la nutella (darò la ricetta nel prossimo post).
Niente paura di ingrassare quindi, e inseriamo spensieratamente la frutta secca nella nostra dieta, che, se anche durante i pasti principali sarà equilibrata (vedi post sul piatto unico del 16.02.2010), non potrà che beneficiarne.
Oltretutto, contenendo una giusta quantità di nutrienti (proteine, fibre, grassi buoni ecc…) usarla negli spuntini ci farà sentire sazi, così eviteremo di rimpinzarci a pranzo e a cena…
E’ vero che la frutta secca è molto calorica e fa ingrassare?
Sfatiamo questo mito.
Anzitutto distinguiamo tra frutta secca con il guscio (noci, nocciole, mandorle, pinoli, pistacchi…) e frutta secca disidratata (uvetta, prugne, albicocche e fichi secchi).
Entrambe queste categorie di frutti sono ricchi di principi nutritivi, ma in quantità e qualità differenti.
La frutta secca con il guscio in particolare è ricca di proteine , grassi “buoni” (i famosi omega 3 e omega 6 , o acidi grassi polinsaturi ) vitamine e sali minerali .
E’ vero quindi che sono ricchi di grassi, ma non bisogna demonizzare i grassi in assoluto. Un po’ di grassi “buoni” ci vogliono nella dieta, servono per nutrire il sistema nervoso , che di grassi è in gran parte formato.
E in questa società così stressata e stressante, cibi protettivi per il nostro fragile sistema nervoso si rendono assolutamente necessari!
Gli omega 3 e 6 inoltre (ormai lo sappiamo tutti) aiutano a mantenere sotto controllo i livelli di colesterolo e trigliceridi e proteggono quindi il nostro sistema cardio vascolare .
Prendiamo le noci ad esempio: un vero scrigno di omega 3 (gli stessi grassi del pesce per intenderci), rame e zinco (utili per il sistema immunitario), potassio , magnesio , fosforo , zolfo , ferro e calcio . Poi ci sono le vitamine : E e C (antiossidanti!) ma anche A e B1 . In ospedale ho visto prescrivere piccole quantità di noci nelle against high cholesterol diets and for diabetics. And what about the
almonds? Together with sunflower seeds, are rich in magnesium and are therefore highly recommended to us women for disorders related to cycle and menopause (including mood swings el ' osteoporosis).
And nuts? Highly and energy digestibility i, very suitable for children and sports for healthy snacks and energy. The Austrian and German
packaged under the name "Fruit for students' bags containing a mix of nuts, almonds, hazelnuts (sometimes cashew nuts) and raisins. Since ancient times it was believed that the oily nuts stimulate the intellect! Not a bad idea to recover our children: the study, despite forces them still for hours on a chair, causing a significant consumption of energy, and the "Fruit for students" is an excellent source of unrefined sugar and readily assimilated by brain, which feeds only on sugars (raisins) protein (nuts almonds hazelnuts) and mineral oils useful for the concentration and intellect (nourish the nervous system). And here
different ways of using those precious fruits, rich in elements essential to our well-being, nella dieta di tutti i giorni:
- A colazione : the, una fetta di pane integrale con miele e 10 mandorle (ottimo il bilanciamento tra proteine e carboidrati, buono il contenuto di fibre e sali minerali)
- Spuntino o colazione : uno yogurt bianco con 3 noci, mezzo cucchiaino di miele e un cucchiaio di geme di grano (leggera, completa e gustosissima. Adatta agli ipercolesterolemici).
- Spuntino : un frutto fresco + un pugno di “Mix dello studente” (ma non solo per gli studenti, anche per chi è a dieta! Sostituibile da un pugno di mandole per le donne, con un pugno di noci per chi vuole tenere a bada il colesterolo)
- In viaggio o sotto esame : “Mix dello studente” a volontà più spremuta di arancia o altra frutta fresca.
- Dessert : qualche mandorla intinta nel miele.
- Merenda per i bambini : pane, nocciole e cioccolato (al posto della nutella!)
Chi ha i bambini si può divertire addirittura a prepararla in casa la nutella (darò la ricetta nel prossimo post).
Niente paura di ingrassare quindi, e inseriamo spensieratamente la frutta secca nella nostra dieta, che, se anche durante i pasti principali sarà equilibrata (vedi post sul piatto unico del 16.02.2010), non potrà che beneficiarne.
Oltretutto, contenendo una giusta quantità di nutrienti (proteine, fibre, grassi buoni ecc…) usarla negli spuntini ci farà sentire sazi, così eviteremo di rimpinzarci a pranzo e a cena…
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Small Sailboat Diagram
Pentagon, the plane "vaporized"
Paul Attivissimo
During the debate I held last September 11th with Tom Woods on a conspiracy theory about the attacks in nine years ago was told by Wood that the second the "official" plane that hit the Pentagon would "vaporized" ( video ).
In fact in all these years of consultation and study of technical expertise and published reports by the experts claim Such has never been found by Undicisettembre in any technical document.
Even researchers who have designed Zero, the video Giulietto Church, does not seem to have been able to find the point where the "official" would have made this claim. In fact, in this Zero "steaming" alleged documented (so to speak) next to the image here, about 32 minutes from the start.
A simple text search on Google shows that it is a screenshot of a Web site, not a technical report. The website is, and the page address from which this screen is this. The original page is no longer available, but it is archived at .
Just read to find out that this is an interview with an eyewitness, Frank Probst , and that the "steaming" mentioned refers only to an engine and still is not a literal description the explosion of the engine occurred at impact. Probst says that there were pieces of the same engine thrown in every direction, it is clear that vaporization does not speak literally.
These seem to be proof to the contrary, the slight vaporization of the origins of the thesis. No assertion techniques contained in the "official" but not a literal description of a witness, published on a website again, the plots were cultivated to give the "official" things that actually were invented to discredit them. Once again, been caught manipulating the truth that so often say they want to defend. It goes on like this for nine years.
Paul Attivissimo
During the debate I held last September 11th with Tom Woods on a conspiracy theory about the attacks in nine years ago was told by Wood that the second the "official" plane that hit the Pentagon would "vaporized" ( video ).
In fact in all these years of consultation and study of technical expertise and published reports by the experts claim Such has never been found by Undicisettembre in any technical document.

A simple text search on Google shows that it is a screenshot of a Web site, not a technical report. The website is, and the page address from which this screen is this. The original page is no longer available, but it is archived at .
Just read to find out that this is an interview with an eyewitness, Frank Probst , and that the "steaming" mentioned refers only to an engine and still is not a literal description the explosion of the engine occurred at impact. Probst says that there were pieces of the same engine thrown in every direction, it is clear that vaporization does not speak literally.
"I was standing on the sidewalk (parallel to the site of impact) ... and I saw this plane coming right at me at what Seemed like 300 miles an hour. Towards the ground and where I watched this great big engine from this beautiful airplane just Vaporize , "Said Frank Probst, a member of the crew commented Pentagon renovations." It looked like a huge fireball, pieces Were flying out everywhere. "
These seem to be proof to the contrary, the slight vaporization of the origins of the thesis. No assertion techniques contained in the "official" but not a literal description of a witness, published on a website again, the plots were cultivated to give the "official" things that actually were invented to discredit them. Once again, been caught manipulating the truth that so often say they want to defend. It goes on like this for nine years.
Cruise With Babysitting
Firefighters for 9 / 11 Truth: If the firefighters say the plot
Attivissimo Paul, with contributions from Brain_Use and Hammer. The article was updated after initial publication.
Among the many groups who call themselves "for 9 / 11 truth" , namely the search for truth about September 11th, it stands out in particular: that of the firefighters, Firefighters for 9 / 11 Truth.
At first glance, the existence of an association of firefighters who support the conspiracy theory seems compelling evidence that something is wrong with the commonly accepted reconstruction of events. Who better than the fire can know whether the collapses of the Twin Towers was caused by the explosion of a controlled demolition or structural failure due to the combined effect of the impacts and fires?
But as always, when there is half of 11, stop at the first impression may be misleading. In fact, on Firefighters for 9 / 11 Truth, rather than authoritative and competent advice and analysis on the collapse of the Twin Towers and WTC 7 and attacks at the Pentagon, there is only technically meaningless and clearly anti-Semitic statements.
For example, the homepage of the website of this Declaration under the title "What is the evidence?" ("quali sono le prove?"):
Il repertorio è insomma quello standard del cospirazionismo: gli edifici in acciaio che non erano mai crollati first to fire ( false), the collapse in free fall ( false), the pulverization of the concrete ( even contradicted by Steven Jones), kerosene from the molten steel ( never claimed by the technical reports ), the 68 interceptions airline successfully completed the previous year (not on U.S. territory , and the minutes were not less than 20 ), the "evaporation" of the plane at the Pentagon ( ever affirmed by the technical reports ), small fires in WTC 7 ( false), the failure to mention WTC 7 by the Commission ( false) and the assertion that FEMA does not know why the WTC7 collapsed (true, but yes NIST).
This statement is attributed to Anton Vodvarka, described as "Lt. FDNY (ret)" . The acronym "FDNY" refers to it as a member of the firefighters of New York and then seems to indicate that Vodvarka has had direct experience of the attacks in New York. But the name does not appear in Vodvarka Anton ' list of firefighters present at the World Trade Center on September 11 . The clarification "ret." means "retired" , but does not specify how long Vodvarka has left the service. The site of Firefighters for 9 / 11 Truth adds that "Lt. Vodvarka served on FDNY Ladder Co 26, Rescue Co. 3, Rescue Co. 1, Engine Co. 92, Ladder 82 and Ladder 101. He was awarded the Merit Class 1 award, the Prentice Medal" , ma non dice quando.
Il sito FDNY Rescue Company 3 , che commemora gli otto vigili del fuoco della squadra periti nel WTC, indica che un Anton Vodvarka Jr. ricevette una medaglia nel 1969. Sembra quindi improbabile che Vodvarka (se si tratta della stessa persona) fosse in servizio attivo trentadue anni più tardi, nel 2001.
Di vera sostanza tecnica, insomma, non ce n'è. Anzi, bisogna chiedersi se i vigili del fuoco di New York che non hanno aderito a Firefighters for 9/11 Truth sono tutti stupidi per non essersi accorti di queste "prove" or if they even silence, as stated Jason Bermas (loose change). Firefighters who were there and who saw their comrades die in no doubt about the nature of the attacks and the dynamics of collapse. Gave them to only those who were not there. It does not seem a coincidence.
Not only join Firefighters for 9 / 11 Truth and enter the 'public list of subscribers is incredibly easy. So much so that Undicisettembre was able to join the list with different names entirely invented (which does not reveal). The undersigned, for instance, is the list of subscribers (even in the "other underwriters") even with first and last name and the status of membership ai Vigili di Vattelapesca.
C'è di peggio. Se si va a sfogliare le dichiarazioni dei sottoscrittori di Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, emergono soltanto asserzioni generiche, parole di solidarietà, lamentele geopolitiche e anche una dichiarazione inquietante.
"Sono stati gli ebrei" . Questa dichiarazione lapidaria, da sola, è un macigno che affonda ogni credibilità di questa sedicente associazione di vigili del fuoco che brilla per l'assenza eloquente dei pompieri che l'11/9 erano alle Torri Gemelle e al Pentagono.
Attivissimo Paul, with contributions from Brain_Use and Hammer. The article was updated after initial publication.

At first glance, the existence of an association of firefighters who support the conspiracy theory seems compelling evidence that something is wrong with the commonly accepted reconstruction of events. Who better than the fire can know whether the collapses of the Twin Towers was caused by the explosion of a controlled demolition or structural failure due to the combined effect of the impacts and fires?
But as always, when there is half of 11, stop at the first impression may be misleading. In fact, on Firefighters for 9 / 11 Truth, rather than authoritative and competent advice and analysis on the collapse of the Twin Towers and WTC 7 and attacks at the Pentagon, there is only technically meaningless and clearly anti-Semitic statements.
For example, the homepage of the website of this Declaration under the title "What is the evidence?" ("quali sono le prove?"):
We are asked to believe that on that day three structural steel buildings, which have never before in history collapsed because of fire , fell neatly into their basements at the speed of gravity, their concrete reduced to dust . We are asked to believe that jet fuel (kerosene) can melt steel . We are asked to believe that the most sophisticated air defense system in the world, that responded to sixty-eight emergencies in the year prior to 9-11 in less than twenty minutes allowed aircraft to wander about for up to an hour and a half. We are asked to believe that the steel and titanium components of an aircraft that supposedly hit the Pentagon “evaporated” . There is much, much more if anyone cares to look into it. Trade Tower #7 by itself is the “smoking gun”. Not hit by an aircraft, with only a few relatively small fires , it came down in a classic crimp and implosion, going straight into its basement, something only very precise demolition can accomplish, which takes days if not weeks to prepare. The 9-11 Commission didn’t even mention it , and F.E.M.A. actually stated they DIDN’T KNOW WHY IT COLLAPSED AND LEFT IT AT THAT.
Il repertorio è insomma quello standard del cospirazionismo: gli edifici in acciaio che non erano mai crollati first to fire ( false), the collapse in free fall ( false), the pulverization of the concrete ( even contradicted by Steven Jones), kerosene from the molten steel ( never claimed by the technical reports ), the 68 interceptions airline successfully completed the previous year (not on U.S. territory , and the minutes were not less than 20 ), the "evaporation" of the plane at the Pentagon ( ever affirmed by the technical reports ), small fires in WTC 7 ( false), the failure to mention WTC 7 by the Commission ( false) and the assertion that FEMA does not know why the WTC7 collapsed (true, but yes NIST).
This statement is attributed to Anton Vodvarka, described as "Lt. FDNY (ret)" . The acronym "FDNY" refers to it as a member of the firefighters of New York and then seems to indicate that Vodvarka has had direct experience of the attacks in New York. But the name does not appear in Vodvarka Anton ' list of firefighters present at the World Trade Center on September 11 . The clarification "ret." means "retired" , but does not specify how long Vodvarka has left the service. The site of Firefighters for 9 / 11 Truth adds that "Lt. Vodvarka served on FDNY Ladder Co 26, Rescue Co. 3, Rescue Co. 1, Engine Co. 92, Ladder 82 and Ladder 101. He was awarded the Merit Class 1 award, the Prentice Medal" , ma non dice quando.
Il sito FDNY Rescue Company 3 , che commemora gli otto vigili del fuoco della squadra periti nel WTC, indica che un Anton Vodvarka Jr. ricevette una medaglia nel 1969. Sembra quindi improbabile che Vodvarka (se si tratta della stessa persona) fosse in servizio attivo trentadue anni più tardi, nel 2001.
Di vera sostanza tecnica, insomma, non ce n'è. Anzi, bisogna chiedersi se i vigili del fuoco di New York che non hanno aderito a Firefighters for 9/11 Truth sono tutti stupidi per non essersi accorti di queste "prove" or if they even silence, as stated Jason Bermas (loose change). Firefighters who were there and who saw their comrades die in no doubt about the nature of the attacks and the dynamics of collapse. Gave them to only those who were not there. It does not seem a coincidence.
Not only join Firefighters for 9 / 11 Truth and enter the 'public list of subscribers is incredibly easy. So much so that Undicisettembre was able to join the list with different names entirely invented (which does not reveal). The undersigned, for instance, is the list of subscribers (even in the "other underwriters") even with first and last name and the status of membership ai Vigili di Vattelapesca.
C'è di peggio. Se si va a sfogliare le dichiarazioni dei sottoscrittori di Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, emergono soltanto asserzioni generiche, parole di solidarietà, lamentele geopolitiche e anche una dichiarazione inquietante.
Alexus Montraeus, Retired 15+ Years
"Find the truth. It was the jews."
"Sono stati gli ebrei" . Questa dichiarazione lapidaria, da sola, è un macigno che affonda ogni credibilità di questa sedicente associazione di vigili del fuoco che brilla per l'assenza eloquente dei pompieri che l'11/9 erano alle Torri Gemelle e al Pentagono.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Urine Glucose Testing Strips
It is true that WTC 7 is never mentioned in the report of Commission 11 / 9?
di Paolo Attivissimo
Uno dei presunti misteri spesso citati dai sostenitori delle tesi alternative è l'assenza di ogni riferimento al WTC7, la "terza torre" crollata al World Trade Center l'11 settembre 2001, nel Rapporto della Commissione 11/9. I rapporti tecnici di FEMA e NIST ne parlano estesamente, ma per qualche ragione il fatto che non sia citato nel Rapporto della Commissione, che è per forza di cose un sunto, ad alcuni pare strano.
In realtà chi fa quest'asserzione dimostra di aver ben poco talento per la ricerca. Infatti l'edificio è citato più volte nel Rapporto, solo che vi compare con la sigla “7 WTC” anziché “WTC7” .
Pagina 284: “The OEM' headquarters was located at 7 WTC. Some questioned locating it both so close to a previous terrorist target and on the 23rd floor of a building (difficult to access should elevators become inoperable). There was no backup site.”
Pagina 293: “By 8:48, officials in the OEM headquarters on the 23rd floor of 7 WTC – just to the north of the North Tower – began to activate the Emergency Operations Center by calling such agencies as the FDNY, NYPD, Department of Health, and the Greater Hospital Association and instructing them to send their designated representatives to the OEM.”
Pagina 302: “At about 9:57, an EMS paramedic approached the FDNY Chief of Department and advised that an engineer in front of 7 WTC had just remarked that the Twin Towers in fact were in imminent danger of a total collapse.”
Pagina 305: “After the South Tower was hit, OEM senior leadership decided to remain in its "bunker" and continue conducting operations, even though all civilians had been evacuated from 7 WTC. At approximately 9:30, a senior OEM official ordered the evacuation of the facility, after a Secret Service agent in 7 WTC advised him that additional commercial planes were not accounted for.”
Quello che manca, nel Rapporto, è un riferimento al crollo del WTC7. Ma il Rapporto non cita neppure quello del WTC3, il grande hotel Marriott, alto 22 piani, situato in fianco alle Torri Gemelle e distrutto completamente dal loro collasso, nonostante il fatto che la distruzione del WTC3 causò circa 40 morti.
Un bilancio del genere dovrebbe fare del crollo del WTC3 un evento significativo, ben più di quello del WTC7 che non provocò neppure una vittima (perché l'edificio, colpito dalle macerie delle Torri, era stato evacuato e delimitato da un perimetro di sicurezza proprio in previsione del suo crollo), eppure nel Rapporto della Commissione 11/9 non se ne fa mention. But this selective view of the conspiracy, not a mystery.
di Paolo Attivissimo

In realtà chi fa quest'asserzione dimostra di aver ben poco talento per la ricerca. Infatti l'edificio è citato più volte nel Rapporto, solo che vi compare con la sigla “7 WTC” anziché “WTC7” .
Pagina 284: “The OEM' headquarters was located at 7 WTC. Some questioned locating it both so close to a previous terrorist target and on the 23rd floor of a building (difficult to access should elevators become inoperable). There was no backup site.”
Pagina 293: “By 8:48, officials in the OEM headquarters on the 23rd floor of 7 WTC – just to the north of the North Tower – began to activate the Emergency Operations Center by calling such agencies as the FDNY, NYPD, Department of Health, and the Greater Hospital Association and instructing them to send their designated representatives to the OEM.”
Pagina 302: “At about 9:57, an EMS paramedic approached the FDNY Chief of Department and advised that an engineer in front of 7 WTC had just remarked that the Twin Towers in fact were in imminent danger of a total collapse.”
Pagina 305: “After the South Tower was hit, OEM senior leadership decided to remain in its "bunker" and continue conducting operations, even though all civilians had been evacuated from 7 WTC. At approximately 9:30, a senior OEM official ordered the evacuation of the facility, after a Secret Service agent in 7 WTC advised him that additional commercial planes were not accounted for.”

Un bilancio del genere dovrebbe fare del crollo del WTC3 un evento significativo, ben più di quello del WTC7 che non provocò neppure una vittima (perché l'edificio, colpito dalle macerie delle Torri, era stato evacuato e delimitato da un perimetro di sicurezza proprio in previsione del suo crollo), eppure nel Rapporto della Commissione 11/9 non se ne fa mention. But this selective view of the conspiracy, not a mystery.
Monday, September 20, 2010
How Do I Tell Fake Onyx
WTC7, news footage of the fire
Paul Attivissimo
A video posted on YouTube by IC911Studies and coming from the archives of a local television station in New York is further clarity on the structural conditions of the "Third Tower", the building WTC7 or the Salomon Building , which according to some conspiracy theory would collapse in a suspicious way.
The video begins with the reporter (not identified, but a microphone with the logo of CBS, and the number 2) which describes the scene from inside a building whose windows were completely destroyed.
says he does not know exactly in which building is located, but note that behind him there is Barclay Street. Sequence is also visible in a corner of WTC 7, so it is likely that the Bank of New York Mellon , at the intersection of Washington Street and Barclay Street.
the map below, taken from Chapter 1 of FEMA, the building is circled in red and the direction of the frame is indicated by the arrow.
The reporter indicates a building and then to the right of WTC 7 WTC 7 WTC 7 indicates the same and while says "We do not know what this building is" ("we do not know what that building is) , confirming what was little known to journalists the secondary this skyscraper at the World Trade Center. Arising from this lack of familiarity with the various misunderstandings Aaron Brown (CNN) and Jane Standley (BBC) in the report if the building had collapsed or not.
The reporter adds that "Obviously they're on fire, maybe there's a chance That They Could collapse" : it says that the buildings have just said is clearly on fire and that perhaps could collapse. Once again, the words of reporter documenting widespread and obvious than it was suggested that other buildings, as well on the Twin Towers could yield.
The debris at the foot of WTC 7 indicate that the recovery goes back after the collapse of Torre Nord (WTC1) e dimostrano che le macerie di questo crollo giunsero fino al WTC7 e oltre.
Si nota inoltre che da numerosi piani del WTC7 esce fumo abbondante. A sinistra si possono vedere le file di finestre infrante sul lato nord (opposto alle Torri), dalle quali spiccano fiamme. Si odono anche rumori secchi, simili a scoppi, forse prodotti dalle macerie che si vedono cadere al suolo.
Il fumo è abbondantissimo anche sul lato corto opposto del WTC7, rivolto verso est.
Still images can not make the violence of the fire and the frantic rush of smoke. It is therefore advisable to watch the full video is available below.
Considering that WTC 7 was left to burn for hours without any intervention of the fire, does not seem so surprising that it collapsed. Surprisingly, if anything, that supporters of theses alternatives are so obsessed with it, because it is not clear what would have - the perspective of the theory of deliberate demolition as casus belli – distruggere un grattacielo minore (47 piani) che pochi conoscevano quando la devastazione di due edifici iconici come le Torri Gemelle era più che sufficiente a creare uno shock fortissimo nell'opinione pubblica.
Paul Attivissimo
A video posted on YouTube by IC911Studies and coming from the archives of a local television station in New York is further clarity on the structural conditions of the "Third Tower", the building WTC7 or the Salomon Building , which according to some conspiracy theory would collapse in a suspicious way.

says he does not know exactly in which building is located, but note that behind him there is Barclay Street. Sequence is also visible in a corner of WTC 7, so it is likely that the Bank of New York Mellon , at the intersection of Washington Street and Barclay Street.
the map below, taken from Chapter 1 of FEMA, the building is circled in red and the direction of the frame is indicated by the arrow.
The reporter indicates a building and then to the right of WTC 7 WTC 7 WTC 7 indicates the same and while says "We do not know what this building is" ("we do not know what that building is) , confirming what was little known to journalists the secondary this skyscraper at the World Trade Center. Arising from this lack of familiarity with the various misunderstandings Aaron Brown (CNN) and Jane Standley (BBC) in the report if the building had collapsed or not.
The reporter adds that "Obviously they're on fire, maybe there's a chance That They Could collapse" : it says that the buildings have just said is clearly on fire and that perhaps could collapse. Once again, the words of reporter documenting widespread and obvious than it was suggested that other buildings, as well on the Twin Towers could yield.
The debris at the foot of WTC 7 indicate that the recovery goes back after the collapse of Torre Nord (WTC1) e dimostrano che le macerie di questo crollo giunsero fino al WTC7 e oltre.
Si nota inoltre che da numerosi piani del WTC7 esce fumo abbondante. A sinistra si possono vedere le file di finestre infrante sul lato nord (opposto alle Torri), dalle quali spiccano fiamme. Si odono anche rumori secchi, simili a scoppi, forse prodotti dalle macerie che si vedono cadere al suolo.
Il fumo è abbondantissimo anche sul lato corto opposto del WTC7, rivolto verso est.
Still images can not make the violence of the fire and the frantic rush of smoke. It is therefore advisable to watch the full video is available below.
Considering that WTC 7 was left to burn for hours without any intervention of the fire, does not seem so surprising that it collapsed. Surprisingly, if anything, that supporters of theses alternatives are so obsessed with it, because it is not clear what would have - the perspective of the theory of deliberate demolition as casus belli – distruggere un grattacielo minore (47 piani) che pochi conoscevano quando la devastazione di due edifici iconici come le Torri Gemelle era più che sufficiente a creare uno shock fortissimo nell'opinione pubblica.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Picures Of Tonsilitis
Depuriamoci with grape juice diet
O meglio, con il centrifugato .
Il succo dell’uva ha un potere altamente disintossicante , conosciuto già dal tempo degli antichi romani, che praticavano una cura consistente nel nutrirsi di sola uva per alcuni giorni.
Senza arrivare a questo estremo (data la vita stressante e l’aria inquinata di oggi), possiamo tuttavia usufruire delle proprietà disintossicanti di questo dolcissimo frutto autunnale, così “nostro” e mediterraneo, sostituendo il pasto serale , una volta alla settimana, con due bicchieri di centrifugato d’uva (o con 400-500 g di uva da mangiare) per tutto il mese di ottobre e quel che resta di settembre.
L’autunno, come la primavera, è una stagione che ci predispone alla naturale depurazione dell’organismo , e in questo modo asseconderemo e favoriremo un processo fisiologico già in atto.
Il nostro corpo, carico delle tossine degli “stravizi” estivi, ci thank you.
For obese or for those wishing to lose weight, you can replace all meals of the day with centrifugation of grape, for example, on Sunday (or 1.2 kg of grapes to eat during the day). The sugars in the fruit will give the necessary calories for the day, during which it will be better off to rest as much as possible, practicing outdoor walks (possibly pure) to facilitate purification.
The grapes (and its juice) in addition to detoxifying is diuretic, remineralizing , stimulant and decongestant for the liver and is recommended for constipated (as laxative), with hypertension, those who suffer from digestive disorders , skin ( eczema, furunculosis ) arthritism and rheumatism.
not limit ourselves therefore to consume a bit 'after a meal of grapes : moreover, in this way the sugar in it and his skin can cause unpleasant gastric fermentation and bloating.
To take full advantage of its properties is absolutely best eaten on an empty stomach!
O meglio, con il centrifugato .
Il succo dell’uva ha un potere altamente disintossicante , conosciuto già dal tempo degli antichi romani, che praticavano una cura consistente nel nutrirsi di sola uva per alcuni giorni.
Senza arrivare a questo estremo (data la vita stressante e l’aria inquinata di oggi), possiamo tuttavia usufruire delle proprietà disintossicanti di questo dolcissimo frutto autunnale, così “nostro” e mediterraneo, sostituendo il pasto serale , una volta alla settimana, con due bicchieri di centrifugato d’uva (o con 400-500 g di uva da mangiare) per tutto il mese di ottobre e quel che resta di settembre.
L’autunno, come la primavera, è una stagione che ci predispone alla naturale depurazione dell’organismo , e in questo modo asseconderemo e favoriremo un processo fisiologico già in atto.
Il nostro corpo, carico delle tossine degli “stravizi” estivi, ci thank you.
For obese or for those wishing to lose weight, you can replace all meals of the day with centrifugation of grape, for example, on Sunday (or 1.2 kg of grapes to eat during the day). The sugars in the fruit will give the necessary calories for the day, during which it will be better off to rest as much as possible, practicing outdoor walks (possibly pure) to facilitate purification.
The grapes (and its juice) in addition to detoxifying is diuretic, remineralizing , stimulant and decongestant for the liver and is recommended for constipated (as laxative), with hypertension, those who suffer from digestive disorders , skin ( eczema, furunculosis ) arthritism and rheumatism.
not limit ourselves therefore to consume a bit 'after a meal of grapes : moreover, in this way the sugar in it and his skin can cause unpleasant gastric fermentation and bloating.
To take full advantage of its properties is absolutely best eaten on an empty stomach!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Clever Candy Sayings To Go With Candy
di Paolo Attivissimo
Mentre gli attentati dell'11 settembre 2001 scivolano dalla cronaca verso la storia,
un momento di silenzio e di ricordo.
un momento di silenzio e di ricordo.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Paint Bmx Bike Virtual
Nine years after the monument to the paranoia
di Brain_Use
Sono passati due anni dalla cerimonia d'inaugurazione del Pentagon Memorial , avvenuta l'8 settembre del 2008 e con advance toward the next opening of the Flight 93 Memorial and the National September 11 Memorial , scheduled for 11 September 2011, and was inaugurated in the United States these days a monument not hesitate to define weird.
A frantic pace was in fact completed in a remote corner of Kansas, the construction of " 9 / 11 Truther Memorial." Built with funds raised by some conspiracy Web sites, the monument is dedicated to the 'real amateur fearless and daring conjecture "of those who seek to" reveal the secret machinations of the real world of puppeteers .
Tutto il monumento è stato creato da progettisti che hanno scelto l'anonimato, temendo ritorsioni da parte del Bilderberg Group, che, come tutti i complottisti sanno, non sarebbe altro che una derivazione del potentissimo Nuovo Ordine Mondiale (New World Order, NWO).
Il cuore del " 9/11 Truther Memorial " è costituito dalle " Truth Towers ", una riproduzione alta 18 metri delle torri del World Trade Center che ospita un museo dedicato alle domande senza risposta che riguardano gli attacchi dell'11 settembre.
Riluce, accanto ad esse, una piscina pentagonale che ospita diciotto gradini che simboleggiano le "18 Grandi Menzogne del complotto dell'11/9" . Non poteva mancare un cilindro di granito delle dimensioni del presunto missile Cruise che avrebbe colpito il Pentagono.
Al museo si accede gratuitamente, ma occorre un biglietto da 10 dollari per il privilegio di assistere alla proiezione del collasso dell'edificio 7 del WTC: ben 12 secondi di filmato, mostrati a ciclo continuo e accompagnati da una voce in sottofondo che ripete che si è trattato evidentemente di una demolizione controllata.
Bush non viene risparmiato: spicca anche una mostra interattiva che dimostra che il presidente dell'epoca fu in grado di concludere serenamente la lettura di un libro a una scolaresca l'11 settembre perché sapeva in anticipo degli attacchi e quindi la notizia non lo allarmò affatto.
Another element is the highly symbolic eternal flame, placed directly under a steel beam to remember that it is impossible that the plane had fuel melted steel supports rather like the official version.
Strong emotion aroused the wall that reminds one by one, the names of thousands of Jews were warned in advance not to go to work on 11 September 2001.
Around Truther Memorial, the site was modulated to create a labyrinth, in the hopes of the designers, should evoke the maze of federal agencies, companies related to contracts for the defense and oil companies made great efforts to far sembrare che un egiziano che guidava un gruppo di quindici sauditi avesse attaccato gli Stati Uniti e poi usare questo attacco come pretesto per invadere l'Iraq e l'Afghanistan per accedere a degli oleodotti in Asia Centrale di valore inestimabile mentre il dollaro veniva svalutato per preparare una guerra economica con la Cina, destinata a far precipitare l'economia mondiale in una depressione dalla quale emergerà uno stato unico fascista dominato dalle multinazionali.
Le polemiche sono inevitabili, ma a quanto dice The Onion , sito la cui natura e il cui orientamento dovrebbero essere ben chiari, al momento non sono disponibili commenti da parte del Comitato che segue la costruzione del 9/11 Memorial a Ground Zero, né da parte della "Trilateral Commission" del NWO.
A tutti consigliamo vivamente la lettura dei commenti dei cospirazionisti nell'articolo che The Onion dedica all'evento. Un vero monumento. Sì, agli abissi della paranoia complottista.
Nota: qualora non fosse chiara la riflessione proposta da questo articolo, si invita a leggere la lettera iniziale di ciascun paragrafo.

Sono passati due anni dalla cerimonia d'inaugurazione del Pentagon Memorial , avvenuta l'8 settembre del 2008 e con advance toward the next opening of the Flight 93 Memorial and the National September 11 Memorial , scheduled for 11 September 2011, and was inaugurated in the United States these days a monument not hesitate to define weird.
A frantic pace was in fact completed in a remote corner of Kansas, the construction of " 9 / 11 Truther Memorial." Built with funds raised by some conspiracy Web sites, the monument is dedicated to the 'real amateur fearless and daring conjecture "of those who seek to" reveal the secret machinations of the real world of puppeteers .
Tutto il monumento è stato creato da progettisti che hanno scelto l'anonimato, temendo ritorsioni da parte del Bilderberg Group, che, come tutti i complottisti sanno, non sarebbe altro che una derivazione del potentissimo Nuovo Ordine Mondiale (New World Order, NWO).
Il cuore del " 9/11 Truther Memorial " è costituito dalle " Truth Towers ", una riproduzione alta 18 metri delle torri del World Trade Center che ospita un museo dedicato alle domande senza risposta che riguardano gli attacchi dell'11 settembre.
Riluce, accanto ad esse, una piscina pentagonale che ospita diciotto gradini che simboleggiano le "18 Grandi Menzogne del complotto dell'11/9" . Non poteva mancare un cilindro di granito delle dimensioni del presunto missile Cruise che avrebbe colpito il Pentagono.
Al museo si accede gratuitamente, ma occorre un biglietto da 10 dollari per il privilegio di assistere alla proiezione del collasso dell'edificio 7 del WTC: ben 12 secondi di filmato, mostrati a ciclo continuo e accompagnati da una voce in sottofondo che ripete che si è trattato evidentemente di una demolizione controllata.
Bush non viene risparmiato: spicca anche una mostra interattiva che dimostra che il presidente dell'epoca fu in grado di concludere serenamente la lettura di un libro a una scolaresca l'11 settembre perché sapeva in anticipo degli attacchi e quindi la notizia non lo allarmò affatto.
Another element is the highly symbolic eternal flame, placed directly under a steel beam to remember that it is impossible that the plane had fuel melted steel supports rather like the official version.
Strong emotion aroused the wall that reminds one by one, the names of thousands of Jews were warned in advance not to go to work on 11 September 2001.
Around Truther Memorial, the site was modulated to create a labyrinth, in the hopes of the designers, should evoke the maze of federal agencies, companies related to contracts for the defense and oil companies made great efforts to far sembrare che un egiziano che guidava un gruppo di quindici sauditi avesse attaccato gli Stati Uniti e poi usare questo attacco come pretesto per invadere l'Iraq e l'Afghanistan per accedere a degli oleodotti in Asia Centrale di valore inestimabile mentre il dollaro veniva svalutato per preparare una guerra economica con la Cina, destinata a far precipitare l'economia mondiale in una depressione dalla quale emergerà uno stato unico fascista dominato dalle multinazionali.
Le polemiche sono inevitabili, ma a quanto dice The Onion , sito la cui natura e il cui orientamento dovrebbero essere ben chiari, al momento non sono disponibili commenti da parte del Comitato che segue la costruzione del 9/11 Memorial a Ground Zero, né da parte della "Trilateral Commission" del NWO.
A tutti consigliamo vivamente la lettura dei commenti dei cospirazionisti nell'articolo che The Onion dedica all'evento. Un vero monumento. Sì, agli abissi della paranoia complottista.
Nota: qualora non fosse chiara la riflessione proposta da questo articolo, si invita a leggere la lettera iniziale di ciascun paragrafo.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Eating Sugar Affects Periods
cake for breakfast
Autumn seems already at the door ... it starts with the routine work and school ...
Tiriamoci up with a little 'sweetness of the fruits of the season here a very simple recipe suitable for a Power Breakfast, for those who are observing a diet.
120 g flour 60 g sugar cane + spoon
60 g butter 1 tablespoon olive oil
A large pear or four tiny
Raisins Walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, cinnamon
with flour, butter cut into small pieces, sugar and oil, quickly formed a dough ball shaped, which leave in the fridge, wrapped in a film, the time needed to prepare the fruit. (For more rigorous, replace the butter with a greater quantity of oil: 4 tablespoons all over two of water. In this case you should add to the mix a teaspoon of baking powder. The dough will be more difficult to apply, help you much with your hands. The cake is a bit 'less good, but equally delicious and more diet!)
Peel the pears and let them into slices. Sprinkle with raisins and cinnamon and then sprinkle with the lemon juice and a tablespoon of sugar cane.
Take a tart, the base board. Lining the inside with baking paper. Take the dough and place it in the middle. Then begin to roll it with your fingertips (there is no hope to use the rolling pin if not between two sheets of parchment paper). With a little 'patience sure to form a thin disk, on which lay the pears with their "juice, raisins and almonds and enjoy a mix of chopped nuts (including pine nuts if desired).
Bake in oven pre heated to 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.
Pears are a suggestion, the fruit can vary up to any fruit in season. In the photo I used cake of figs (or without cinnamon Lemon, however, do not go well together).
Welcome back!
Autumn seems already at the door ... it starts with the routine work and school ...
Tiriamoci up with a little 'sweetness of the fruits of the season here a very simple recipe suitable for a Power Breakfast, for those who are observing a diet.
120 g flour 60 g sugar cane + spoon
60 g butter 1 tablespoon olive oil
A large pear or four tiny
Raisins Walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, cinnamon
with flour, butter cut into small pieces, sugar and oil, quickly formed a dough ball shaped, which leave in the fridge, wrapped in a film, the time needed to prepare the fruit. (For more rigorous, replace the butter with a greater quantity of oil: 4 tablespoons all over two of water. In this case you should add to the mix a teaspoon of baking powder. The dough will be more difficult to apply, help you much with your hands. The cake is a bit 'less good, but equally delicious and more diet!)
Peel the pears and let them into slices. Sprinkle with raisins and cinnamon and then sprinkle with the lemon juice and a tablespoon of sugar cane.
Take a tart, the base board. Lining the inside with baking paper. Take the dough and place it in the middle. Then begin to roll it with your fingertips (there is no hope to use the rolling pin if not between two sheets of parchment paper). With a little 'patience sure to form a thin disk, on which lay the pears with their "juice, raisins and almonds and enjoy a mix of chopped nuts (including pine nuts if desired).
Bake in oven pre heated to 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.
Pears are a suggestion, the fruit can vary up to any fruit in season. In the photo I used cake of figs (or without cinnamon Lemon, however, do not go well together).
Welcome back!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Recipes Cards For Bridal Shower
Face to face with supporters of staging
di Paolo Attivissimo
Sono stato invitato dal David Icke Meetup a Milano, l'11 settembre prossimo, come relatore per parlare degli attentati dell'11 settembre 2001 e della critica alle teorie alternative that affect them.
It seems to me an interesting opportunity, even to make face to face that for years the proponents of alternative theories systematically reject. Moreover there is little known or unpublished material that is worth presenting a preview on the occasion of the anniversary of the attacks.
The meeting will be held at the Library of Esoteric Union Street, corner Piazza Missori, in Milan, which has about 140 seats. I got confirmation from the organizers that I can videotape and publish the report online and debate. Admission is free.
to propose alternative theories will be Tom Bosco, from 14:30. The program includes 45 minutes presentation of the Forest, 45 minutes of my reply to the intervention of Forest and two areas of mutual replication of five minutes each before moving on space applications and actions to the public for an hour.
di Paolo Attivissimo
Sono stato invitato dal David Icke Meetup a Milano, l'11 settembre prossimo, come relatore per parlare degli attentati dell'11 settembre 2001 e della critica alle teorie alternative that affect them.
It seems to me an interesting opportunity, even to make face to face that for years the proponents of alternative theories systematically reject. Moreover there is little known or unpublished material that is worth presenting a preview on the occasion of the anniversary of the attacks.
The meeting will be held at the Library of Esoteric Union Street, corner Piazza Missori, in Milan, which has about 140 seats. I got confirmation from the organizers that I can videotape and publish the report online and debate. Admission is free.
to propose alternative theories will be Tom Bosco, from 14:30. The program includes 45 minutes presentation of the Forest, 45 minutes of my reply to the intervention of Forest and two areas of mutual replication of five minutes each before moving on space applications and actions to the public for an hour.
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