Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wood Boiler Type Of Pipe

spots on the skin: the danger signal?

The skin spots can appear at any age, although they are more common in women more than 35 years. From the 65, appear in 90% of cases. These stains can be classified by their cause of appearance:

Freckles actinic: appear when the skin receives too much sun. It is the first warning signal of photo-aging and appear especially on the face and hands.

solar senile freckles: they appear as a result of sun exposure and age. Affecting 90% of over 65 years.

chloasma: estrogen appears to increase. It usually appears during pregnancy, but can also appear in other stages of the life of a woman.

Melanin is a natural shield or an umbrella that protects the nucleus of every cell in the skin when exposed to direct sunlight. The result is that melanin absorbs solar radiation, free heat, and the skin tans, colors with more intensity. The melanin are responsible for producing specialized cells called melanocytes. Faced with an excess of sun, the activity of melanocytes is revolutionary, it produces an excess of melanin and appear stains.

We can prevent stains from childhood as it is shown that 80% of the sun we receive it before the age of 18 years. For this reason, children must use adequate sun protection every day.


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