Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Congratulations On Baby Funny Messages

July 17, 2007: The new bankers


denies the allegations set out by dozens of

BLOGGER FAKE THIS SALARY FROM ONE CRICKET portrays itself as I write "post-cons" so to say:
"if not banned me that I am bad!"

It 'a little game STRA-OLD.

SOON IN PRISON! and I godooooooooooooooooo
MARRISETA LUISA 01/21/2007 12:49 two minutes later he disappeared .. Now I made the pages of the screen .. Can you do it, if you want.

cricket complaint, the word taboo


makes writing to his loyal (leccachiappa)
for placing in doubt and pass for U.S.
liars but the Net is a documentation of 20 months (!) Of
complaints, threats and various bannaggio ...

There are people / nick ddi which I have never heard before, although here is two years (!)

are fake, "stipendiati_per ....", understand?


GRILLO E 'IL MALE: Look out! 21/01/2007 24:35

Jade Fedaini

But that story is this Censorship of the Beppe? The skit of fans of seigniorage? I've tried, I've written, and I've never been criticized censurata.Ho Grillo, his friends, his comments, in full freedom, have never been censored. I am not politically correct than most of the blog, I have not been censored.

But there may ONLY IF YOU ARE "AGAINST"?
What disease is it?

E 'started the crusade against Beppe Grillo. We'll have to see, analyze the "quality", so to speak, of parteipanti, then we will come to understand why ', because nothing happens "without a" why "

Marist Urrutia (Urrutia Marist) 20/01/2007 22:39

Reviews discussion
Myself I tried to put the word seigniorage to see if there was censorship ...
Since the post appeared I calmly pointed out ...

If you do not believe you send them;)
Anyway I repeat, so moderate a blog is a labor and you can certainly be taken to cut ... --------------------------------------- I do not think just be between the eulogies, but often I have highlighted the discrepancy from my post, just do not give a damn of course, not have been noticed, not even when I posted up against the boredom. happens too. I do not want an absolute end. I do not know who is behind your name. If you use too many nicks and etc. I even make a case. I just want qui possiamo proporre, fare, incazzarci, insultarci. BEN Altro che 11 battute come signoraggio. Massimo Greek
01/20/2007 22:37
I do not swear, because I do not think it is legitimate for free to offend anyone.

today 'was long, and I believe there is still a comment by SUN blasphemy.

Many complain that banks do not talk about, in fact when you talk about SERIOUSLY JUST NOT THERE PO 'CARES' LESS. Those of seigniorage always say the same things, and invent a complaint THAT DOES NOT EXIST '
Marist Urrutia (Urrutia Marist) 20/01/2007 22:52
----------------- ----------------------
Unfortunately I have to confirm that the tagli a caso ci sono...
sicuramente per esasperazione si è arrivati all'approssimazione nel moderare...
Roberto P. 20.01.07 22:49
Buonasera Marista, vede anche lei sparire dei post, faccia una prova e tenga conto il numero dei commenti e vedrà il loro continuo rimestarsi. Per quel che mi riguarda continuano a togliere quelli firmati "chissà perchè", ho dei sospetti del perchè ma aspetto il giorno che il grillo venga in un paese vicino al mio per andare a chiederglielo personalmente. Prevedo che sarà difficile, per via dell'intoccabilità del personaggio, ma ci proverò.
Giuseppe Campa 20.01.07 22:47

Si si…..comunque alla fine fai bene….. quella sarà la stessa risposta che ti darebbe un politico se, tu in un ipotetico “ma molto ipotetico” futuro gli avresti potuto fare le tue “illuminanti” domande.

Mario Bianchi 20.01.07 22:14

I can not give answers.

I know is that until a few days ago I could not write seigniorage, just like you.

In fact I could not even copy and paste and put some other web address came.

Despite this I never made complaints inappropriately.

I know that there are management problems, at least minimal. Today it is clear

banned. IP blocked, then I put order and depend on my management of the operating system.

ripetere una cosa
Tuttavia tutto resta qui.

Proviamo a uscire da questo blog con certe argomentazioni e scopriamo che È vietato parlare.

Non mi riferisco alla mia pagina personale o altre piccole iniziative.

Mi riferisco ai grandi network del Grande Fratello.

Il vero Grande Fratello.

Proviamo a replicare 1-2 giorni, con la stessa intensità con cui interveniamo su questo blog... su Repubblica, su Cosanostra.it... (UNIONE-Forza italia, mediaset... rai...) e scoprirete che non esiste la libertà neppure di scrivere una sola virgola.
out of here there is only one of the world ringtones ... Like it or not.
Reviews discussion ------------------------------


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--------- I totally agree with what you say there is censorship in this country, "it would be strange to the contrary" .... but I can not understand what that center my post, with the the fact that you crashed into the PC IP? John Smith 20/01/2007 23:02

In fact, feel a bit 'that concert. Marco Grandi
01/20/2007 22:41