One of the stories that conspiracy theorists are wont to tell in an attempt to accredit their own theories is that the rubble of Ground Zero were removed and disposed in great haste in order to prevent that from their analysis shows evidence that the Twin Towers were destroyed by controlled demolition using explosives and incendiary.
The story is not true: the ruins were removed in a relatively short time (at least by our standards, where even the garbage disposal is a problem) but to be set aside in a warehouse for subsequent disposal, where they were subject studies and surveys (pictured at right, one of the top world experts in steel structures, Eng. Astaneh, while examining the wreckage of the World Trade Center).

Part of the wreckage was later spared from disposal operations and retained for further needs at the Hangar 17 Kennedy airport in New York, who in 2012 became a veritable museum of Ground Zero.
Other steel from the Twin Towers is finished in various museums and a number of tons was reused to build the military ship New York launched in 2008.
Now a number of beams (in the opening pic), with a total weight of about twenty tons, was obtained and reused by the sculptor Antonio Paradise, which intends to make a work depicting the Last Supper in that of Matera, in Basilicata.
L ' article Republic reporting the news is interesting for a change of subtitle in photo gallery :
"Last Supper globalized," the title of the first of the sculptures will be made of beams cut by blowtorch, obscured by the violence.
The passage shows how the world of normal people are well aware that most of the steel beams at Ground Zero were cut with a cutting torch to be removed and transported.
is a clear logic and banal. Yet hundreds of conspiracy theorists still believe that the cuts were caused by "termite."
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