When we speak of the relationship between light skin and the thought immediately flies to the sun and tanning, but also to tanning beds that are used in beauty salons to tan even in winter.
not really think it is wrong to sunlight, as it is very important for skin and its development, though - like all things - you should not abuse it in order to avoid the occurrence of the damage, or less permanent. In fact, in all subjects that expose their skin to the sun or tanning lamps for too long, skin problems occur. From the simple appearance of blemishes, premature aging of the tissue, the presence scars as a result of burns, until you reach angiomas and benign and malignant tissue.
All these damages caused by excessive exposure to sunlight, can be treated through therapies that take advantage of another type of light the laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiaton).
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diagram of a laser source that emits a beam of green light. | |
lasers are light sources that emit beams of light with four characteristics fondamentali, ovvero coerenza , monocromaticità, collimazione e brillanza . Ed è proprio grazie a queste proprietà che il laser può essere usato in molti campi che vanno dal trattamento di superfici delicatissime, al taglio di molti materiali, alle misure di particolari proprietà della materia, o di velocità e distanze, alla cura di malattie cutanee ed oftalmologiche, in ogni caso con una precisione ed accuratezza senza pari.
Nella cura delle malattie, per esempio, si sfruttano i fasci laser pulsati, meglio conosciuti come laser frazionati, impulsi laser emessi ad intervalli di tempo regolari ed in phase, to hit the tissue in a controlled manner. Can be eliminated in this way, only the damaged parts, leaving intact the surrounding areas not affected by this problem, with an accuracy more than "surgical".
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surgical device with laser technology |
interventions that use laser technology does not leave marks or scars, and have a high success rate in each application.
a technique is now widespread in Western medicine and applied in aesthetic medicine in ophthalmology, dermatology, but is also in nephrology to treat a growing number of diseases, with a consequent evolution of technology through continuous research and experience is gained with time and use.
Among the many surgical use that lasers provide fourth generation, we can mention the removal of kidney stones, treatment of retinal injuries and diseases of the cornea, the removal of stains from skin tissues and tumors, all interventions that run through this technique, in specialized centers that do not provide all outpatient and in hospital and special care rehabilitation, often limited to simple measures.
In the fields of chirurgia estetica , delle cure antietà e dell' estetica in genere poi, la tecnologia laser è molto utilizzata per l'epilazione definitiva, per l'eliminazione di macchie, tatuaggi, piccoli nei, rughe e segni dell'invecchiamento in genere, con una semplicità ed una precisione, anche in questo caso, senza pari. Tanto che ormai sono numerosissimi gli operatori ed i centri estetici che dispongono di tali mezzi.
Molte altre ancora sono le applicazioni mediche di questa tecnologia, ma, e mi scuso per questo, per mancanza di spazio e risorse non possono essere pubblicate in questo articolo. Alla luce di ciò mi impegno to clarify, where possible, the doubts that the readers will have after reading this paper.
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