of Brain_Use

L ' hypothesis put forward by the Telegraph based on the content of cable is that a group of three persons of Qatari nationality could be a sort of fifth cell ready to intervene on 11 September. The three
, Alhajri Meshal, 35, Fahad Abdulla, 36, and Ali Alfehaid, 35 years, had booked seats on American Airlines Flight 144 to Washington DC on September 10, 2001, but failed to sign on. The plane of that flight, the day after, he assumed the appointment AA77 and crashed into the Pentagon.
The three had arrived in the U.S. August 15, 2001, a flight from London with British Airways. They had visited the World Trade Center, the Statue of Liberty, the White House and various areas in Washington, New York and Virginia.
On August 24, had traveled with an American Airlines flight in Los Angeles, where they had stayed in a hotel near the airport, paying in cash.

In the days before the departure date, set for Sept. 10, the three had requested that the room was not clean. The hotel staff was so suspicious because it had been noted in the pilot room uniforms, laptop computers, packets addressed to Syria, Jerusalem, Afghanistan and Jordan, as well as lists containing names of pilots, airlines, numbers and flight status.
On 10 September, unable to board the flight to Washington AA144, the three took British Airways and a flight back to London, where they stayed until 13 and then fly with a new British Airways flight to Doha, Qatar, where you lose track of them.
The cost of tickets, including those for non-flight AA144, and reservations of hotels, according to the dispatch, was supported by a "convicted terrorist" . According to the Telegraph
, the story brings attention to the possible role of Britain in the early stages of organizing the attacks of 9 / 11. It is known that three of the hijackers, including Atta, had viewed the speeches del'islamista London Abu Qatada, and Zacarias Moussaoui, the so-called "twentieth hijacker" (Who is serving a life sentence in the U.S.), had been in contact, always in London, with another preacher, Abu Hamza.
The three are not named in 9 / 11 Commission Report but appear in a list of 300 people the FBI wanted to question in 2002.
does not appear that the three had contact with the 19 hijackers, who were at that time in the United States for a long time to train on the fly. However, it is known that two of the hijackers of Flight 77 had spent time in Los Angeles in 2000, a period in which there is little information.
The suspicion is that the three Al Mansoori and might be involved in activities support and surveillance of possible targets or even could be a sort of fifth cell ready to take the 11 / 9.
currently no comments by the FBI or U.S. authorities.
More information is available in articles in the Daily Telegraph topic:
- WikiLeaks: 9 / 11 gang with uniforms pilot Fled to London
- WikiLeaks: FBI hunts the 9 / 11 gang That Got Away
- WikiLeaks: 9 / 11 Commission report hinted at U.S. network of 'accomplices'
- WikiLeaks: What the cables Said about the 9 / 11 gang Qatari
- WikiLeaks: Did al-Qaeda plot fifth attack on 9/11?
- WikiLeaks: missing September 11 gang interactive map
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