semi-Cholesterol Eggs and prohibited È opinione comune che chi ha valori alti di colesterolo nel sangue debba star lontano da uova, latte intero, formaggi , carne rossa e via dicendo.
Ho recentemente scoperto che alcuni medici sostengono il contrario…
Premesso che rimando alla lettura del libro “
Colesterolo amico o nemico ” di Attilio e Luca Speciani (edito da Giunti) per i dovuti approfondimenti (Do not worry: the book is smooth and suitable for audiences of all kinds and even highly recommend reading for those who have problems with high cholesterol), my contribution is simply to give some food for thought:
- There is a widespread 'information that have high levels of cholesterol in the blood is the highest
risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease. This value is then strettamene to keep under control. But this post, that information
partial and distorted.
- Cholesterol alone, even if high, in the absence of other risk factors such as physical inactivity, obesity, blood pressure high, smoking, diabetes (or high blood glucose), is not attributable to increase the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease. Indeed, according to some, other risk factors mentioned are much more severe high blood cholesterol itself.
- Medical laboratories put an asterisk if the value of total cholesterol greater than 200 mg / dl, without considering that the really good indicator of an imbalance is not the total cholesterol, but the
total cholesterol / HDL cholesterol (the so-called index of cardiovascular risk
). This index is considered acceptable if less than 5
man and woman in
4.5. For example, an individual who has a total cholesterol of 240 mg / dl and HDL cholesterol of 70 mg / dl has a hazard index equal to 3.43, thus very low. And if the person is not overweight, not smoking and moderate physical activity also has no reason of being prescribed statins.
- The industry has become very aggressive in offering their medicines as indispensable and irreplaceable. Some researchers have advanced the suspicion that both the statins market
(and expensive drugs whose patent belongs to a few pharmaceutical companies) to press to demonize the cholesterol in and of itself. These drugs have serious side effects and should be prescribed only in cases of real need (Certainly not in such an active person, not obese, non-hypertensive Total cholesterol 250 mg / dl and HDL 60 mg / dl). It is no coincidence that of the statin group drug
absolute world's best selling (charged with dizzying ...).
- According to the
statins lower cholesterol but not total mortality . They would also suspected of widespread chronic heart failure.
- After 70 years the mortality from cardiovascular disease with high cholesterol is nothing and even after that age, high cholesterol appears to be a
protective factor against cancer and infections.
- In addition, yes statins lower total cholesterol, but
are unable to raise the village "good" cholesterol (HDL) . What you can do instead of simply a balanced physical activity. So why do some doctors before prescribing statins, do not tell patients to stop smoking, eat better, walk?
- also abstain from eggs and eat only low-fat milk would be a few seconds
false indication. It is not abstaining from eating foods high in cholesterol that lowers blood levels of this. The value of our cholesterol is in fact only 20% influenced by diet, while 80% is produced dal fegato sulla base di alcuni “mattoncini” (acetil coA) che derivano da qualsiasi nutriente in eccesso immesso con l’alimentazione (non solo grassi ma anche zuccheri e proteine!) È quindi un eccesso di zuccheri in primis (e una sovralimentazione in generale) a stimolare una iperproduzione di colesterolo, mentre il colesterolo esogeno (proveniente dagli alimenti che lo contengono come uova e formaggi) blocca la produzione endogena . Non ha quindi senso limitare le uova, semmai mangiare cibi ricchi di colesterolo tiene sotto controllo la nostra produzione interna.
- Morale? Non serve a molto continuare ad iperalimentarsi, fumare, restare sedentari e prendere statine per stare tranquilli.
Prima di ricorrere a pharmacological solution (which obviously must be taken into account in the worst cases), it is possible to learn how to combat a sedentary lifestyle and eat better. What does it mean in practice to eat better? First of all
to control the excesses and prefer quality to quantity. Check the intake of simple sugars (sweets a few!), Consuming carbohydrates whole, have a rich and varied breakfast, put the right amount of protein at every meal, whereas those walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, legumes, whole milk, yogurt, cheese and eggs, in addition to fish (by preference) and the white meat and occasionally even red. Fruits and vegetables are never fail and must be fresh, seasonal and preferably organic. And for extra virgin olive oil dressing. All in accordance to their personal tastes and with an invitation to take charge of their health.