Friday, October 29, 2010

Nicki James Striptease

red cabbage salad with pumpkin and pumpkin seeds ... Cream of red lentil

Which vegetable is everywhere this time of year? The pumpkin! With the spread of Halloween party for some years also in Italy, we find everywhere windows decorated with bright (or frightening)

pumpkins ... But if one part is becoming known for Halloween, a few other uses in the kitchen and know variety and properties .

With this post I wanted the information you need on this issue and tell the truth, on this occasion I thought I would finally shed light on the origins and varieties of pumpkin. Well ... it was not easy!
I discovered that there are many more varieties than I thought. Their origin is lost in the mists of time. Each continent, country, region and even locality, has its own variety. And this is normal, indeed, it is only fair since each local variety is well adapted to the microclimate and soil of the area.
But then the fact is that with the globalization of markets, here you will find here also the pumpkin or Japanese American. Not to mention the hybrids ...

To simplify (and forgive me botanists, farmers and agronomists to any sfondoni), there are 4 species (each with many varieties). The

legenaria is ornamental, was already known at the time of the Romans who used not to eat it, but to pack flasks for water and wine. The

maxima, the moschata and pepo ( Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbita moschata and Cucurbita pepo) instead come from the American continent and were then imported into Europe only in 1500 (such as potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, eggplant ...). The

pepo is the one whose fruit is harvested immature, and ... is nothing but the zucchini! (= Petite pumpkin). And here, too: dozens of varieties. The

maxima collects varieties rounder (like "marina di Chioggia" the Romagna, the valance, the yellow squash in the winter (the most common in Italy), turban squash, the Hokkaido, etc.).

The moschata therefore include more elongated (trumpet Albenga, pumpkin Long of Naples, Sicily, snake gourd, Butternut, violin, etc.).

The consistency and taste of the flesh of all these different varieties ranging from water to the paste. All are still sweet and tasty.

The yellow is more suitable for winter soups and risotto, the sea of \u200b\u200bChioggia and the valance and velvety to the filling for ravioli, and the Hokkaido has a hint of chestnut ...

The pumpkin flesh is rich in beta carotene , potassium, calcium , phosphorus and fiber and antioxidant action . For centuries, the sedative properties are attributed : a cream of pumpkin is very suitable for the evening dinner for those who are nervous and have trouble sleeping and also for restless children! Its sweet taste is very pleasing to even the smallest.

It 'also very rich in water and rule and soothes irritated intestines (both if you have problems with constipation than the other).

And what about the semi ? In addition to

avere un effetto vermifugo (conosciuto fin dall’antichità) sono ricchi di magnesio , calcio , selenio , zinco , vitamina E e acido linoleico . Utili nella prevenzione delle malattie prostatiche , ma alimento “curativo” in generale.

Consiglio di tenerne sempre un po’ in casa, di tritarli con un macinino e di usare questa polvere al posto del parmigiano o sulle bruschette…

Ricetta: risotto alla zucca e semi di zucca

ingredienti per 4 persone

300 g di riso semintegrale

350 g of pumpkin cubes

few leaves of sage (or rosemary)

A little 'onion

Vegetable broth

A handful of pumpkin seeds

In the risotto pan, heat a little olive oil with onion finely chopped, then add the pumpkin and let it cook for a few minutes and sage. Season with salt and add vegetable broth (or just water), stirring occasionally, until the pumpkin becomes soft. Now add the rice and brown together the pumpkin, gradually add the hot stock (or warm salt), stirring (as you normally would to the risotto). Pumpkin and wholemeal rice have the same cooking time and after about 20 minutes you will have a delicious risotto in a delicious orange cream.

Serve immediately with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkling of pumpkin seeds, chopped (or Parmesan cheese for lovers of classic flavors)!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Disneyworld Gay Cruising Spots

11 / 9 for iPhone

di John -

La tragedia dell'11 settembre è sbarcata tra le applicazioni disponibili su iTunes per i possessori di iPhone, iPod e iPad.

L' applicativo è stato realizzato da Luca Talpo per la serie iStory, ha un costo di 1,59 euro ed è disponibile sia in italiano che in inglese (scaricabile da iTunes inglese).

Lo abbiamo provato alcune settimane fa, ma il programma andava in crash su tutti i dispositivi who had the software updated to the latest release.

Reported the bug to the authors, in recent days it has released version 1.1, which solves all problems and works great.

The application, entitled iStory 9 / 11 is divided into five sections and is fully searchable online, so even if your device is not connected to the Web

Section WTC reconstructs the history of the World Trade Center; History presents a chronological summary of the main events that took place Sept. 11 from 5 am until late evening that day, Commando illustrates the biographies of 19 terrorists, raggruppati nei team corrispondenti ai quattro voli dirottati; Video propone i principali filmati relativi agli impatti e ai crolli nonché registrazioni audio (comprese quelle dei voice recorder ) e ricostruzioni grafiche; infine la sezione Vittime fornisce alcuni dati numerici sulla distribuzione delle vittime tra gli obiettivi colpiti e i voli distrutti.

Fa anche piacere constatare che la struttura espositiva e i testi sono in più punti ispirati all'ebook Crono911 , che ancora oggi rappresenta un importante riferimento in lingua italiana per chi voglia consultare una ricostruzione d'insieme di quegli eventi.

iStory 9/11 non è certamente una risorsa enciclopedica, considerata l'estrema sintesi della cronologia e la mancanza di riferimenti alle fonti, ma è uno strumento utile per diffondere la conoscenza della tragedia tra i più giovani, che non hanno vissuto consapevolmente i fatti del 2001 e che preferiscono senz'altro i gadget multimediali rispetto ai tomi cartacei.

L'applicativo si fa apprezzare però anche dai più esperti, perché consente di consultare velocemente un orario o visualizzare video e registrazioni. Tenuto conto che è ben possibile archiviare su iPod, iPhone e iPad altri documenti più corposi ( Crono911 , il 9/11 Report , ecc...), iStory 9/11 rappresenta un utile Completion in silence for a few seconds to turn the conspiracy.

conclude this short review hopes for the future new versions of iStory 9 / 11 integrating additional content, such as a picture gallery and links to major Web resources

Friday, October 22, 2010

Hydroquione Makes Skin Darker

e. .. A wise rule

Very often we fail to consume vegetables as we should, either because their cooking is long, because there is swell and we want to avoid unpleasant problems ... relationships. Instead

legumes should be more present on our tables ...

... not only because they are one of the Mediterranean diet bases, but also because, especially in combination with cereals (pasta or rice or pearl barley or barley, etc.). are an excellent source of vegetable protein and are a dish balanced and complete .

Perfect for those who suffer from high cholesterol . But in general for all : sports, kids, children, elderly and pregnant women, given that in our affluent society is consumed exaggerated proportion of animal protein . The

red lentils (those in the middle in the photo), since peeled (without the outer skins) cook quickly and do not swell (it seems it's just the seed coat to create enteric fermentation). Instead, they have a mild laxative effect.

not be put to soak, but directly into the pot with water and, optionally, a stalk of celery and carrot into small pieces (but there is no real need: the red lentils are tasty even cooked in water and salt !).

Add salt and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring often and vigorously (important) and you'll get a delicious cream, without the need for mixer, blender or other. Then in

this cream you can bake the dough little or merge previously boiled rice or another cereal (such as barley or pearled barley, for example).

Season with raw oil, parsley and spices to taste.

quantities? 100g of lentils per person (about one half cup) in the covered pot for about twice the volume of water (if you see the water recedes too, add your own little by little, a little more, 'hot).

Use a pot with thick bottom and stirring often, both to facilitate the formation of the cream is to prevent it from sticking.

Note: This recipe is suitable for those wishing to observe the days of abstinence from yeast-wheat-dairy (purché non usi pasta di grano nella crema di lenticchie né parmigiano per insaporire) (vedi post del 16 ottobre 2010).

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Knee Pain Tenager Growing Pains

Review: September 11: an Oral History


In the first anniversary of the September 11 attacks was released volume "September 11: an Oral History" by the journalist New York Times Dean E. Murphy. As the title suggests, the book contains the testimonies of those who experienced the attacks firsthand. We come across since

now in the words vivid and full of emotions of the protagonists. We enter the living experience of those endless stairs confronted by the smell of acrid smoke and a stream of water polluted with a colleague who is blind assisted by his guide dog. We know the pain of those who had to abandon a friend quadriplegic overweight and waiting for aid that they could not save him and perished with him. We read of those who, to save others, he found himself moving heavy objects, amazed by his physical strength, which does not even have believed. We know an employee of the Pentagon, concerned about the fate of his brother who worked at the World Trade Center and found itself in a very similar experience after the crash of American Airlines Flight 77.

While rich flow extraordinary stories of pain, fear and hope, the reader expects to get to read a story "normal", the story of someone who is out of the Towers or having witnessed the crash of American Flight 77 into the Pentagon and has particular differences compared to the hundreds of other people. But it soon became clear that stories of "normal" just are not there, and every story about the 11 / 9 has something special, something that makes it unique in its human and emotional aspects.

It should be noted that none of the testimonies gathered by Murphy says the conspiracy theories. No survivors of the World Trade Center talks about explosion mysterious and none of the witnesses of the Pentagon no doubt that an airliner has crashed into the building's facade.

Murphy's book gives us a very powerful and exciting glimpse of what happened on 11 / 9, and it is thanks to books like this commendable that the words of witnesses may be eternal and pass on to future generations, because the memory of massacres in New York and Washington never lose.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Blue & White Striped Throw Pillows

food hygiene

Ci sono alcuni alimenti che sulle nostre tavole sono presenti, non solo quotidianamente, ma ad ogni pasto . Un esempio? Facile: il frumento . Tra pane, pasta, pizza, crackers, fette biscottate e biscotti, almeno uno di questi cibi è presente costantemente nei tre pasti principali.

Nella tipica alimentazione italiana infatti troviamo come minimo biscotti or biscuits for breakfast, pasta and / or bread for lunch and definitely more bread for dinner.

And what about sandwiches, breadsticks, cakes, tarts, cakes and various snacks? The grain is practically everywhere. Not to mention the yeast ! The milk and dairy products are ingested almost daily, sometimes in small doses and unconsciously, by those who do not follow a special diet.

's why, even to those who have specific allergies, the board (along the Speciani - see post 8 October - it must be said), a day of "cleaning", to "breathe" the 'apparatus digestive system and give it some 'respite from molecules in the long run, drop by drop, could create an intolerance to build (it is in fact due to a build-up newspaper that you can create delayed food allergy or intolerance ).

was no coincidence (or is still in some cases) habit of some people to follow, as wise rule food hygiene, a weekly day of abstinence, such as "meatless Friday" of Christians (who in the past for most observant consisted of a real fast) or the "Saturday kosher" Jewish.

think of it, Did not our digestive system the right to rest at least one day a week, since working non-stop 24 hours a day forever?

Anyone observe this day, weekly cleaning, follow a diet based on fruits, vegetables and a few other simple foods, seasoned only with olive oil raw, taking care to abstain from foods, which usually assume almost daily, as yeast, milk and dairy products, wheat.

Here are some examples.

For breakfast: fresh fruit you like, puffed rice cakes with honey or jam, boiled egg, tea or herbal tea, or rice milk with oatmeal, almonds and raisins, orange juice.

Pranzo e cena: insalata mista di stagione (senza aceto e con poco sale), verdure crude in pinzimonio o grigliate, al vapore o bollite a piacere e a volontà, pesce o carne bianca grigliati, bolliti o arrosto , riso bollito, patate al forno, bollite o al cartoccio, polenta, minestroni di verdure e legumi o insalata di legumi o crema di legumi (lenticchie rosse, piselli spezzati e fave secche cuocendo formano naturalmente una crema) eventualmente mescolati con cereali meno usuali sulle nostre tavole, come orzo o avena o grano saracen o (nota: non farro, kamut o segale, ancora troppo simili al frumento). E poi frutta fresca o anche cotta, con uvetta e cannella and also dry, such as almonds, walnuts and pine nuts.

Too difficult? Pour this is one day a week and benefits will be enormous, especially for those suffering from various gastrointestinal disorders, related to a chronic inflammation of these organs.

Ah! And to help clean remember to drink lots of water on this day, or hot teas if it's cold.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Best Place To Watch South Park Online

Food allergies: yes or no? We

When they come to me for a diet, many people ask me for advice if this is the case whether or not to take a test to detect food intolerance . I have long meditated on the answer to this question.

While the scientific community is very active on this issue and there are more and more in-depth research on what is and what a food intolerance test to detect it, the other the word "intolerance" is now on everyone's lips, and is often used improperly.

here I do not want to embark on challenging description of what is an intolerance, how it develops, which involves components of the immune system, what are the differences with the allergy symptoms and what it implies: that's why the reference site of Dr. Attilio Speciani , a prominent immunologist Milan on intolerance that he studied very thorough and enlightening. Who should then get an education you can go to www.eurosalus . with and under the heading to find food intolerances in my opinion the most comprehensive explanations, aimed at an audience as "profane."

My approach is to start with a weight loss diet / purifying , which is complete, varied and at the same time eliminating regularly, or wheel, food that the person at that time was used to introduce or almost daily (for eg milk). Only then, if there is a resistance to weight loss, or the reverse of negative symptoms on the gastrointestinal system (swelling, foul breath, colitis, indigestion, etc..) And not (drowsiness, stanchezza cronica, cefalea, ecc.), allora procedo consigliando il test delle intolleranze alimentari.

Il test che uso (anch’esso selezionato dopo lunghe ricerche) è innovativo e altamente preciso, ed è in grado di rilevare le reazioni avverse innescate da alcune proteine alimentari, sostenute da anticorpi di classe G (IgG). Tra l’altro offre un ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo.

Vi invito a provarlo!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How To Apply For Yg Entertainment

Le Monde and the loss of innocence

of Brain_Use

the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, the French newspaper Le Monde published in its online edition a controversial article which was accepted by our own conspiracy sites as a sort of "revelation."

He cited, for example, Giulietto Church, immediately picked up by Pino Cabras and Comedonchisciotte , with a comment that suggests that the most authoritative newspaper across the Alps has been aligned to the vision finally conspiracy World:

Le Monde of 11 September 2010 sees, with nine years of delay, the official version of September 11 can not stand. Even


Le Monde is forced to recognize that the official story not only reeks of rotten but that even the U.S. administration of Barack Obama is able to pull it out of the freezer that does not work anymore. What they say now "debunkers"?

Therefore, according Giulietto Church, the "official" position - to use a term so dear to the world of conspiracy theories - of Le Monde today would be aligned with holes from rockets and those who see "5 feet, repeat 5 meters " ghost planes into the Pentagon and served by the Twin Towers controlled demolition.

We, however, it seems that the best way to answer this is to leave the interpretation parola direttamente all'autrice dell'articolo Helen Bekmezian:

Given the many comments lamenting that I make mention of conspiracy theories about the 11/09, it seems to me important to development: In an article bringing together all remaining problems associated with Sept. 11, it seemed only right and fair to recall that for some Americans, some questions remain. I am in no way wanted to give credit (or discredit) to these theories but just remember that they still exist.

Visti i commenti che numbers lamentano che io faccia delle Menzione teor cospirazioniste sull'11 settembre, mi sembra importante puntualizzare: in un articolo riassuntivo di tutti i problemi ancora aperti e legati all'11 settembre, mi è semplicemente sembrato giusto e corretto ricordare che, per alcuni americani, alcune domande rimangono. Non ho in alcun modo voluto dare credito (o screditare) a queste teorie, ma solo ricordare che ancora esistono.

e ancora:

Vu les nombreuses réactions suscitées par cet article, il semble évident que certains éléments ont été mal compris. Comme je l'avais écrit dans un précédent commentaire, il n'est évidemment pas question de faire ici l'apologie des thèses conspirationnistes. En revanche, il était impossible de ne pas en parler : elles ne cessent de se diffuser sur Internet. J'ai donc pris la liberté de reformuler les passages qui avaient pu prêter a confusion.

Date le molte reazioni suscitate da questo articolo, sembra chiaro che alcune affermazioni sono state fraintese. Come ho scritto in un commento precedente, non si tratta, ovviamente, di fare qui la difesa delle teorie cospirazioniste. Tuttavia, è stato impossibile non parlarne: continuano a circolare su Internet. Così mi sono presa la libertà di riformulare i passaggi che avevano portato a questo fraintendimento.

A noi e all'autrice sembra insomma che la chiave di lettura dell'articolo non sia esattamente that suggested by our own interpreters.