Monday, August 24, 2009

Billirubin Levels High Mean What?

The appearance of our eyes is determined by the characteristics of the orbit and eyelids. Over the years, the most obvious signs of aging occur in the face, especially in the region around the eyes, where it produces a change in aesthetic plastic oculo can solve the ophthalmologist, after making a complete ophthalmological exploration, and to indicate treatment more appropriate in the event fall.

Excess skin produces a sad look and is a clear sign of advanced age. In addition, accentuates the symptoms of fatigue from the effort made to keep his eyes open due to excessive weight of the eyelids. Sometimes, the skin may increase ultimately cover the lashes and to reduce the visual field, a problem that is resolved through a simple surgical operation. The aesthetic effect

most common are the bags that appear in the lower eyelids. These herniations of fat that do not have eye problems, but so important aesthetic alteration. Are accustomed to look tired and the only solution is plastic surgery, because there is no cream that makes them disappear.

wrinkles around the eyes in the region, especially between the eyebrows and crow's feet, can not be solved with surgery. The most effective treatment and lower risk is the infiltration of botulinum toxin (Botox or Vistabel). This tossina produce una paralisi del muscolo nel quale si infiltra ed ha molti usi terapeutici in oftalmologia ed estetica: trattamenti per lo strabismo, blefarospasmi, retrazione delle palpebre, entropion e per la correzione estetica delle rughe perioculari, di quelle tra le sopracciglia e delle zampe di gallina. Uno dei trattamenti più usati è anche il filling con acido ialuronico, con il quale si ottengono migliori risultati estetici.


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