Friday, August 28, 2009

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6 key questions about swine fever

What swine fever?
is a highly contagious respiratory illness caused by recombination of 4 virus: a dell'influenza umana, due di quella porcina e uno dell'aviaria, con la particolarità che passa dal maiale all'uomo e si trasmette tra umani. La maggior parte dei pazienti non ha complicazioni se non ha fattori di rischio associati e si recupera in una settimana, anche senza ricevere trattamento.La mortalità è molto bassa (0,5%) e si produce quando passa a pneumonia grave, la maggior parte delle volte in gruppi a rischio.

Come si contagia la febbre suina?
Al parlare, tossire o starnutire, una persona malata espulsa piccole gocce di saliva o secrezioni nasali che contengono virus. Questi si muove nell'aria ed entra in contatto con la nostra bocca o naso. Si può anche depositare in altre surfaces and on our hands and touch your eyes, nose or mouth, it infected. From there, the importance of washing your hands often with soap.

Should I use a mask?
Only if you have an infected person to prevent new cases of infection or if you're near a patient. Masks should always be disposable.

I can travel without problems?

swine fever was confirmed in so many countries that restrict travel would have little or no effect on its propagation. If you are traveling, however, remain vigilant for symptoms for seven days.

I can eat pork?

The virus is not transmitted through the pork or its derivatives. There is no danger.

If I suspected of being infected, what should I do?
If you have fever, cough, difficulty in breathing or choking sensation, contact by phone to the emergency room. They will assess your symptoms over the phone and the level of risk and take appropriate action. Only severe cases are hospitalized.

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Soppracciglia end goodbye Now it's fashionable

Many people shave her eyebrows when they were fashionable end. This over-clamp techniques doubtfully urged to use cosmetics, such as micro-pigmentation. The latest trend in the U.S., Britain and now also in Italy to repair the damage is the transplantation of eyebrows with their hair. A technique much more natural, painless and more, ultimately allowing return to have thicker eyelashes.

The ideal candidates are those women who want to have more wide eyebrows, the extradepilate or women over 50 who have lost their hair density. The elimination constant and chronic hair makes them lose power and is very bushy eyebrows. At a certain age many women suffering from involutional alopecia, a natural result of aging. It is also a great remedy for scars caused by trauma, surgery or lack of hair in the tail of the eyebrows caused by hormonal problems such as hypothyroidism.

How is? Cut a leather strip 6cm long and 1cm wide from the back. Here the hair is finer and more like the eyebrows. From there you pull out your hair with the root and are transplanted one by one incision in the eyebrow, observing the direction of growth. All local anesthesia.

Pros and Cons:
The biggest advantage is that after the surgery are the scabs that fall off after a week together but not to the hair at its root, which is regenerated completely after three months with a final result. The drawback is a slight inflammation and swelling and should avoid the sun for a week because of scarring. You should also trim the hair every 4 weeks for grows as the head.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Homemade Buggy Forsale

transplanted skin blemishes, because they look and what to show? The aesthetic look of your

Sunbathing is a health benefit, but can be very dangerous for our skin as we try to tan without the necessary precautions. As we all know, the sun is one of the factors which contribute to more premature aging of the skin, thus promoting the appearance of new spots or the worsening of existing ones.

sun exposure during too long and at times when UV radiation is most damaging, a hormonal over-stimulation - like the one that appears when you take birth control or pregnancy - or aging can cause excessive production of melanin . This process results imperfections in jumping to view: skin pigmentation loses its homogeneity, spots appear in the skin, located mainly in exposed areas, such as the face, décolleté and back of hands. Problems are common throughout the population, and especially in people sensitive to the sun, that today, more and more.

implement a law sunscreen a few moments before exposing ourselves to the sun is not enough. If we are to prevent sun spots and other serious damage to the skin, it is essential to use sunscreens suitable for our skin type, we shall apply several times a day. If we need to mitigate the spots that have already appeared, we have other products that control the synthesis of melanin, so they can unify and brighten the skin.

types of stains

Melasma: Produces dark spots on the forehead, cheeks and chin. Suffer a third of women who take birth control and 25% of pregnant women.

Freckles sun: They are small hyperpigmented areas which increase in number and size as we age. Are located mainly in the hands, face, legs and décolleté.

Cute irregular results in a thick, wrinkled skin with a lack of flexibility and elasticity, tone, yellow, light spots and the appearance of wrinkles. It is a very common problem in women over 50 years.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Billirubin Levels High Mean What?

The appearance of our eyes is determined by the characteristics of the orbit and eyelids. Over the years, the most obvious signs of aging occur in the face, especially in the region around the eyes, where it produces a change in aesthetic plastic oculo can solve the ophthalmologist, after making a complete ophthalmological exploration, and to indicate treatment more appropriate in the event fall.

Excess skin produces a sad look and is a clear sign of advanced age. In addition, accentuates the symptoms of fatigue from the effort made to keep his eyes open due to excessive weight of the eyelids. Sometimes, the skin may increase ultimately cover the lashes and to reduce the visual field, a problem that is resolved through a simple surgical operation. The aesthetic effect

most common are the bags that appear in the lower eyelids. These herniations of fat that do not have eye problems, but so important aesthetic alteration. Are accustomed to look tired and the only solution is plastic surgery, because there is no cream that makes them disappear.

wrinkles around the eyes in the region, especially between the eyebrows and crow's feet, can not be solved with surgery. The most effective treatment and lower risk is the infiltration of botulinum toxin (Botox or Vistabel). This tossina produce una paralisi del muscolo nel quale si infiltra ed ha molti usi terapeutici in oftalmologia ed estetica: trattamenti per lo strabismo, blefarospasmi, retrazione delle palpebre, entropion e per la correzione estetica delle rughe perioculari, di quelle tra le sopracciglia e delle zampe di gallina. Uno dei trattamenti più usati è anche il filling con acido ialuronico, con il quale si ottengono migliori risultati estetici.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Do More People Die From Smoking Or Old Age

Children hear the rhythm in the womb fluid retention

Secondo recenti studi, tutti i bebè hanno un senso del ritmo innato, una qualità che ci differenzia dal resto degli animali. Fino a poco tempo fa si pensava che questa qualità si sviluppasse nei primi mesi di vita. Nonostante ciò, il lavoro di ricercatori olandesi, diffuso nella journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, has determined that the way music develops in the womb. Therefore, the child is able to keep tunes even before birth, and also, curiously, to recognize the voice of his parents.

It is therefore important that you talk to your child, you talk to him even during pregnancy to stimulate its development and growth.

The arrival of a baby is a gift for parents, but the affection of those who surround the child is also the best gift that we can do. In fact, stay in touch with the little house rejuvenates us and gives us courage to stay in shape and to follow their pace.

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: remodel your figure

Sometimes, given the pace of modern life, we struggle more than usual to maintain a slim figure and harmonious at the same time, to get rid of stored fat on the abdomen, hips, buttocks and legs: the dreaded cellulite. A few pounds more usually associated with fluid retention, a problem that many women are inclined to notice that as his silhouette is becoming more round, increasing its volume.

prevail on these issues is now much easier because we already have excellent oral products that help us control our weight and redefine the figure in a simple and effective.

The effectiveness of these products, controlled clinical trials, is based on joint action of two compounds of natural origin:

  • draining properties of the extracts of plants such as cherry, nettle, red grapes and cocoa.
  • The conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), safflower oil extracts, which stimulate the release of stored fat and convert it into energy for muscle, increasing muscle mass.

Both compounds are potent global drain excess fluid, diminish the contours and the accumulated fat and reshape your silhouette in just a few weeks. The treatment must be accompanied by a varied and balanced e dalla pratica di esercizio fisico moderato.

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Diabetes and dental care

Tutti gli esseri umani sono suscettibili di tenere problemi dentali, poiché sui denti si accumula una pellicola appiccicosa piena di microbi chiamata placca batterica. Le alte concentrazioni di glucosio nel sangue provocano che questi batteri crescano, facendo sì che le gengive si possano arrossare, gonfiare, possano provocare dolore e sanguinare quando ci laviamo i denti.

Le persone che hanno il diabete non controllato --La concentrazione di glucosio nel sangue è permanentemente alta-- sono più esposte ai problemi di denti e gengive, potendo arrivare a perderne qualcuno. Questo problema aumenta se il paziente fuma ed è maggiore di 45 anni.

The first sign of a dental disease is the redness of the gums, accompanied by pain and bleeding to brush their teeth. This can cause periodontal disease and infections of the gums and bone that holds the teeth. If the infection worsens the gums can separate from the tooth.

My teeth suffer from diabetes?

an appointment Ask your dentist immediately if you have one or more of these symptoms:
  • gums red, sore or swollen.
  • Gums that bleed.
  • Gums that are separated from the teeth or teeth that appear longer.
  • unstable or sensitive teeth.
  • bad breath.
  • Your dentures are not fixed well.

gums and teeth healthy:

  1. Brush teeth after each meal a soft toothbrush.
  2. Use dental floss at least once a day to remove plaque.
  3. If you keep it clean dentures.
  4. Go to the dentist twice a year.
  5. If you smoke try to quit immediately

Thursday, August 20, 2009

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August 20, 2009 Open Letter to Carlo Giovanardi

*** *** CVD
grill0 ago to go Here's how a hero, a victim of the system ..
says two Minke on a topic of social importance and ZERO acclaimed MARTYR all there ..
beautiful life boyfriend of IGB, eh, grill0?
in a serious country would end grill0 pinocchio ..
and again a small step back [from seigniorage] to the crowd of "Italian ..
Sandro Pascucci 20/08/2009 15:53 \u200b\u200b
Reviews discussion
---------------------------------- -----
> E 'tirannograsso perhaps?
no, worse: it is the intimate friend of the bankers moneylenders.
you not enough? (I think when you go ask the question, poor leccaculo ..)

Sandro Pascucci 20/08/2009 16:33
... and the mechanism by which that country without Beppe Grillo would be more 'free, which escapes me. And 'maybe tirannograsso? Peace and Good

Popper Luca, Milano 20/08/2009 16:21
are 5 (five) years that lick ass Beppe grill0, opposed the proceedings and that makes you guilty of delay in reaching a full Italian awareness of the reality that surrounds them.
after 5 years you have remedied only a servile position of eavesdropping and PSEUDOMODERATRICE blog hairdresser friend of IGB.
and about the complaints: Everyone knows that they were (and still are) real, as we all know that WITHOUT grill0 Italy would be a country 10 times more decent and free.
poor fool. I pity you (but not too much).
Sandro Pascucci 20/08/2009 16:12
seignorage, seigniorage, seigniorage ...
manuela Bellandi 20/08/2009 16:00
you too have done the same if not worse ... ALL've built your reputation on the alleged complaints and criticisms of Grillo.
Obviously not admit to yourself nor to others, but everyone knows that it is. All this, of course, is what I think of your way of ports, without detracting from the validity of your battles against the dictatorship bank, which is a reality.
hello Sandro
manuela Bellandi 20/08/2009 15:59

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

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medical check up: in 90% of cases there is a problem

distraction, laziness or lack of time are the reasons why so many people do not realize that regular check up by your doctor. The following data of the University Hospital of Navarra is a good reason not to camp more excuses: 90% of persons performing a control any type of pathology. The review procedure allows, in most cases, find the problem early and thus allows a much more rapid and effective treatment. Among the diseases that are more often there are cholesterol and triglycerides (present in 38%), high blood pressure (19%) and even diabetes (6. 8%). Cancer is decreed in the initial phase in a 2.7% of cases, which increases the success rate in treatment.

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Fibromyalgia: yes confirmation of the physical nature of the disease

Until recently, most experts believe that fibromyalgia was a psychological pain I have caused a part of depression anxiety. Well, finally proved that the intense pain in muscles and tendons of the disease is not the product of 'magine of people who suffer from it.

A study carried out in association with the Hospital del Mar in Barcelona and the Municipal Institute of Medical Research, funded by the Ministry of Health reveals that patients with fibromyalgia have muscle damage and inflammation in the local areas in which they suffer, especially in moments in which it appears or worsens a crisis. A 3% of Italians suffer from this disease, mainly women between 20 and 50. So far, no diagnostic test has found no evidence of physical pain that patients feel, so it had come to believe that it was a psychosomatic illness, or physical symptoms actually caused by psychological distress.

After two years of study of different variables that can cause tissue damage, the team of experts has found that people with fibromyalgia have low levels of a molecule responsible for muscle repair structures. This discovery opens new avenues for the treatment of disease.