Friday, June 25, 2010

Cervical Spine Cancer

Brown Rice Sunflower

seeds are humble-looking, and now famous mostly for feeding caged birds. (Probably this is a witty friend of mine calls them "seeds of parrot?). We would do well to instead put back in our diet. Let us see why.

Firstly, I am rich in vitamins and rare minerals (B ₁ which are rich, and 12 B, D, E and A, high values \u200b\u200bof iron, iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, manganese and copper).

Then have a high protein content, with a fair amount of essential amino acids. It is now known that vegetable proteins are very valuable because it accompanied by the equally precious essential polyunsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid, of which the sunflower seed is rich, and that helps us to protect the heart.

This magical blend of sunflower seeds makes a small treasure chest full of useful to our health: they are anti-anemic, nervous equilibrium, enhancement of antibody antihypertensive benefits for the skin, nails, vision and heart. Excellent even in case of arteriosclerosis and high cholesterol.

are energetic and easy to digest, they help in debility, in states of fatigue, whether mental (test for example), during convalescence, premenstrual syndrome (contain high levels of magnesium, the element of humor!) And are suitable so to everyone: children, students, adults and seniors.

Abituiamoci then to devour them often as a snack (even for our children, instead of potato chips and candy!), As indeed in some countries (eg Russia) is a long time ago. Alone or accompanied by fresh fruit.

If you want to make them more pleasing and attractive for children, I recommend you toast them quickly in a pan, spraying with a little water, adding to the sea salt. The water, drying under the influence of heat, the salt will remain attached to the seeds, which have a stronger flavor toasted (and unfortunately our children today enjoy more foods with certain tastes, often very strong). You can also offer them to friends for a drink, instead of the usual peanuts, will be amazed! Or at a party, along with popcorn ...

So, salted or in brine, are also excellent mixed with any type of salad. For example, try to add all'insalata di pomodori …

Per chi ne avesse bisogno in dosi più elevate, ad esempio sotto esame, o in pre mestruo o durante un periodo critico in cui siamo tendenti al depresso, consiglio di frullarne un volume pari circa a mezzo bicchiere, fino ad ottenere una polvere fina (in questo caso non tostateli), da mescolare con un cucchiaino di miele di acacia. Riempite poi il resto del bicchiere con spremuta di arancia, oppure, ora che è estate e le arance sono in vacanza, con del succo di mirtillo o di pompelmo, o centrifugato di carota e albicocca (o pesca o altra combinazione da voi liberamente scelta). Mangia-bevete questa miscela con il cucchiaino una volta al giorno per merenda o a colazione… vi aiuterà molto.

Come on then! Nature gives us a handful of its rich fruit, you just know how to use them ... And once you learn, instead of going to the pharmacy, we just open the pantry ....!


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