The importance of breakfast According to the Italian Society of Pediatric Nutrition, at least 30 100 children skip breakfast at the foot of. For many, breakfast is still inadequate or insufficient, or consists of a quick stop at the bar with her parents.
Not very different are the data reported by ISTAT for adults ...
reading this post I am sure many of you will think is true, I do not do, or do I run, or just take a quick coffee, standing. Even my son, to make him drink the milk! Often goes to school without having eaten anything ...
How strange, we Italians, so careful food, we who "invented" the Mediterranean diet, cultural heritage around the world, us holding so much the origin and the quality of what we put on the table, we like to eat well, healthy and with taste, which often horrified when we go abroad for the poor quality of the kitchen. Instead
by some foreign countries would have something to learn in the field of eating habits: breakfast plentiful.
Why is it so important to make a good breakfast? Not only have the "fuel" needed to work morning, but according to recent studies, to help us maintain a healthy weight.
Let's step back. The man, in its 800,000 years of evolution has lived almost permanently in the difficulty of finding food and the condition of abundance that we now take for granted is something very recent (and among other things limited only to developed countries).
The danger of starvation, famine and linked to long periods of fasting to which the man happened to having to go, he did develop strategies survival of the type: I'm hungry - there is little food - I have to save energy, triggering a hormonal response that can slow down your metabolism up to and accumulate as much as possible the little that is ingested.
Faced with a situation of hunger, therefore, be it generated by a real famine, as well as a restrictive diet, take the reflection of the living primordial, that is to slow the metabolism and accumulate as much energy as possible in adipose tissue, to "save his life."
also a time of fasting, such as that caused by the skip breakfast (fasting that lasts from after dinner, the hour of the morning snack dopo, o peggio, all’ora di pranzo) è recepita dall’organismo come un segnale di pericolo che provoca il rallentamento del metabolismo e l’accumulo di grasso di scorta.
Risultato? Soffrire la fame (anche per dieta) e saltare la colazione fa ingrassare. Soprattutto se poi per compensare la colazione saltata proponiamo ai nostri bambini qualche merendina piena di grassi saturi in più, nell’arco della mattinata. Invece una colazione ricca e nutriente ha il risultato di attivare il metabolismo, di bruciare più attivamente le calorie ingerite, di non aver fame durante l’arco della mattinata, di non buttarsi sulle merendine e di mangiare in maniera più equilibrata anche a pranzo.
Per non parlare poi dell’effetto ben noto che può avere sulla concentrazione e quindi sul rendimento scolastico, il calo degli zuccheri nel sangue che è provocato dal non aver mangiato nulla per tutta la mattina.
Certo, tutti sappiamo che non è facile cambiare le proprie abitudini, comprese quelle alimentari, soprattutto in un momento come quello del risveglio e della “messa in moto” di tutta la famiglia: la fretta la fa da padrona.
Allora perché non approfittare dell’estate e delle vacanze per prendersela con più calma e provare a godersi una colazione più ricca e abbondante del solito? Magari ci piacerà, ci prenderemo gusto e questo ci darà il la per poi continuare allo stesso modo anche in autunno.
Ma cosa mettere in tavola? Di tutto e di più. Alcuni possibili esempi sono:
• Banane, pane integrale con miele, mandorle e noci. Latte.
• Spremuta di arancia, pane e prosciutto crudo, o pane ricotta e miele.
• Albicocche, yogurt con cereali (müesli o altro tipo), fette biscottate.
• Pane burro e marmellata con il the.
• Spremuta di arancia, fette di pane integrale con sale olio pomodoro e basilico, un rosso d’uovo sbattuto con lo zucchero.
• Frutta fresca, crêpes con marmellata e mandorle tritate, the.
• Latte e torta fatta in home with chocolate or fruit.
A good idea is to bring to the table a combination of various ingredients, so that each consist of breakfast, depending on your taste.
Many children (and adults too), just wake up feel they have the stomach closed, and can not eat anything. This is normal for two reasons. On the one hand the morning is like a little 'intoxicated as a result of toxins during the night our body puts into circulation, especially in the evening we ate too much and too late. The second reason I understood it when a doctor once told me that East digestive system is like the sun low in the morning, in full swing a mezzogiorno, di nuovo basso la sera (nella medicina orientale infatti a livello dello stomaco è collocato il plesso “solare”). Ciò significa che, soprattutto coloro che hanno un risveglio lento, devono dare anche al loro apparato digerente il tempo di “svegliarsi”. In questo caso, grandi e piccini appena alzati laveranno il viso e ben bene la bocca e i denti, per favorire l’eliminazione di queste tossine notturne. Poi berranno un bel bicchier d’acqua e aspetteranno un po’ prima di fare colazione, per poi uscire di casa. La colazione li aiuterà anche a svegliarsi.
Per avere lo stimolo a fare una ricca colazione è molto importante cenare presto e consumare una cena leggera. Questa buona habit will further contribute to maintaining a healthy weight (the human hormonal accumulation is prepared in the evening). Unfortunately this does not happen often, because the dinner is the only time the family-friendly, in which we find ourselves all together and eat in abundance. So, however, triggers a vicious cycle because they consume a lot of calories in the evening means that you have less appetite the next morning.
break this circle, find the calm to enjoy breakfast with the whole family, will be another opportunity to find the closest, and can become an enjoyable ritual and full of warmth. It may be fun for moms and dads try to turn their creative skills to make this special moment. Sometimes it is also helped by unexpected situations: at home for instance, we started to have a table laid for breakfast due to the addition to the family of a girl "au pair" of European origin. A few days ago I hosted a friend of mine from Milan than sitting at the table in the morning, we watched with wide eyes asking, "But as you have breakfast every morning?" It 's the classic person who takes "a coffee on the fly." But I assure you that it was infected, I know for a fact that now she sits at the table in the morning. I wonder if I'll be able to infect a po’ anche i lettori di questo post?