Cous ginger scented cous Cous Cous
Per 4 persone:
350 g di cous cous integrale
200 g di ceci precedentemente lessati
Un mazzetto di rucola
La polpa di un avocado
Zenzero fresco grattugiato oppure in polvere (mezzo cucchiaino).
Cuocete il cous cous seguendo la ricetta di base (post del 19 luglio ’10). Conditelo poi con i ceci, l’avocado a pezzetti, la rucola e lo zenzero, sale, olio e una spruzzata di limone. La radice di zenzero fresca va sbucciata and grated with the large holes of a grater (or you can simply make small pieces). Who is not loving avocado can eventually replace it with the tomato. The
ginger is a root from the energetic properties stimulants and digestive , able to act effectively on the entire digestive system in cases of loss of appetite or digestion slow and laborious, flatulence, flatulence and intestinal bloating . But it is also effective against motion sickness the nausea in pregnancy.
You try to slow digestion after meals, eat a slice, it will help a lot!
Così come vi aiuterà nei momenti di debolezza e calo di pressione in questi giorni di gran caldo.
Il sapore è molto intenso, fresco e… piccante!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Vegetarian Menu Planner For Family
unknown Bin Laden before 9 / 11? He was already in the papers for the G8 summit in Genoa in 2001
Attivissimo Paul, with contributions from ZeusBlue
For all the conspiracy theorists who argue that the short memory Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda were complete strangers before 11 September 2001, here is a small dose di fosforo offerta dagli archivi del Corriere della Sera . Il giornale, che ho visto e fotografato personalmente il 3 luglio 2010, è datato 20 giugno 2001 e descrive le minacce di Osama bin Laden in occasione del contestato summit G8 a Genova.
L'immagine qui sotto è in bianco e nero per esaltarne il contrasto e la leggibilità. Chi avesse dubbi sulla sua autenticità può verificarne la presenza nella rassegna stampa della Camera dei Deputati italiana ( prima pagina ; articolo ).
Il Corriere del 20 giugno 2001 segnala, in un articolo di Guido Olimpio, che l'allarme arriva non dagli Stati Uniti, ma da fonti russe: "'Prendiamo sul serio le minacce raccolte' ha infatti aggiunto il generale Murov. Tanto che insieme all'appello a stare in guardia, trasmesso a tutti i servizi amici, è partito un team di agenti segreti russi diretti nel capoluogo ligure... I russi temono azioni spettacolari degli estremisti ceceni, da tempo legati ad 'Al Qaida', l'organizzazione di Osama Bin Laden..." .
Se al-Qaeda e Osama bin Laden sono fantocci inventati, come sostengono i complottisti, come mai i russi li segnalarono come pericoli reali? Fanno forse parte anche loro del Grande Complotto? Magari qualcuno esperto in affari russi, qualcuno che ha passato molto tempo in Russia come corrispondente, saprà spiegarlo.
Attivissimo Paul, with contributions from ZeusBlue
For all the conspiracy theorists who argue that the short memory Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda were complete strangers before 11 September 2001, here is a small dose di fosforo offerta dagli archivi del Corriere della Sera . Il giornale, che ho visto e fotografato personalmente il 3 luglio 2010, è datato 20 giugno 2001 e descrive le minacce di Osama bin Laden in occasione del contestato summit G8 a Genova.
L'immagine qui sotto è in bianco e nero per esaltarne il contrasto e la leggibilità. Chi avesse dubbi sulla sua autenticità può verificarne la presenza nella rassegna stampa della Camera dei Deputati italiana ( prima pagina ; articolo ).
Il Corriere del 20 giugno 2001 segnala, in un articolo di Guido Olimpio, che l'allarme arriva non dagli Stati Uniti, ma da fonti russe: "'Prendiamo sul serio le minacce raccolte' ha infatti aggiunto il generale Murov. Tanto che insieme all'appello a stare in guardia, trasmesso a tutti i servizi amici, è partito un team di agenti segreti russi diretti nel capoluogo ligure... I russi temono azioni spettacolari degli estremisti ceceni, da tempo legati ad 'Al Qaida', l'organizzazione di Osama Bin Laden..." .
Se al-Qaeda e Osama bin Laden sono fantocci inventati, come sostengono i complottisti, come mai i russi li segnalarono come pericoli reali? Fanno forse parte anche loro del Grande Complotto? Magari qualcuno esperto in affari russi, qualcuno che ha passato molto tempo in Russia come corrispondente, saprà spiegarlo.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Soot Removal From Stone
Un altro cereale adatto per l’estate è il cous cous .
I minuscoli grani del cous cous si ottengono da lunga lavorazione delle semole di diversi chicchi macinati grossolanamente (grano duro, orzo, miglio: è possibile ottenere il cous cous da quasi tutti i cereali).
Questa lenta e paziente lavorazione, che ha visto le mani di milioni of North African women, is today largely replaced by mechanization. It contrasts with an incredible speed of cooking.
The couscous cooks it in five minutes (5!) And is also perfect for those who need (casual or not) to transit in the kitchen when you fly. For the cous cous
remains wide and it becomes a paste is important, however, in these five minutes to just a few easy steps. We see such
1: Allow about 80g (half cup) couscous per person
2: put it in a bowl and sprinkle with a little olive oil. Then stir with a fork. The oil will form a film Protective around each tiny grain, so you do not help to stick to its neighbors
3: Heat a sufficient amount of salt water in a saucepan until boiling
4: Pour the boiling water to cover the cous cous as a veil
5: let stand 5 minutes covered with a flat
6: the 5 minutes uncovered and shelled the couscous gently with the tips of the fork.
Magically, what looked like a single block, it will become grainy in many grains, ready to be eaten together with meat, fish or vegetables.
My advice is as always to choose a cous cous full biological and possibly (but seems to be almost impossible to find if not full of organic food stores), then no matter if wheat, barley, corn or rice. All are delicious, even so, on their own. A bit 'like hotcakes.
And the fact I recommend you replace bread as an accompaniment to the dishes you want.
follow recipes!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Fist Anniversay Of Death Cards
Tom Sullivan and demolition
di Brain_Use e Hammer
Nel luglio del 2010 il sito del gruppo "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth" ha pubblicato un articolo che riporta il parere di un sedicente professionista delle demolizioni controllate, il quale sostiene che le Torri Gemelle e l'edificio 7 del World Trade Center furono demoliti con cariche da taglio esplosive RDX innescate da detonatori wireless. Il nome del professionista in questione è Tom Sullivan, ex dipendente della Controlled Demolition Inc.
La prima considerazione che viene spontanea è che il mondo del complottismo ha cambiato tesi per l'ennesima volta. Infatti le versioni alternative più Recent proposals from the plots (eg Steven Jones and Niels Harrit ) were nanothermite applied to the columns of the World Trade Center with a brush, but this time they are able to do office buildings collapse without a trace. It is natural to ask how
the so-called "truthers" hope to be taken seriously by anyone if they change every few months and theory if every time their theories are not supported by evidence, but do it anyway effort going into the Tom Sullivan says that to see if there is something worthwhile.
surprising, first, that Sullivan only draw their own conclusions based on the video of the collapses, cioè senza avere operato alcuna analisi sulla macerie, e che citi come argomento a proprio favore l'effetto degli esplosivi nei film d'azione ( "Guardate in qualsiasi film d'azione" , dice testualmente, come vedremo). Ma i siti complottisti italiani, come MegaChip e Antimafia Duemila , sembrano non aver fatto nemmeno queste semplici considerazioni, dal momento che hanno pubblicato una traduzione dell'articolo di AE911Truth in modo del tutto acritico.
Chiariamo innanzitutto che nell'intervista concessa ad AE911Truth, Sullivan precisa immediatamente che "In nessun caso mi presento come portavoce per il CDI, e quello che ho da dire lo dico per esperienza e formazione personale" . La Controlled Demolition Inc. infatti ha espresso tutt'altra posizione, come vedremo in seguito.
È interessante dunque qualificare la sua esperienza e formazione personale. Sappiamo già dall'intervista che Sullivan ha lavorato per la Controlled Demolition Inc. Ma in che ruolo? L'articolo di AE911Truth ce lo presenta come fotografo prima e come impiegato nella collocazione delle "cariche da taglio" poi.
Come referenza ci viene presentato il suo biglietto da visita per la Controlled Demolition Inc. dal quale risulta appunto la sua funzione aziendale: "Staff Photographer" . Ad integrazione di tale ruolo, evidentemente insufficient to qualify as a "demolitions expert" , Sullivan presents its certificate of competency to the role of "Powder Carrier issued by the FDNY, the New York City Fire Department, the Fire Department of New York.
But what does a "Powder Carrier in controlled demolition? Comes to help us just the FDNY, which explains in the document study material for the examination for the Certificate of Fitness for POWDER CARRIER: The Powder
We note in passing that his apprentice license issued by the NYC Fire Department is July 9, 2001 - just two months before Sept. 11 - but that does not stop to say that "from day one he knew destruction 7 World Trade Center during Sept. 11 was a classic controlled implosion ". One wonders, among other things, why he kept silent for nine years.
Despite the examination of the documents reported by Sullivan makes clear the level of actual competence of yet "demolition expert" sites presented by conspiracy theorists, it is not our intention to introduce an ad hominem argument , as the fallacies contained in statements reported by Sullivan AE911Truth are of such magnitude that they are his own statements put the lie to the thesis of the alleged departure of controlled demolition, as we shall see now.
Note: Megachip the translation of the last sentence is incorrect: "Thermite can be used as well" does not mean "you can make good use of the termite" but "you can also use termite ".
is not clear how this supposed simplicity of placing explosive charges can be reconciled with what he had just said about the work of much smaller entities that had had the opportunity to follow working with Controlled Demolition Inc.:
latter claim but is perfectly consistent with the claim by the true experts in demolition, even Danny Jowenko was compelled to assume at least a year of intensive work to suggest a controlled demolition at the WTC.
addition, if the hypothetical explosive charges were placed on the very core columns as Sullivan says, these columns would be the first to surrender, dragging with them the rest of the building. But the photographic documentation of the collapse shows exactly the opposite: the central columns were the last part to collapse, so that briefly remained standing after the rest of the Twin Towers had crashed to the ground.
We also note, among other things, as in this preliminary statement has been introduced in the usual confusion explosives / thermite available to future developments of the conspiracy thesis.
A second issue addressed by Article AE911Truth is the absence of finds in the debris of the Twin Towers of the remains of cables for the explosions (like the yellow ones in the image, the demolition of the Philadelphia Civic Center) and casings for the position of cutting.
Sullivan, when asked about it, note:
We do not need to comment to the first statement that shows, if nothing else, that Sullivan knows the movie series of Die Hard .
In fact there are two types of detonators used wireless: the military and those civilians in quarrying of gravel and stone. It is in both cases of very different types of jobs compared to a controlled demolition and that require a small number of explosive charges simultaneously, no problem of synchronization and a preliminary check of the absence of interfering signals. Also do not exclude the need for use of cables for detonators, they simply allow one to eliminate the physical connection between the initiating device and the remote control.
So if Sullivan was right and a wireless device was used for the triggering signal of the alleged charges, should have been found among the rubble of the remains not only the usual cables detonators, but in addition to them, but many remain wireless receivers.
The article then shows a picture of these limited "detonation modern wireless systems such as that produced by Hiex" (cited above), which would corroborate the claims of Sullivan, but that actually ends up confirming As we have just pointed out. It is in fact the Hiex Teleblaster II, of which you can find on the manufacturer's specifications. It turns out that this is just a system used for blasting in the quarries of the charges and not in the demolition. Nowhere in the manufacturer's site also argues that it can in any way to replace cables for detonators.
There is a further problem on which Sullivan ignores the use of wireless devices: that of electrical interference. The detonators are very sensitive to radio interference from cell phones, wireless networks, computers, not to mention the huge antenna on the North Tower: definitely an area unsuitable the use of wireless detonators. Finally
Sullivan's theory does not consider what the problems are radio broadcasts in steel structures. Just on 11 September this difficulty was found by firefighters and police, whose radio was not working properly on the stairs of the Twin Towers. According to Sullivan, the explosive was placed on the columns of core, where the difficulty of communication is even greater than it is on the stairs because the columns can be found further inland.
Sullivan then continued:
is important to note that it is not true that the casings are cut for posts to be completely destroyed by the explosions, as we recall the actual demolition (see, for example, the charge remains cutting after the demolition of Philadelphia Civic Center in the picture at right).
In support of this contention is shown an image of an alleged patent of 1984 a wrap for cutting the thermite charges that are self-consumed and which would leave no other trace of "molten iron" (sic), ie "cast iron" .
pity that the patent in question is actually related to a "ignition system using a small core of thermite to ignite the main charge of a rocket engine or other kind of ", as stated in ' original patent.
The device description also specifies the size (" 1 / 4 "x 3 / 8" with an opening of about 1 / 32 ""), apparently incompatible with the description given by AE911Truth (and practically all the sites to follow our own conspiracy).
At the end of the article, Sullivan's claims become the usual've heard many times and which can be summarized in these points: the collapse of WTC 7 just like a controlled demolition (and who ever said otherwise? resembles, as the same Jowenko in the first part of this interview , before they will be revealed the actual condition of the building), the same could WTC7 have been scrapped only undermining the lower floors, the controlled demolition generate low collateral damage and the bang of the explosion was not one but a series of smaller explosions, culminating in the classic conspiracy trial:
In other words, he did not think you should have heard the explosions of the barrels (those that do not feel here, for example ...) and the conclusions of NIST and numerous demolition experts who have found no trace of demolitions in the WTC buildings did not count because he has seen . Typical.
There is a final statement that Sullivan is worth to emphasize:
Really? Here are some examples of building with steel shot by fire. Later we will see what they think about structural engineers and demolition.
fact, a blog belonging to the category of U.S. Truthers, that of Scott Creighton, sostenitore acceso della tesi delle demolizioni controllate, dedica due articoli a quello che secondo lui si dimostra:
Creighton si riferisce specificamente all'articolo contenente l'intervista a Sullivan. In " The Poorly Scripted Cognitive Infiltration of AE911Truth and Tom Sullivan’s Lies of Omission ", Creighton prende per buone le affermazioni di Sullivan a proposito della sua qualifica ma smonta gran parte delle tesi presentate, mentre in " Major Problems with Tom Sullivan’s AE911Truth “Interview "Even goes to say that:
For example, Creighton is the same to prove that the patent of 1984 as shown by AE911Truth on a "housing charges for cutting the thermite that is self-consuming" is actually far from it. Creighton rightly notes that the patent was clearly read and used by AE911Truth to play with copying and pasting of two different parts, but the description of the device has been completely remodeled and ignored its size until you get to a
Actually Creighton Sullivan seeks to justify the assumption that the manipulations have been made by AE911Truth later, but in fact it does not matter who has manipulated images and information: the end result is that the umpteenth revelations from the world of conspiracy theories have proved, as usual, completely inconsistent.
His conclusion:
In effetti, innumerevoli debunker oltreoceano hanno già notato l'inconsistenza delle tesi di Sullivan, così come stiamo facendo noi ora. Sul fronte cospirazionista però, pare che ai sostenitori del complotto interessi più copia incollare qualsiasi castroneria supporti anche solo apparentemente le loro tesi che investigare davvero la verità.
Dopo questa ennesima figura barbina di AE911Truth, a noi sembra non sia rimasto poi granché da "screditare", visto che in 9 anni di ricerca questo è il massimo che AE911Truth sia riuscito a produrre.
Ed è quasi un peccato che Creighton, che si dimostra buon debunker, non abbia tratto quest'ultima conclusione, che cioè dietro al cospirazionismo undicisettembrino non ci sia altro che il tentativo di vendere libercoli e vuote conferenze per un pubblico poco attento, come quelle che attendono ora Tom Sullivan.
As reported in the book "Debunking 9 / 11 Myths" published by the magazine Popular Mechanics (of which there is an Italian translation edited by Undicisettembre entitled "September 11: to dismantle the myths" ) Mark Loizeaux, president of Controlled Demolition Inc., argued that there is no way to demolish buildings with explosives so great.
The positions required would weigh hundreds of pounds each, and then it would not be able to do a hand inside the buildings. Moreover, the larger explosive charges that are currently available are able to cut steel up to a thickness of 3 inches (7.6 cm). The thickness of the columns of the Twin Towers was instead of 14 inches (35 cm). However, according Loizeaux, even if there were explosive charges suitable, a team of 75 men would take two months, having free access to all three buildings, fire protection and to remove the charges and place of ignition wires. The final comment Loizeaux is unequivocal: "There's just no way to do it" .
Even the greatest of Italian demolitions expert with explosives, Danilo Cups, excluding the possibility of a controlled demolition. In an interview with Adnkronos-IGN Cups declared that:
L'esperto olandese Danny Jowenko, intervistato dal programma televisivo "Zembla" , ha escluso la possibilità di una demolizione con esplosivi dichiarando:
Jowenko ha aggiunto che ci sarebbe voluto un anno a predisporre le Torri Gemelle per la demolizione. L'intera trascrizione della sua dichiarazione si trova qui .
Brent Blanchard, specialista in demolizioni della Protec Documentation Services, Inc. e senior editor di, ha redatto un documento in cui analizza il crollo dei tre edifici del World Trade Center ed esclude categoricamente che si tratti di una demolizione controllata.
In sintesi, Blanchard sostiene che il crollo delle Twin Towers non fu per nulla simile a una demolizione controllata, in quanto non cominciò alla base dei due edifici ma dal punto di impatto dei due aeromobili. Pertanto sarebbe stato necessario piazzare l'esplosivo esattamente nel punto dove l'aereo avrebbe impattato, or should have been placed after the impact in less than two hours. Both scenarios are, according to Blanchard, impossible.
The lie is, once again, if a fee (as shown in the video interview with Sullivan) really come out a DVD that will support this new theory. As we know for years, the plots are good at financial support for unscrupulous people to tarnish the memory of almost 3000 victims with lies hired.
di Brain_Use e Hammer

La prima considerazione che viene spontanea è che il mondo del complottismo ha cambiato tesi per l'ennesima volta. Infatti le versioni alternative più Recent proposals from the plots (eg Steven Jones and Niels Harrit ) were nanothermite applied to the columns of the World Trade Center with a brush, but this time they are able to do office buildings collapse without a trace. It is natural to ask how
the so-called "truthers" hope to be taken seriously by anyone if they change every few months and theory if every time their theories are not supported by evidence, but do it anyway effort going into the Tom Sullivan says that to see if there is something worthwhile.
surprising, first, that Sullivan only draw their own conclusions based on the video of the collapses, cioè senza avere operato alcuna analisi sulla macerie, e che citi come argomento a proprio favore l'effetto degli esplosivi nei film d'azione ( "Guardate in qualsiasi film d'azione" , dice testualmente, come vedremo). Ma i siti complottisti italiani, come MegaChip e Antimafia Duemila , sembrano non aver fatto nemmeno queste semplici considerazioni, dal momento che hanno pubblicato una traduzione dell'articolo di AE911Truth in modo del tutto acritico.
Chi è Tom Sullivan

È interessante dunque qualificare la sua esperienza e formazione personale. Sappiamo già dall'intervista che Sullivan ha lavorato per la Controlled Demolition Inc. Ma in che ruolo? L'articolo di AE911Truth ce lo presenta come fotografo prima e come impiegato nella collocazione delle "cariche da taglio" poi.
Come referenza ci viene presentato il suo biglietto da visita per la Controlled Demolition Inc. dal quale risulta appunto la sua funzione aziendale: "Staff Photographer" . Ad integrazione di tale ruolo, evidentemente insufficient to qualify as a "demolitions expert" , Sullivan presents its certificate of competency to the role of "Powder Carrier issued by the FDNY, the New York City Fire Department, the Fire Department of New York.
But what does a "Powder Carrier in controlled demolition? Comes to help us just the FDNY, which explains in the document study material for the examination for the Certificate of Fitness for POWDER CARRIER: The Powder
Carrier is Essentially an apprentice Blaster, Blaster Assisting with the loading: (Preparing primer cartridges and charges, wiring / hookup, setting off the shots) and paperwork, Such as recording Quantities of explosives used and shot times
The Powder Carrier is essentially a Apprentice breaker, breaker that helps in the preparation of the charge (cartridge preparation and initiation of charges, cable connection, activation of 'explosion) and office work, recording the quantities of explosives used and the times of blasting.
We note in passing that his apprentice license issued by the NYC Fire Department is July 9, 2001 - just two months before Sept. 11 - but that does not stop to say that "from day one he knew destruction 7 World Trade Center during Sept. 11 was a classic controlled implosion ". One wonders, among other things, why he kept silent for nine years.
Despite the examination of the documents reported by Sullivan makes clear the level of actual competence of yet "demolition expert" sites presented by conspiracy theorists, it is not our intention to introduce an ad hominem argument , as the fallacies contained in statements reported by Sullivan AE911Truth are of such magnitude that they are his own statements put the lie to the thesis of the alleged departure of controlled demolition, as we shall see now.
Come stanno in realtà le cose
Una delle prime affermazioni di Sullivan (per l'italiano abbiamo impiegato direttamente la traduzione di Megachip) è cheonce you gain access to the elevator shafts…then a team of expert loaders would have hidden access to the core columns and beams. The rest can be accomplished with just the right kind of explosives for the job. Thermite can be used as well.
una volta ottenuto l’accesso alle condutture degli ascensori ... allora un team di esperti di esplosivi avrebbe potuto accedere di soppiatto alle colonne e travi all’interno. Il resto verrebbe compiuto semplicemente con il giusto tipo di esplosivi per l’opera. Si può usare bene la termite.
Note: Megachip the translation of the last sentence is incorrect: "Thermite can be used as well" does not mean "you can make good use of the termite" but "you can also use termite ".
is not clear how this supposed simplicity of placing explosive charges can be reconciled with what he had just said about the work of much smaller entities that had had the opportunity to follow working with Controlled Demolition Inc.:
the early days, around 6 am, and Would They work until the sun Was down
many weeks are required to "prep," or weaken the buildings before Demolitions
the working day starts early, around 6 am and worked until sunset
preparation requires several weeks to "weaken" the buildings before demolition
latter claim but is perfectly consistent with the claim by the true experts in demolition, even Danny Jowenko was compelled to assume at least a year of intensive work to suggest a controlled demolition at the WTC.
addition, if the hypothetical explosive charges were placed on the very core columns as Sullivan says, these columns would be the first to surrender, dragging with them the rest of the building. But the photographic documentation of the collapse shows exactly the opposite: the central columns were the last part to collapse, so that briefly remained standing after the rest of the Twin Towers had crashed to the ground.
We also note, among other things, as in this preliminary statement has been introduced in the usual confusion explosives / thermite available to future developments of the conspiracy thesis.

Sullivan, when asked about it, note:
Remote wireless detonators Have Been available for years. Look At Any action movie - and of course the military has Them. The Reason Most contractors do not use Them Is That They Are Too Expensive - But in a project with a huge budget, It Would be no problem.
wireless remote-controlled detonators have been around for years. see any action movie . And, of course, the military have them. The reason that most service providers do not uses them is because they are very expensive, but in a project with a huge budget there would be no problem.
We do not need to comment to the first statement that shows, if nothing else, that Sullivan knows the movie series of Die Hard .
In fact there are two types of detonators used wireless: the military and those civilians in quarrying of gravel and stone. It is in both cases of very different types of jobs compared to a controlled demolition and that require a small number of explosive charges simultaneously, no problem of synchronization and a preliminary check of the absence of interfering signals. Also do not exclude the need for use of cables for detonators, they simply allow one to eliminate the physical connection between the initiating device and the remote control.
So if Sullivan was right and a wireless device was used for the triggering signal of the alleged charges, should have been found among the rubble of the remains not only the usual cables detonators, but in addition to them, but many remain wireless receivers.

There is a further problem on which Sullivan ignores the use of wireless devices: that of electrical interference. The detonators are very sensitive to radio interference from cell phones, wireless networks, computers, not to mention the huge antenna on the North Tower: definitely an area unsuitable the use of wireless detonators. Finally
Sullivan's theory does not consider what the problems are radio broadcasts in steel structures. Just on 11 September this difficulty was found by firefighters and police, whose radio was not working properly on the stairs of the Twin Towers. According to Sullivan, the explosive was placed on the columns of core, where the difficulty of communication is even greater than it is on the stairs because the columns can be found further inland.
Sullivan then continued:
As for the casings - everyone in the industry, Including Blanchard, Would Know That RDX explosive cutter charges are Completely Consumed When They go off - nothing is left.
Same goes for wraps: everyone in this area, including Blanchard, should well know that the RDX explosive cutting charges, once exploded, are completely destroyed, nothing remains.

And in the case of Thermite cutter charges, That May Also be the case. Thermite self-consuming cutter charge casings Have Been around since first patented back in 1984.
And in the case of posts to be cut with thermite, the same thing. The casings for the thermite cutting charges which are self-consumed in the square since their first patent in 1984.
In support of this contention is shown an image of an alleged patent of 1984 a wrap for cutting the thermite charges that are self-consumed and which would leave no other trace of "molten iron" (sic), ie "cast iron" .

The device description also specifies the size (" 1 / 4 "x 3 / 8" with an opening of about 1 / 32 ""), apparently incompatible with the description given by AE911Truth (and practically all the sites to follow our own conspiracy).
At the end of the article, Sullivan's claims become the usual've heard many times and which can be summarized in these points: the collapse of WTC 7 just like a controlled demolition (and who ever said otherwise? resembles, as the same Jowenko in the first part of this interview , before they will be revealed the actual condition of the building), the same could WTC7 have been scrapped only undermining the lower floors, the controlled demolition generate low collateral damage and the bang of the explosion was not one but a series of smaller explosions, culminating in the classic conspiracy trial:
I Knew It Was an explosive event as soon as I saw it, there was no question
in my mind I knew it was an event related to the use of explosives as soon as I saw it, I had not the slightest doubt
In other words, he did not think you should have heard the explosions of the barrels (those that do not feel here, for example ...) and the conclusions of NIST and numerous demolition experts who have found no trace of demolitions in the WTC buildings did not count because he has seen . Typical.
There is a final statement that Sullivan is worth to emphasize:
Fire can not bring down steel-framed High Rises - period.
fires can not raze high-rise buildings with steel structure. Point.
Really? Here are some examples of building with steel shot by fire. Later we will see what they think about structural engineers and demolition.
vs Truthers. truthers
All these mistakes, omissions and outright manipulation, such as those of the patent and wireless devices, were not so difficult to detect. So much so that, unlike many homegrown bass drums (from Megachip to Pino Cabras ) that they simply translate uncritical article AE911Truth, overseas conspiracy between them there are those who noted the 'inconsistency of the arguments of Sullivan.fact, a blog belonging to the category of U.S. Truthers, that of Scott Creighton, sostenitore acceso della tesi delle demolizioni controllate, dedica due articoli a quello che secondo lui si dimostra:
part of a willful and deliberate act to undermine the credibility of AE911Truth
parte di un atto volontario e deliberato di screditare AE911Truth
Creighton si riferisce specificamente all'articolo contenente l'intervista a Sullivan. In " The Poorly Scripted Cognitive Infiltration of AE911Truth and Tom Sullivan’s Lies of Omission ", Creighton prende per buone le affermazioni di Sullivan a proposito della sua qualifica ma smonta gran parte delle tesi presentate, mentre in " Major Problems with Tom Sullivan’s AE911Truth “Interview "Even goes to say that:
There are major problems with this story That can only be Explained by deliberate deceit.
There are important issues in this matter that can be explained only by a trick to volunteer.
For example, Creighton is the same to prove that the patent of 1984 as shown by AE911Truth on a "housing charges for cutting the thermite that is self-consuming" is actually far from it. Creighton rightly notes that the patent was clearly read and used by AE911Truth to play with copying and pasting of two different parts, but the description of the device has been completely remodeled and ignored its size until you get to a
deliberate manipulation of the source material to support the claim of Tom Sullivan That "thermite cutter charges" Existed as early as 1984 and That They had "self-consuming casings "Which Would Explain Why They Were not discovered in the debris at Ground Zero.
deliberate manipulation of the original material to support claims that Tom Sullivan "to thermite cutting charges" had existed since 1984 and that there were "envelopes that are self-consumed," which would explain why none were found in the debris of Ground Zero
Actually Creighton Sullivan seeks to justify the assumption that the manipulations have been made by AE911Truth later, but in fact it does not matter who has manipulated images and information: the end result is that the umpteenth revelations from the world of conspiracy theories have proved, as usual, completely inconsistent.
His conclusion:
This kind of behavior is unprofessional and Completely AE911Truth must produce a retraction as Quickly As Possible. Not only is the article reposted Being on Almost Every Single Truth site, But The admins Have emailed it out to Thousands of AE Certainly members who will pick up on this ... as I am sure will Our debunkers.
This type of behavior è del tutto privo di professionalità e AE911Truth deve produrre una ritrattazione il più in fretta possibile. Non solo l'articolo è stato ripubblicato praticamente in ogni singolo sito complottista, ma gli amministratori l'hanno inviato per email a migliaia di membri di AE che certamente lo criticheranno... così come faranno i nostri debunker, ne sono certo.
In effetti, innumerevoli debunker oltreoceano hanno già notato l'inconsistenza delle tesi di Sullivan, così come stiamo facendo noi ora. Sul fronte cospirazionista però, pare che ai sostenitori del complotto interessi più copia incollare qualsiasi castroneria supporti anche solo apparentemente le loro tesi che investigare davvero la verità.
Dopo questa ennesima figura barbina di AE911Truth, a noi sembra non sia rimasto poi granché da "screditare", visto che in 9 anni di ricerca questo è il massimo che AE911Truth sia riuscito a produrre.
Ed è quasi un peccato che Creighton, che si dimostra buon debunker, non abbia tratto quest'ultima conclusione, che cioè dietro al cospirazionismo undicisettembrino non ci sia altro che il tentativo di vendere libercoli e vuote conferenze per un pubblico poco attento, come quelle che attendono ora Tom Sullivan.
Cosa dicono i veri esperti di demolizioni
Contrariamente a quanto sostenuto da Tom Sullivan, i veri professionisti delle demolizioni controllate hanno sempre escluso la possibilità that the Twin Towers were demolished with explosives.
The positions required would weigh hundreds of pounds each, and then it would not be able to do a hand inside the buildings. Moreover, the larger explosive charges that are currently available are able to cut steel up to a thickness of 3 inches (7.6 cm). The thickness of the columns of the Twin Towers was instead of 14 inches (35 cm). However, according Loizeaux, even if there were explosive charges suitable, a team of 75 men would take two months, having free access to all three buildings, fire protection and to remove the charges and place of ignition wires. The final comment Loizeaux is unequivocal: "There's just no way to do it" .

La tesi è stata costruita in modo interessante e accattivante. Devo dire che guardando questi documentari pro-complotto, io stesso li ho reputati costruiti bene e queste teorie convincenti. In realtà non sono suffragate da nessun elemento tecnico, ma al contrario ne esistono tanti a dimostrazione esattamente del contrario.
La struttura architettonica delle Twin Towers era a travi reticolari, quindi delle strutture particolari molto agili, molto snelle, che però purtroppo, se compromesse in modo radicale, determinano quello che si chiama poi "collasso progressivo", che è quello che ha determinato un crollo simile, assimilabile a quella di una demolizione controllata.
In effetti non è tanto il crollo delle Twin Towers che assomiglia a una demolizione controllata, ma la demolizione controllata ricrea le condizioni uguali a quelle che hanno determinato il crollo delle Twin Towers.

Non possono essere stati esplosivi, perché c'era un incendio enorme. Se ci fossero stati esplosivi, sarebbero già bruciati. Oltretutto, prima di bruciarsi, i loro detonatori si sarebbero attivati a 320 °C, per cui sarebbero esplosi prima.
Jowenko ha aggiunto che ci sarebbe voluto un anno a predisporre le Torri Gemelle per la demolizione. L'intera trascrizione della sua dichiarazione si trova qui .

In sintesi, Blanchard sostiene che il crollo delle Twin Towers non fu per nulla simile a una demolizione controllata, in quanto non cominciò alla base dei due edifici ma dal punto di impatto dei due aeromobili. Pertanto sarebbe stato necessario piazzare l'esplosivo esattamente nel punto dove l'aereo avrebbe impattato, or should have been placed after the impact in less than two hours. Both scenarios are, according to Blanchard, impossible.
Conclusion The release of Tom Sullivan, to which many conspiracy theorists have given credit without asking any question, is not that just another lie that the world of conspiracy to try to trim its readers.
- A Sullivan were attributed powers that really did not: not a demolitions expert, but a photographer who had handled explosives as an apprentice for a few months at the time of the September 11 attacks.
- His argument contradicts the claims of supporters of the previous plot.
- Secondo la sua tesi, sarebbero state minate le colonne centrali, ma le fotografie dimostrano che queste colonne furono invece le ultime a crollare.
- Lui stesso dichiara che le demolizioni vanno preparate indebolendo la struttura, ma di questo lavoro preliminare di indebolimento non c'è alcuna traccia.
- Il brevetto che viene presentato a supporto delle sue tesi parla di piccoli accenditori per motori a razzo, non di detonatori per esplosivi.
- Sullivan sostiene che non furono trovate tracce dei detonatori perché furono usati sistemi radiocomandati, ma un sistema radiocomandato ha bisogno di ricevitori che sarebbero rimasti fra le macerie, ed è oltretutto sensibilissimo to radio interference.
- The example of radio quoted by Sullivan is a model for use in quarries, where it is possible to eliminate the radio interference, not for demolition in the cities, where radio interference could cause premature detonation or prevent the proper sequence of burst
- The real controlled demolition experts agree that the collapses of the Twin Towers and WTC 7 do not have the basic features of a controlled demolition, even though the eyes of a layman can recall.
The lie is, once again, if a fee (as shown in the video interview with Sullivan) really come out a DVD that will support this new theory. As we know for years, the plots are good at financial support for unscrupulous people to tarnish the memory of almost 3000 victims with lies hired.
Margaret Walker Themes
The hot weather has arrived, and with it the desire for fresh food. Such as boiled rice. But removing the polished rice, which is not only devoid of the integument, but even brushed and polished with glucose and talc with vaseline and oil seeds. Refining and polishing of rice, introduced in poor countries whose power is based on rice, has created serious vitamin deficiency diseases such as beriberi, so that the FAO has taken action by recommending the return to the use of brown rice.
The same advice applies to us: why deprive us of valuable nutrients? And why introduce Vaseline and other harmful substances, without even realizing it?
The paraffin used for glazing can be harmful to the gastric mucosa and magnesium silicate talc is contained in the suspected carcinogen for the stomach. The
Brown rice is also more delicious and tasty, good with just a little oil and gomasio (or parmesan cheese).
of rice in the salad, add it to legumes such as chickpeas, have to complete a single course from a nutritional standpoint, and yet fresh and light. A few cubes of cheese and vegetables will do the rest ...
Brown rice is a tonic, refreshing, good for those suffering from water retention and some say would lower the pressure (consumers, however, for a long time).
E 'sfiammante to the gut and in general is an anti-inflammatory food. Recommended in cases of diarrhea, irritable bowel and intestinal fermentation.
Its bran lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and is effective in weight loss diets because they satisfy the feeling of satiety than for other cereals, although it is easily digestible.
The only downside to the consumption of rice is the hurry. It cooks in 45 minutes! Significant problem when our lives must be running. If you have an hour to prepare the meal, use a pressure cooker for half the cooking time. The rice is rinsed and put in pot with water twice in volume and are calculated to be 20 minutes when the pot starts to blow.
Even without the pressure cooker is better to cook the rice with double volume of water in and drain all water, no drain (otherwise you lose the minerals). It 'also important not to never stir the rice, fearing that it will stick, because that is stirring "impappa. If the proportions of rice water are right, when all the water has evaporated, the rice is perfectly cooked and grainy. Cook over low heat, slowly. When cooked, let stand off heat 5 minutes and then shelled with a fork.
If it seems too complicated to simply put the rice with cold salted water in a pot and cooked, drain excess water.
in organic food stores are also Rice semi-integral, whose cooking time is 20 minutes as the rice and cook as I described above. E 'softer integral, good for those suffering from colitis to the point of having to remove the fiber (it contains much less).
There are many varieties of rice for different shapes, sizes and colors, with which you can indulge. In some countries survive on wildlife by tasty black-bean brown more than twice as rich in protein compared to varieties that are grown. Detail is also the red rice, a tasty variety of wild rice, also cultivated today, you will be able to get salads and risotto really original! And what of the fragrant Indian Basmati rice? This variety can be purchased is not refined, and is excellent with spicy dishes, curry and chilli.
good salad of rice!
Monday, July 5, 2010
What Does A Soft Low Open Cervix Mean
demolished World Trade Center: an interview with a police officer in New York
Hammer. The original version of this interview is available here .
In the wake of 11 September, the work of evacuation and rescue took them to the police, firefighters and volunteers who are placed at the disposal for many months of hard work. Little is known of these phases, as the general media devoted little space to the story of these crucial stages.
To fill this gap, Undicisettembre offers an interview with a police officer in New York, who kindly accettato la nostra proposta di rispondere ad alcune domande. L'ufficiale da noi intervistato si chiama Jacqueline Padilla Curcio (citata con il suo permesso) ed è la moglie del pompiere Lenny Curcio da noi intervistato nello scorso mese di febbraio.
Questo racconto personale e toccante contribuisce in modo significativo a smentire vari deliri complottisti, come quelli che vorrebbero che le colonne tagliate ad angolo visibili in alcune fotografie (come quella qui accanto) sarebbero la prova del piazzamento di esplosivi o di altre sostanze distruttive all'interno delle Torri Gemelle.
Ringraziamo Jacqueline Padilla Curcio per la sua cortesia e disponibilità.
Hammer. The original version of this interview is available here .
In the wake of 11 September, the work of evacuation and rescue took them to the police, firefighters and volunteers who are placed at the disposal for many months of hard work. Little is known of these phases, as the general media devoted little space to the story of these crucial stages.
To fill this gap, Undicisettembre offers an interview with a police officer in New York, who kindly accettato la nostra proposta di rispondere ad alcune domande. L'ufficiale da noi intervistato si chiama Jacqueline Padilla Curcio (citata con il suo permesso) ed è la moglie del pompiere Lenny Curcio da noi intervistato nello scorso mese di febbraio.

Ringraziamo Jacqueline Padilla Curcio per la sua cortesia e disponibilità.
Undicisettembre: What do you remember, in general, your experience after 11 / 9? You can farcene a short story?
Padilla Jacqueline Curcio: 11 / 9 / 2001, I was home and was "mobilized" by the New York Police Department to enter into service at the station to which I belonged. I was given many years of Social Affairs ( Community Affairs) and I was used to provide assistance to various positions. The 12 / 9 I was assigned to the WTC site to act as a bridge for relations between the agencies and allocations of responsibilities and deployment.
I was at Ground Zero for four weeks, sometimes helping in the evacuation and rescue work. At that tempo e per i tre mesi successivi fui assegnata ad una struttura temporanea su un molo vicino alla West Side Highway, a nord di Ground Zero, per aiutare a gestire le migliaia di familiari delle vittime del WTC, sia civili che non civili.
La struttura temporanea era dotata di tutto il necessario per alleviare la situazione di queste famiglie in lutto. Fu un incarico emotivamente molto impegnativo, che si protrasse fino a poco prima di Natale. Nel corso degli anni abbiamo ricevuto un addestramento continuo e ci è stato fatto ricordare quel giorno. In tutto il materiale video e in tutte le informazioni interne che ci sono state passate come ufficiali sotto giuramento non è mai stato menzionato o discusso che ci fossero complotti riguardanti questo evento devastante. I hope this information is useful.
Undicisettembre: What about the next few days? What you did and what happened after the 11 / 9 while working in search and rescue?
Padilla Jacqueline Curcio: We were sent to Ground Zero for 12-hour shifts. Many staff worked on the pile of rubble to perform search and rescue, but they were already trained with specific equipment. I had to run one of the many temporary command centers were set up along the perimeter. Because of the rubble, it was physically impossible to reach another temporary command center without detours. This was why there were many temporary command centers.
Undicisettembre: you directly to the attention of someone who was pulled alive from the rubble?
Padilla Jacqueline Curcio: No.
Undicisettembre: you were attending to the rescue. What about the rescuers and the work they were doing?
Padilla Jacqueline Curcio: Police, firefighters and other volunteers equipped worked in a hazardous environment, and toxic stress load. They did this despite the conditions, to recover the remains of the victims for those grieving families. They are the silent heroes.
Undicisettembre: Sentisti tell your colleague to some of the discovery of debris or anything that came from the planes? The first stories of the press claimed that large parts of the cockpit had been found, but not after it heard from again. It would be useful to clarify this point.
Padilla Jacqueline Curcio: I do not know what other evidence can be brought over to my husband's story , but was found a folding seat (jump seat ) with a charred body and apparently linked, believed to belong to a flight attendant.
Undicisettembre: Did you see this exhibit in person or I was told? Excuse my question, but we have seen many reports of this specific finding in the papers but never a story first-hand, and we are trying to authenticate the news. Unfortunately there are many voices macabre, issued shortly after the 11 / 9, which subsequently turned out to be rumors.
Padilla Jacqueline Curcio: I did not see in person the seat. My husband told me about it because he had seen in the morgue. Because of his experience in the investigative branch, he was assigned to the morgue for two days to document the identity and personal effects recovered of firefighters and police officers found. While there, he personally saw the charred body in the jump seat that was considered from another team. After setting up a documentation system, was reassigned to Ground Zero. I believe that his job was temporary in the third or fourth day, or the fourth and fifth.
Undicisettembre: What about the families of the victims? What was their attitude towards the situation and the work they were doing?
Padilla Jacqueline Curcio: The families were devastated. Not only the horrific events, but also by the feeling of not seeing a conclusion. Wait months to get a piece of a corpse and a funeral after so long brought into conformity with the families of the victims emotionally.
Undicisettembre: Cosa pensi delle teorie del complotto che sostengono che l'11/9 fu un "inside job" ? La maggior parte di queste teorie sostiene che le Torri furono demolite intenzionalmente con esplosivi; alcune di queste sostengono addirittura che nessun aereo si sia mai schiantato nelle Torri e che i video che lo dimostrano siano fasulli. Qual è la tua opinione?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: Chi si è impegnato così tanto a discutere di teorie del complotto sembra avere molto bisogno di attenzione. Anche se sono dotati, questi autori non hanno alcun diritto di mettere in dubbio gli eventi di quel giorno se non erano presenti.
Degli aerei colpirono davvero quegli edifici: è a fact. I have first-hand accounts of victim support services provided to families left behind by those who died in those "imaginary plane" and in the towers. This was anything but a "inside-job" and, yes, the planes crashed into the WTC Towers really against.
Undicisettembre: What do your colleagues of these conspiracy theories? I am angry, indifferent? Conspiracy theories are common among police officers in New York?
Padilla Jacqueline Curcio: I've never heard of these "conspiracy theories" or between the staff of the Police Department or as a civilian. Although I have had access to much confidential information during that period, I do not remember any discussion on these plots.
Undicisettembre: sostentitore Have you ever met some of the theories of conspiracy and tried to argue? If yes, how did it go and what are your impressions about these people? Did you find an explanation for why these theories of "inside job" seem so persistent?
Padilla Jacqueline Curcio: I never met any supporter of conspiracy theory about the WTC, nor have I ever discussed the topic.
Undicisettembre: Among the proponents of conspiracy theories si parla molto delle colonne del WTC trovate tagliate diagonalmente. Sostengono che sia un effetto dei presunti esplosivi. Una spiegazione più plausibile è che le colonne furono tagliate durante le operazioni di soccorso per evitare che cadessero sui soccorritori. Vedesti operazioni di taglio di questo genere? Se sì, puoi darci qualche dettaglio (per esempio, quando, dove e chi fece il taglio) per smontare questo mito?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: Ho visto molti luoghi dove si erano verificate esplosioni. In quei luoghi non ho mai visto travi tagliate ad angolo. Ciò che posso dire è che, a parte i soccoritori, il più grande contigente di lavoratori sulle macerie erano gli addetti alla lavorazione dei metalli. Queste squadre lavorarono febbrilmente per mesi, tagliando l'acciaio con i cannelli, di solito con tagli inclinati così che la parte tagliata cadesse lontano da loro. Altri tagli orizzontali furono effettuati nei pezzi più grandi d'acciaio mentre erano agganciati a una gru.
Undicisettembre: Non ti chiediamo di violare le norme di riservatezza, ma è corretto presumere che ci siano molte foto dei lavori di ricerca e salvataggio che non sono state rilasciate al pubblico per discrezione e rispetto per le vittime?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: Non lo so, personalmente, ma azzeredrei che possa essere andata così dopo che il sito era stato messo in maggiore security. In the early stages, horrific pictures were published anywhere on the Internet.
Undicisettembre: Do you think the inevitable self-censorship to the most shocking images of 9 / 11 helped to mislead than the true extent of the tragedy, making it easier to believe the various claims of hoax? For example, many people look at the pictures of the WTC and the Pentagon and are unrealistic given the absence of bodies or parts of aircraft or personal property. Do you think that releasing some of these images, as has happened to the victims of the Pentagon during the Moussaoui trial, to silence the doubters (not the conspiracy, but who are unsure) or make the devastation of 9 / 11 more comprensibile al pubblico?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: Non credo che una o più foto possano dare certezze definitive a chi non crede. Questo è successo indiscutibilmente al WTC e al Pentagono. La devastazione e la distruzione che si verificano in collisioni di questa grandezza lasciano intatti ben pochi elementi di prova, che possono sfuggire a occhi inesperti .
Undicisettembre: Se si presentasse l'occasione, saresti disponibile a discutere con un complottista, per esempio in un incontro pubblico o per un documentario?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: Per quanto mi piacerebbe farlo, non me la sentirei di dare a un complottista un pulpito dal quale diffondere le sue informazioni carenti e negative. Secondo la mia opinione professionale, si presenterebbero con una ridda di resoconti di persone non qualificate e con carte firmate, mappe e magari anche foto. Tutto questo può essere falso e fuorviante. Il pubblico potrebbe avere da me solo il mio racconto in prima persona, ma la gente sembra nutrirsi di negatività.
Undicisettembre: Questa esperienza come ha cambiato il tuo modo di essere un agente di polizia? Ti ha dato una nuova visione del tuo compito di proteggere la gente e rendere più sicura la tua città?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: C'è maggiore attenzione alla sicurezza da quel giorno. L'addestramento tradizionale ha ceduto il passo alla formazione sulla vigilanza antiterrorismo. C'è più responsabilità ed è richiesta vigilanza, cosa che oggigiorno è conforme alle esigenze.
Undicisettembre: Questa esperienza come ha cambiato la tua vita quotidiana?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: La vita quotidiana è tornata a un certo livello di normalità. Ma non dimenticheremo mai quel giorno e vivremo le nostre vite indagando sempre ciò che fanno gli altri. Con il passare del tempo, la mia paura è che la prossima generazione dimenticherà e diventera vulnerabile nei confronti di coloro che odiano la nostra libertà.
Undicisettembre: Do you think the nation and its people have recovered from tragedy? You have the impression that the nation is still living in fear, or who has recovered its position globally?
Padilla Jacqueline Curcio: I do not believe that this nation live in constant fear. What this nation know, as fact, is that it is vulnerable to terrorism and that this could happen again. The nation and all the emergency services must remain vigilant in their duties to protect and serve. This means increased awareness and ongoing training to detect signs of threat, then a new way to handle police duties than before 9 / 11. I believe that we live nella nazione più grande del mondo e la nostra posizione di spicco resterà sempre sopra e oltre ogni cosa.
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Doubts and Clearing Debris: An Interview with Jacqueline Padilla Curcio, WTC Search and Rescue Officer
by Hammer. An Italian translation of this interview is available here .
After 9/11, police forces, firefighters and volunteers worked hard for months to clear the debris and provide for rescue and recovery. Not much is generally known about this work because the media provided limited coverage of this crucial period.
To fill this gap, Undicisettembre is publishing this interview with a New York police officer: Jacqueline Padilla Curcio (quoted by permission). Incidentally, she is the wife of firefighter Lenny Curcio, whom we interviewed last February.
Her very personal and touching report is also a significant help in debunking some conspiracy theories, such as the claim that the diagonally-cut columns of the WTC seen in some photographs (such as the one on the right) are allegedly evidence of the planting of explosive or other destructive material in the Twin Towers.
We would like to thank Jacqueline Padilla Curcio for her kindness and her time.
by Hammer. An Italian translation of this interview is available here .
After 9/11, police forces, firefighters and volunteers worked hard for months to clear the debris and provide for rescue and recovery. Not much is generally known about this work because the media provided limited coverage of this crucial period.
To fill this gap, Undicisettembre is publishing this interview with a New York police officer: Jacqueline Padilla Curcio (quoted by permission). Incidentally, she is the wife of firefighter Lenny Curcio, whom we interviewed last February.

We would like to thank Jacqueline Padilla Curcio for her kindness and her time.
Undicisettembre: What do you remember, generally speaking, about your experience after 9/11? Can you give us an account of your experience?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: On 9/11/01, I was at home and was "mobilized" by the New York City Police Dept. to respond to my respective station. I had been assigned to Community Affairs for several years and was utilized to assist with assignments. On 9/12, I was assigned to the WTC site as a liaison to interagency affairs and assignments for accountability and deployment.
I was at Ground Zero for 4 weeks, occasionally helping with search and rescue efforts. At that time and for the next three months, I was assigned to a temporary facility on a Pier off of the West Side Highway, north of Ground Zero, to assist with the thousands of family members of the WTC victims, both civilian and non-civilian.
The makeshift facility had all the amenities to make those grieving families as comfortable as possible. It was an extremely emotional assignment, which went to just before Christmas. Throughout the years, we have been constantly trained and reminded of that day. In all of the video footage and in all of the inside information entrusted to us as sworn officers, it has never been mentioned or debated that there were conspiracies regarding that devastating incident. I hope this bit of information helped.
Undicisettembre: What can you tell us about the following days? What did you guys do and what happened after 9/11 while working on search and rescue?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: We were sent to Ground Zero for 12-hour shifts. Many officers worked on the pile performing search and rescue, but they had previously been trained with certain equipment. I personally had to control one of the many temporary headquarters that were set up around the perimeter. Due to the debris, it was physically impossible to get to another temporary headquarters, without a very long detour. This was the reason for the many temporary headquarters.
Undicisettembre: Do you directly know of anyone who was taken out of the wreckage alive?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: No.
Undicisettembre: You were part of the rescue effort. What can you tell us about the rescuers and the work they were doing?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: The police officers, firefighters and other equipped volunteers worked in a dangerous, toxic and stressful environment. They worked despite the conditions to recover the remains of victims for those grieving families. They are the silent heroes.
Undicisettembre: Did you hear any report of your colleagues about finding debris or anything from the planes? Early press reports suggested that large cockpit parts had been found, but nothing more was heard of this later. It would be useful to set the record straight.
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: I do not know what evidence can be provided other than my husband’s word , but there was a jump seat found with a charred body, believed to be a Flight Attendant, who was apparently bound.
Undicisettembre: Did you see this yourself or was it reported to you? Sorry for the question, but we've seen many reports of this specific finding in the press but no first-hand accounts and we're trying to authenticate this story. Sadly, there were many grisly rumors just after 9/11 that later turned out to be just hearsay.
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: I did not see the jump seat personally. My husband told me about it because he saw it at the morgue. Because of his investigative experience, he was assigned to the morgue for two days to record the identity and items found of any firemen and police officers that were recovered. While he was there, he personally observed the charred body in the jump seat that was being examined by another team. After he set up a system with record books, he was re-assigned to Ground Zero. I believe this temporary assignment was day 3 and 4 or 4 and 5.
Undicisettembre: What can you tell us about the families of the victims? What was their attitude towards the situation and the job you guys were doing?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: The families were devastated. Not only about the horrific events, but having no sense of closure. Waiting months to recover a body part and having a funeral after so long emotionally drained the victim’s families.
Undicisettembre: What do you think about conspiracy theories that claim 9/11 was an inside job? Most of these theories believe the Towers were intentionally demolished with explosives, some of them even claim no aircraft ever crashed into the towers and all the videos that show them are fake. What's your opinion?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: Those who have put this much effort into debating conspiracy theories seem to really need attention. Although talented, these writers have no business questioning the events of that day if they were not present.
Planes did in fact strike those buildings. I have first-hand accounts of providing “Victim Services” for the families left behind of those who perished in those “Imaginary Planes” as well as the Towers. This was far from an inside job and, yes, the planes did crash into the WTC Towers.
Undicisettembre: How do your colleagues feel about these conspiracy theories? Are they irritated, indifferent? Are conspiracy theories popular among police officers in New York?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: I have never heard of these “Conspiracy Theories” amongst the rank and file of the Police Department nor as a civilian. As much privileged information I was subjected to during that time, I do not recall any conversation of such conspiracies.
Undicisettembre: Have you met any conspiracy theorists and tried to debate them? If so, how did it go, and what's your impression of these people? Have you found an explanation as to why these "inside job" theories seem to persist?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: I have never met a WTC conspiracy theorist nor debated the issues.
Undicisettembre: Among believers of some conspiracy theories, there is much talk of WTC columns found cut diagonally. They claim that this was an effect of the alleged explosives. A more plausible explanation is that the columns were cut during the rescue operations to prevent them from falling onto rescuers. Did you observe any such cutting work? If so, could you provide some detail (e.g., when, where, who did the cutting, etc) to dispel this myth?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: I have seen several scenes after an explosion. I never have seen beams cut on angles at those scenes. What I can attest to is that other than the rescue workers, the largest contingency of workers directly on the pile, were Iron Workers. These teams worked feverishly for months, cutting steel with their torches, most on angles so as the cut portion would fall away from the worker. Other horizontal cuts were made to larger pieces of steel when they were connected to a crane.
Undicisettembre: We're not asking you to violate any confidentiality rules, but are we correct in assuming that there are many photographs of the search and rescue operations that have not been released to the public due to discretion and respect for the victims?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: I do not know, personally, but I would venture to say that may be true after greater scene security was established. In the early stages, there were horrific pictures posted all over the Internet.
Undicisettembre: Do you think that the inevitable sanitization of the images of 9/11 has contributed to some misperceptions of the extent of the tragedy, making it somewhat easier to believe the various claims of fakery? For example, many people look at the WTC images and the Pentagon images and find them unreal due to the lack of bodies or plane parts or personal items. Do you think that releasing some of this imagery, as occurred for the Pentagon victims during the Moussaoui trial, would silence the doubters (not the conspiracy theorists, but those who have doubts) or make the devastation of 9/11 more understandable to the public?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: I do not feel a picture(s) is going to give non-believers resolve. This undisputedly happened to the WTC and Pentagon. The devastation and destruction of collisions of this magnitude leave very little evidence intact and can be missed by the UNTRAINED EYE.
Undicisettembre: If the opportunity arose, would you be willing to debate a conspiracy theorist, for example in a public meeting or for a documentary?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: As much as I would like to, I could not give the Conspiracy Theorist a platform to spread his poor and negative information. In my professional opinion, they will come with a multitude of accounts from unqualified resources with signed papers, maps and possibly pictures. They can all be fake and misleading. The audience will only have my eyewitness account and people thrive on negativity.
Undicisettembre: How did this experience change your way of being a police officer? Has it given you new insight into the task of protecting people and making your city more secure?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: There has been a heightened sense of security since that day. Traditional training has taken a back seat to terrorism awareness training. There is more accountability and a demand to be vigilant, which is fitting for this day and age.
Undicisettembre: How did this experience change your everyday life?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: Everyday life has gone back to a degree of normalcy. But we will never forget that day and will live our lives always being inquisitive to the actions of others. As time goes on, my fear is that the next generation will forget and become vulnerable to those who fear our freedom.
Undicisettembre: Do you think the country and its people have recovered from the tragedy? Do you feel like the nation is still living in fear, or has it regained its standing in the world?
Jacqueline Padilla Curcio: I do not believe this country lives in constant fear. What this country knows for a fact is that it is susceptible to terrorism and that this could happen again. The country as well as all emergency services must remain vigilant in their duties to protect and serve. This means a heightened awareness and constant training to detect the signs of threat, hence a new way of policing compared to pre-911. I believe we live in the greatest nation in the world and our standing will always remain above and beyond.
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