x il mitico PASCUCCI Te lo riposto ma se vuoi possiamo andare da un'altra parte per parlarne (dimmi dove): 1)se è vera la relazione DEBITO PUBBLICO = SIGNORAGGIO (e secondo me non lo è) perché il DEBITO PUBBLICO in UK e FRANCIA è circa la metà del nostro??Non c'è il SIGNORAGGIO da loro? 2)perché la massima espansione del DEBITO PUBBLICO si è avuta in ITALIA negli anni del CAF e del compromesso storico quando la BCE non esisteva e la BANCA d'ITALIA era PUBBLICA essendo stata privatizzata con la riforma AMATO nei primi anni 90? 3)perché il BLANCHARD, considerato una BIBBIA dagli ECONOMISTI di tutto il mondo e studiosi di macroeconomia come me, dice che il DEBITO dello STATO (TESORO) verso la BANCA d'ITALIA è di appena il 5-6% dell'intero DEBITO PUBBLICO? E la relazione SIGNORAGGIO = DEBITO PUBBLICO, per cui tolto il primo si eliminerebbe il secondo (e di conseguenza le tasse per pagare gli interessi), che fine fa?? 4)se le BANCHE americane si sono abbuffate in tutti questi anni di SIGNORAGGIO, perché alcune di loro sono fallite (vedi la LEHMAN BROTHERS) o hanno chiesto aiuto a babbo STATO, ossia ricorrendo al gettito fiscale versato dai contribuenti amerikani??E la FED è PUBBLICA p PRIVATA come la BANCA d'ITALIA?? 5) è vero o non è vero che lo STATO, per pagare la moneta issued by the Central Bank not only issues bonds but also uses gold reserves and foreign currency? 6) on the theory of creation of base money the state is not obliged to issue continually government debt instruments to pay for the previous issue of paper money, as claimed you, Auriti & co, because once the money (cash , deposits, C / C etc ...) is put into circulation by the Bank established a process of automatic creation of new money related to the so-called monetary base multiplier. Ergo seigniorage is not the root cause of our DEBT (see data BLANCHARD) GV., And,, str i (say no to censorship!) 10/14/2008 20:11 |
Reviews discussion -------------------------- ------------- I am not a technician and they are not Pascucci. I could be wrong but, following his points: 1) It 's a question of quantity: in Italy + depreciation + debt + money issuance. 2) The amount of debt depends on who is at the bank, but obviously a matter of policy. The key point is that the amount of expenditure that you decide to do (and must be a positive quantity) is translated into an advantage for the bank because of the need to coin money and then through seigniorage, which causes the growth the debt (or, as some theoretical nuances, the vast majority of the growth of debt). 3) The original contract with the bank debt is paid off by contracting debts by placing on the market (eg BOT, CCT etc ...). So the government budget shows only the debt currently outstanding. Nevertheless, the debt was originated with the Bank. 4) Not all banks earn directly with seigniorage. CMQ banks also can throw away their money. 5) and 'irrelevant: whatever you pay, and whatever you give is always to secure a debt. 6) The basic monetary transfer is subject to the multiplier, not the cash on hand of the state! With the multiplier you can not give money to the holders of Treasury bills and other securities to maturity. To do this it is necessary to issue other securities. Greetings 10/14/2008 20:39 GV ------------------------------------- - but get the same things? why do you do? in the hope that by asking 100 times in the end I do not rispondda (the 101st) and remains so that you have not been answered? why blog in the last answer is the one that everyone remembers, right? then: 1) if the report is true DEBT = SIGNORAGGIO (and in my opinion it is not) because the public debt in the UK and France is about half of our? There is no seigniorage from them? yes there is. but you have not spoken with debt of nations and nations without debt. between Italy and France there is no difference, as there is no difference between 30 lashes or 60 lashes. but these things are already being addressed, just study them. is a matter of concept. those who believe in respect for the man NEVER ask, "Why do you say that we [Italy] is slavery? Because they give us 60 lashes? Then in France is not slavery because they give 30!" please! 2. [More>>] Sandro Pascucci 14/10/2008 20:52 ---------------------------------- ----- 2) because the maximum expansion of public debt has been in ITALY during the years of CAF and the historic compromise did not exist when the ECB and the Bank of ITALY PUBLIC was being privatized by the Amato reform in the early 90? because, as everyone knows, the aliens have landed and we were forced Craxi. Craxi because no one voted, right? No one has placed family and friends during his millennial reign, right? Moreover the graph of public debt in Italy is not a line that starts from 1861 until today but it is a V, where the lowest point is the arrival of Craxi (from Mars?). Dead Craxi government debt has disappeared. you like it? Sandro Pascucci 10/09/2008 23:06 10/14/2008 20:52 Sandro Pascucci ------------------------------- -------- see that the famous saying "you sing it and you play it" is increasingly active here. not enough to say that the sky is green pellets and then ignore all the evidence against such nonsense and then open post new state ".. we have shown that the sky is green and shot Mr. sky-blue seems to me in distress. . people read the documents on the Web and know what we're talking and, sopratuttto, who says what. Sandro Pascucci 10/09/2008 23:19 10/14/2008 20:54 Sandro Pascucci ------------------------------- --------> 3) because the BLANCHARD, considered a bible by economists and scholars from around the world to me as macroeconomics, • ah! lair! eh eh eh here's another one who can not admit that it was taking the piss for years! is hard, eh? be the wheel of a car bothers you mortal? made to reconnect Matrix, maybe get to be a movie star (can not remember anything ..) > says that the state's debt (Treasury) to the Bank of ITALY is only 5-6% of the entire DEBT PUBLIC? • Well, you know .. would not be the first time a Bible says bullshit .. or that a host has its own wine .. but you are there or are you doing? > And the report SIGNORAGGIO = Public debt, which removed the first without the second (and therefore taxes to pay interest), what of? • I do not know .. Just ask Olivier. I fight the official system, you took me to the official thesis of a Bible that [obviously] does allege that the system I fight .. And I wonder what would happen if I eliminated one thing that this system according to the Bible? I think we are. Sandro Pascucci --------------------------------------- 10/14/2008 21:08 > 4) if the U.S. banks have been gorging on all those years of seigniorage, because some of them have failed (see LEHMAN BROTHERS), or have asked for help from Father State, such as using the tax paid by taxpayers Amerikan? • guess what '? because the damage is beyond the joke, of course. Furthermore, who said banks have binges of seigniorage? not me also .. > And the Fed is p PUBLIC PRIVATE BANK OF ITALY like? • .. before I fight the system I'm aware about the system, the books of the System. You, if you want to contradict me, you have to read my thesis. Are not many nor difficult nor a fee. I can not stand that I will ask the nature of the Fed when I said on the homepage. Sandro Pascucci --------------------------------------- 10/14/2008 21:12 > 5) is true or not true that the State, to pay the money issued by the Central Bank, not only issues bonds but also uses gold reserves and foreign currency? • is false. Sandro Pascucci --------------------------------------- 10/14/2008 21:15 > 6) on the theory of creation of base money the state is not obliged to issue continually government debt instruments to pay for the previous issue of paper money, as claimed you, Auriti & co, because once the money (cash , deposits, C / C etc ...) is put into circulation by the Bank established a process of automatic creation of new money related to the so-called MULTIPLIER monetary base. • ummm .. how to say .. and you take care of macroeconomics? I was your mother / wife / aunt would give you no money to go buy bread. (1) The multiplier multiplies (are you there?) Something that already exists and therefore must be created (printed / typed) at least the first time and (2) that the STATE has to do with the "bank money"? us, in an educational, we are talking about emission [print] banknotes. and notes are not talking, you need paper and ink AUTHORITY 'for them [in a monopoly!]. The State has, for years, even electronic account, why not, but the discussion of seigniorage, in If so, is even more serious because the costs disappear "printing" .. are you there? Fosse as you say there would be no limit to the multiplication of money and, surprise, many banks never fail. cmq there wants to intortare the speech and put into the same pot BANKNOTES (seigniorage) with multiplier (fractional reserve). Sandro Pascucci --------------------------------------- 10/14/2008 21:22 > Ergo seigniorage is not the root cause of our DEBT (see data BLANCHARD) • not repeating that you make it real, you know? hours grill0 expect to open a new thread and start over, giusto? Sandro Pascucci 14.10.08 21:23 --------------------------------------- Discussione |
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Hair Styles With Plats And Twists
October 14, 2008 - October 4, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Do Aussie Men Wear Cups In Footy
Clean bag - and those who ride 'lost
well , then come to a fair (the calendar is on the site) and in front of witnesses give me a fascist. suspend the fair to call a special steering wheel of the police and report you for criminal offense when committed.
================================================ = =================================================
Mr. Pascucci, the main "engine" of the site www.signoraggio.com
Pascucci is here 'to take us on their site?
To make his game? But compared to the rubbish here 'parade and company .... I see that autovotano Pascucci ITS as a carrier of content.
hello, thanks for the reply
I asked her what prompted her to come here 'cause I here' I read it now and I'm here 'for more' than two years.
• contrary. but you are there or are you doing? grill0 knows everything and is silent on seigniorage, ergo: E 'accomplice.
DAL SITO http://www.primit.it/ DI SANDRO PASCUCCI (L' "UNICO NEMICO DEL SIGNORAGGIO AL MONDO"! QUELLO CHE DICE CHE TUTTI SONO VENDUTI E BASTARDI TRANNE LUI... --- * ATTENZIONE * Questa vostra donazione andrà esclusivamente alla neonata Associazione PRIMIT. I conti economici del sito «www.signoraggio.com» sono INDIPENDENTI dal PRIMIT. Gli autori di future illazioni, diffamazioni e insinuazioni saranno immediatamente sued. (f.to Sandro Pascucci) [click on the button to make a donation] --- will find a way transparent management of public money (payment, accounting, reporting, etc. ..). The shares will go to cover expenses for office (although it will have a virtual annual cost) and materials for books, photocopies, events, etc. .. (There will be a detailed guide for each expense). --- NB 1) "click on the button to make a donation" Click: indicative mood, present tense! (That is: Donate now!) 2) "We found a way transparent system of governance ..." will find: the indicative, time FUTURE! (That is, there's time ... meantime HUNTING THE MONEY!) 3) "The authors of future allegations, slander and innuendo will immediately be sued." now I sue? Just because I mentioned your site and did a little 'ANALYSIS OF GRAMMAR? 4) Grillo Travaglio, SECOND Pascucci, Vandi banks are using the blog just to make money. He asks for money, but it's for a good cause ... Mah .. think that everyone wants ... Fabio Castellucci 5:10:08 1:11 I wonder as a matter of such enormity 'can be used to attack or as a weapon with which to put on the wall who continues to run a enormity' of things ... |
Grillo did much on the topic and join the chorus of those who play the same tune, takes me back to top .. not right ... Edededed O. 05/10/2008 01:31 Edededed O. 05/10/2008 01:56 --------------------------------------- well .. . I do not share many of the ideas of sandro, much less his methods and many people know this ... but what is right , è giusto... non si possono paragonare le disponibilità di grillo e travaglio con quelle di un gruppo di ragazzi che si danno da fare rimettendoci in proprio tempo e denaro... di questo è necessario dargli atto...io forse contribuirò, perchè al di là dei metodi, hanno dato l'anima per un problema che coinvolge tutti quanti. Notte Baci manuela bellandi 05.10.08 02:15 --------------------------------------- |
| >Linguaggio da FASCISTA. Conferma dei peggiori sospetti Vengo dove cazzo vuoi a darti del fascista VISTO CHE LO SEI! Given the angry reaction I must have touched a nerve! Shit. Sometimes "we pijo" more than you think! Fabio Castellucci 04/10/2008 19:13
well , then come to a fair (the calendar is on the site) and in front of witnesses give me a fascist. suspend the fair to call a special steering wheel of the police and report you for criminal offense when committed.
if you want we can anticipate .. write a nice post with your statement and sign it, so that the police can intervene Postal imemdiatamente (so you and grill0 beak with a single blow). attendo.. Sandro Pascucci 05.10.08 14:03 ma avercela con grillo per te e' come mettere un banner pubblicitario sul sito x caso? Sbattunfac Cialcazzo, Nocera Satriana 05.10.08 15:37 --------------------------------------- Ma se lo ho GIÀ FATTO! COGLIONE! Ce lo hai scritto nel post che hai appena messo! | Ma credi di arrivare qui con le tue arie da ducetto e spaventare la gente?
Va a farti un giro, poveretto! Fabio Castellucci 05.10.08 22:12 --------------------------------------- Sangsters Rum Cream Prices
October 5, 2008 - Press Release number sixteen political ----------------------- but if I already did! IDIOT! There you have written in the post you just made! But I think I get here with your airs ducetto and frighten people? Look for mezzeseghe like you I have met plenty of them aged 14 and up! Go and get a ride, poor thing! Fabio Castellucci 5:10:08 22:12 ----------------------- 'm waiting for (apart from your appearance in an exhibition of truth) Post an explicit, signed and dated. you do it? by that Monday, so we do all week. do not you do it on Saturday night, up. |
Sandro Pascucci 06:10:08 11:26 --------------------------------------- CVD |
- to Easter pijo you just as soon as you see, you just feel ..
- yes? I am, I'm here, you said?!
- ummm .. you misunderstood me, I have to go oopps mammma call me ... repeat: CVD Sandro Pascucci 06/10/2008 11:55 ---------------------- ----------------- |
[>] Issue • All elected politicians at the helm of the nation have always been indebted to the State asking to borrow money for a small group of private bankers. • These international bankers create money from nothing and without any compensation, simply printing it. • Most of the fees paid by the city needed to pay interest on that debt undying, eternal, consisting of waste paper. Questions: 1. Because the State did not just print money? 2. Why coins coins but does not print the notes? 3. Why issue bonds rather than print money interest free? 4. For, 10 AGO 1893, the list of members of Bank of Italy SpA has been made available only 20 SET 2005? 5. Why the Senate in its verbal reports 'omission' when it comes to listing those participants? 6. The Bank has a monopoly on the creation and issuance of currency. It creates 100, 100 and pays claims a refund of 100 + 5 points of interest where the state takes that +5 [that there]? _________________________________________________ sandropascucci: www.signoraggio.com [^] Sandro Pascucci 6:10:08 11:58 |
http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=CJJ9rzReXso&feature=related | Beppe Grillo and the seigniorage
Mr. Pascucci, the main "engine" of the site
Cricket would do well to apologize and ask only to join forces .. . Do you know why he does not, and insists on his website to attack Grillo? The objective is political. Grillo steals constituencies. These characters (not just PASCUCCI) whose purpose is to link issues such as seigniorage to a political party (the ultra-right!) AS IF POLLUTION PROBLEMS AS, NET DEBT, FINANCE WORLDWIDE AND HANDLING INFORMATION COULD BE LINKED TO A POLITICAL PARTY! The game is DIRTY! are deliberately mixed two levels to create CONFUSION: - free information and authoritative on a subject vital (seigniorage) - HANDLING OF THIS INFORMATION TO GO SO FAR "Unconscious" THE ANSWER TO BELONG TO THE KIND OF PROBLEMS P. "Philosophy" (???) OF ultra! Awake. Often the worst enemies use arguments and procedures to be "friends" ... Pascucci, instead of answering siui done, I continued to threaten to "Sue" or other ill-defined actions tremendous ... If you think, with his methods FASCISTELLO tacks silence me, you see that he always "played" with mezzeseghe like him ... WATCH false friends. | careful because USE GOOD BAD ARGUMENTS FOR THE PURPOSE. Fabio
Anto Rabbit, Pistoia 10/06/2008 12:02 ------------------------------------- - | Fabio, I believe you.
To make his game? But compared to the rubbish here
But I assure you that if you sincerely Pascucci is here ' ....ci sarà un motivo.....e lasciamelo assaggiare ....... Mandami a fan culo ....libero E non mi convincere , sono convinto di quello che dici. ciao Tinazzi tinazzi ., Albano Laziale 06.10.08 12:20 --------------------------------------- Enormemente complesso l'argomento SIGNORAGGIO, moneta FIAT, sparizione del VALORE TANGIBILE VISIBILE e TOCCABILE (Oro) in cambio della carta, in quasi tutto il mondo.. Carta (un contratto, in un certo senso) che e' una PROMESSA di pagare (onorata, onorabile e no...) In questo contesto, il signoraggio e' stato usato come uno squadrista userebbe la spranga, od i PICCHIATORI in BORGHESE a Genova di giorno, usavano i piedi and kicked in the face of that part of the people who showed pacificatamente ps If you can not stop the enemy (at the bottom of this blog), infiltrated and ** works from within ..::(( Edededed O. 06:10 12:46 .08 --------------------------------------- message received. hello tinazzi., Albano Laziale 06/10/2008 12:49 ------------------------------------ --- Dear Tina, why I say that? I say what I think and act accordingly. Everyone thinks and do what they believe. Why do I say that? Pascucci, for me, is one of those that use the seigniorage to the ultra-clear. The his sympathies and his support for the new force are waaay more than a suspicion. E Seignorage well described by the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy demo-low passes. and we do not need exalted mezzefigure thread nazi. Questoi I see this I think, I say this. Each face to think that he believes best. Fabio Castellucci 6:10:08 15:29 --------------------------------------- |
Castellucci Fabio Pascucci is a sick man. Then it seems that I'm seigniorage has discovered him. Seigniorage is the battle of all time, will unite not divide in outdated ideologies. ANDREA T., MILAN 06/10/2008 24:21 3) To convince that Cricket is not an expert on banks and the economy? 4) To give us a clue about different? 5) To help provide the bank moves to suffer? 6) To make converts? 7) What is your position towards Beppe after some time? 8) E 'inspired her right? We have made RESET 9) What we lack in order to understand the banking? What can we change ourselves? 10) I see that has not been banned, ergo the blog true demonstration of democracy, ours. THANKS Tinazzi tinazzi., Albano Laziale 06:10:08 12:34 to equalize the other scum that frequents the blog, something for nothing, you know who they are! add that everyone has the right to challenge what he wants, but should do so on its merits, not on his person or on the goals that he seeks, in providing information which has become a carrier. Hello Max Stirner Max Stirner, @ 12:47 6:10:08 ------------------------------ --------- Hello friend (can I?) I respect bloggers to interact with the Mu and whom I have great consideration. Nor to say that I 'think with my limited mind, but seeing a poor content and poor blog, I think any arguments with people of value (not an ethical point of view of the objectives contained ...... but what they do ...) is important to us and qualifying. For me great enemies, great value and I think ...... just like you. | I rubado 30 and with honors in banking Paolucci BNL board of directors ...... ..... etc etc
was the cream ......... |
And as you know appearances can be deceiving ..... Tina looks stupid and is ...... |
tinazzi., Albano Lazio 10/06/2008 24:56 --------------------------------------- |
• Tina, Tina .. > Dear Pascucci, they told me that she is a character .... the good and bad and I saw it on his site that has long peek. • AVOID typical example of a person, that is stupid. what to see on my site that would make me .. "Character"? but the word "national" do not know to use? bah! > knows I am a blind grillino and she is on my list of antigrillo. • if you use you use it note: you write uppercase -> you, otherwise I might think that using it to fuck with me (but we know that it is not, right?). also .. what to say .. Make lists .. mhmm .. when in the showers? > We are here 'antigrillo think of Tina ...... pretending grillini .... and do a few questions: • mystery about the message you wanted to convey .. bah! > 1) What drives you to come here '? among other things, she signed with full name • .. which are rightly the odd, I guess? like saying "what are you doing? Blog grill0 come and you sign as well?". why come here to me to require an explanation? perhaps you have explained why you come? no. to others you may ask? no. why are you asking me? controversy? attempt to flame? bah! > 2) To promote his site and just? • do not sell shoes, or DVD, why should I promote a site [in my case] as if for information .. drum roll .. INFORMATION? because when I talk to promote sites, simply fill out a editbox grill0 that gives me the same? MARIO ROSSI writes because of mafia and puts a URL (to your site to others) but he did not get anything? if Pascucci writes with first and last name and fill in the fields you fill grill0 himself says it's strange, is SPAM .. if others write profanity, incitement suicide and other offenses (from that you know what is written here, come on!) .. if others do so then you are not to ask anything: WHY '? [>>] Sandro Pascucci 06/10/2008 14:00 ? • c'è poco da prevedere. il chinarsi per raccogliere sapone sotto la doccia nel braccio degli ergastolani non abbisogna di sfera di cristallo 6) Per fare proseliti ? • omaronnamia! "proseliti"?? l'uso dei termini rivela molto sullo schema mentale dell'UTENTE.. 7) Qual'è la sua posizione nei confronti di Beppe a distanza di tempo ? • è senza apostrofo, questo è sicuro. Qual è. ed è tale e quale a 3 anni fa. |
• "siete forse voi vili conigli comunisti?!?!" ajo!! parli come un cinegiornale del 20ennio and ask me if I'm right?! but I am astounded! 9) What we lack in order to understand the banking? What can we change ourselves? • study? grill0 give the bitch? mhmm .. 10) I see that has not been banned, ergo the blog true demonstration of democracy, ours. THANKS • "our" thing? six staff you? "Democratic" you have been in a coma in the last 3 years? Tinazzi • Sticazzi. Sandro Pascucci 06/10/2008 14:03 --------------------------------------- Hello Sandro, I would be very interested in hearing your thoughts on the Swedish JAK Bank and the attempt di inserirla anche in Italia. Graziemanuela bellandi 06.10.08 16:04 --------------------------------------- ho scritto un articolo sul sito a tal riguardo, vuoi che te lo stampi e te lo porti a casa col fiocchetto o te lo trovi da sola? avete bisogno della manina anche per atraversare la strada? ma io bih?! Sandro Pascucci 06.10.08 17:06 --------------------------------------- Sandro Pascucci 06.10.08 14:03 |
Tinazzi sti cazzi , la prego un po' di fantasia e creatività , guardi qui' c'e' di meglio. | I'm stupid? a great way to appear giving the stupid, satisfied that I gave her a fool? Browse
I asked her what prompted her to come here 'cause I here' I read it now and I'm here 'for more' than two years.
• contrary. but you are there or are you doing? grill0 knows everything and is silent on seigniorage, ergo: E 'accomplice.
For the rest of it gives me no answers to my opinion that no questions. Pascucci see you confused my statement with an attack of a controversial person and prevent or taking the piss. So it means that no law or we do not read or I expressed myself badly. This is not my blog, this is an area where many people write to me the time and since you have presented as an authoritative person I wanted to give way to clarify some of the criticisms that I read in this blog. to interact with a stupid blogger who posed the questions, some irreverent. I'm not a soldier Cricket, not at his level (his Mr. Pascucci), and the staff treats me or no treatment which reserves to others. It does not measure the activity of Cricket on certain issues dealing with all and all But if he opened a road fueling what we already knew was there but a few. Sa 'I'm thinking of opening a site www.magistratura because in addition to seigniorage, Beppe, however, does not speak of the serious problems of justice ..... interior. E 'accomplice? For the rest I hope to continue to letters here '. Tinazzi tinazzi., Albano Laziale 10/06/2008 15:04 Look here 'there is better. • is not that we are at school play that I commit myself to do well. Contrary to you I do not write thinking about how I read others as well as the other party. > What am I stupid? a great way to appear giving the stupid, satisfied that I gave her a fool? | • Why should I worried how I present myself as GIA 'you did a whole series of quotes thoughts about me? you are, you guys like you, who abound here, really pitiful look like those dogs that Abai mignon behind a gate but as they beat the feet .. tail between his legs and suffered eye ..
• non era così che l'hai venduta ma da un disonesto cosa pretendo ora, la verità dei fatti? tranquillo. <<] > Le ho chiesto cosa la spinge a venire qui' perchè io qui' la leggo ora e io sono qui' da piu' di due anni. • ih ih ih see..see..® torna in come allora dai.. ci sei e ci fai > Vede e non si offenda se l'ho inserita nella mia testolina nella lista degli antigrillo ; secondo lei è peggio non conoscere una materia o essere complice ? • e la capitale del Perù è L..li..lim.. > For the rest of it gives me no answers to my questions that it considers not. • ah! but you could say you were totally played, no? echeccazzo! I am to answer as I was just plain stupid. Come on, do not do this! I do not have a lot of time and you steal me that! > Pascucci see you have confused my speech with an attack of a controversial person and prevent or taking the piss. • irony [my], this unknown .. you have the tail of paja (in addition to being argumentative and biased) Sandro Pascucci 06/10/2008 16:57 ------------------------- -------------- > So that means there's no law or bed or I expressed myself badly. •? like how? "We Act", "read us" and then "I"? those who are behind this PC? and in that head? the wind blows? > This is not my blog, this is an area where many people write to me the time and since you have presented as an authoritative person I wanted to give way to clarify some of the criticisms that I read in this blog. • and return to bomb you're prejudiced. but we still insist? still want to come up with the gossip? but quit it! come on! (We put a small capital L, no?) > to interact with a stupid blogger who posed the questions, some irreverent. • irreverent? ma ti pensi un monello divertente? ma io boh?!? > Io non sono il soldato di Grillo , non sono al suo livello ( il suo Sig. Pascucci) , e lo staff a me riserva lo stesso trattamento o non trattamento che riserva ad altri. • e sti cazzi non ce lo mettiamo? > E non misuro l'attività di Grillo sul trattare certi temi , con tutti i se e tutti i mà ,lui ha aperto una strada alimentando quello che già c'era ma che pochi conoscevano. • di che parliamo? dei SUV o dei tritarifiuti da lavello? > Sa' sto pensando di aprire un sito www.magistratura perchè oltre al signoraggio , Beppe non parla comunque dei gravi problemi della Justice ..... interior. E 'accomplice? • and what does? you are completely smoke? in your little head as you created the association signoraggio.com exists because cricket is not about seigniorage? because this is the [unhealthy] logic of your statement. you open the site because www.magistratura cricket is not about the judiciary? You want to prick open the cocks of reasons that seem more just. but the TSO no longer exist in Italy? > For the rest I hope to continue to letters here '. • certainly does not depend on me .. but I know how I know you and like you always knew Sandro Pascucci 06/10/2008 17:02 ------------------------ --------------- |
Saturday, October 4, 2008
All About Red Cervical Mucus
October 3, 2008 - Online referendum for the Dal Molin
(and also very disgusting,
x castellucci and all the nerds blog grull0: if you have some balls to come to the Fair to give me a fascist. are the losers who want to bask in the madonna with the play of the SCEC, better known as SCROK, and ill-digested my thoughts clean and free in their pastime. to Castellu .. I miss my guess the site, but you want to talk? sciooò! grill0 is a friend of the bankers and you're a licker grill0, then .. keep away from me, eh? Sandro Pascucci 04/10/2008 17:14 --------------------------------------- language by fascists. Confirming the worst suspicions I come where the fuck you want to give the fascist SEEN THAT YOU ARE! Given the angry reaction I must have touched a nerve! Shit. Sometimes "we pijo" more than you think! Fabio Castellucci 4:10:08 19:13 --------------------------------------- |
http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=CJJ9rzReXso&feature=related Beppe Grillo and the seigniorage About the fact that Beppe Grillo is a servant of the World Bank and the seigniorage that hides ... Mr. Pascucci, the main "engine" of the site www.signoraggio.it (great site, but with a trick ...) Cricket would do well to apologize and ask only to join forces ... Do you know why he does not, and insists on his website to attack Grillo? The objective is political. Grillo steals constituencies. These characters (not just PASCUCCI) whose purpose is to link issues such as seigniorage to a political party (the ultra-right!) AS IF POLLUTION PROBLEMS AS, NET DEBT, FINANCE WORLDWIDE AND HANDLING INFORMATION COULD BE TIED TO A POLITICAL PARTY! The game is DIRTY! are deliberately mixed two levels: - free information and authoritative on a subject vital (seigniorage) - HANDLING OF THIS INFORMATION TO GO SO FAR "Unconscious" THE ANSWER TO BELONG TO PROBLEMS SUCH LODGING "Philosophy" OF (???) extreme right! Fabio Castellucci 04:10:08 13:17 in sti ** munnezzari and spammers, which I call virtual bully ALWAYS OFF TOPIC ** do not give anything at all to extremely serious issues though trumpeting their faith in these arguments E 'use and abuse of a serious and extremely complex subject to attack or Grillo On Antonio Di Pietro chichessia or rebels without a cause .. .. I'm one paycheck from poverty, access to a server in countries TAROT ** ** tell us their civil and sabotage that remind me of the preparations ** before the infamous strategy of tension **.. so many innocent people died, and the minds GREY me I see them every now and then, still around, as if nothing had happened with branches in London and around a bit 'everywhere, then, There 's a nice ride of these activities', to face Italy by MORAL ground, and Thieves Italians, mobsters and stereotypes of gender Excellent intervention ps Vicenza base expansion: will we read that' a place resort to war-torn ** ** I am sending you a link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy_McVeigh Edededed O. 10/04/2008 13:37 --------------------------------------- Whoever believes in seigniorage, supports him because 'it feels right! you wish to find "purpose" and goals that are hypothetical and ascertain: however remains a problem to be addressed (for those who believe )!!!! to me Peter does not like and never will vote '... but' I signed for the Referendum Lodo Alfano! Are not like the two? Anthony C. 10/04/2008 13:38 --------------------------------------- Dear Anthony, obviously know what I mean BAD, and I apologize. You are absolutely right. I repeat that the site is Signoraggio.it for information and spiegazini SIGNORAGGIO on a great site. But PASCUCCI and those like him who have ulterior motives and foul demean those stated! | If the purpose is:
se invece IL MESSAGGIO è: | - solo la ULTRADESTRA vi difenderà dalla demoplutocrazia degli EBREI
Ed insisto. Il Movimento di Grillo (che ha tante ocse che possono essere criticate!!) può benissimo essere attaccato. Ma da qui a (come dice PASCUCCI!!) dire che Grillo è un venduto alle banche e che fa il loro gioco... IO SONO CONTRO AL SIGNORAGGIO! ED ANCHE CONTRO QUELLI CHE LO USANO PER SECONDI FINI!! Fabio Castellucci 04.10.08 14:26 --------------------------------------- Ti sei spiegato benissimo e concordo. rimarcavo il fatto che se anche fossi un "aficionados" del signoraggio avrei potuto sostenere l'iniziativa senza comunque votare Forza Nuova...ci mancherebbe!:))) Io sono per discutere di tutto...non che sia Pro-signoraggio!:) Il resto che hai esposto e' chiaro e sufficiente, e comunque non sono molto informato sui movimenti del Pascucci e di probabili manovre! Il blog rischio' il collasso per quest'argomento e mi sa che la storia si stia ripetendo: Sulla necessita' di affrontare tale argomento bisognerebbe fare un minimo di chiarezza...altrimenti ci vorranno altri due anni di "assestamento"!! | Ciao
Pro-seigniorage , which basically means that your positions are on ... to avoid any misunderstanding! ... Anyway what 'and' the management of the blog and many bloggers ... here ': Two years of "settling"! Anthony C. 10/04/2008 15:36 --------------------------------------- to 'Castellu ! 1. the. it is not my 2. are not fascist 3. data points 1 and 2: you're a poraccio is obvious that there are uncomfortable because of the three points made. you could use get a free pass, right? instead a non-political and non-partisan (and pure) like me is like a wedge in the ass [cit.] greetings. | Sandro Pascucci (signoraggio.com)
Waar Vind Ik Sultan Sandane
October 2, 2008 The bankruptcy of Commons SIGNORAGGIO: For those who know little or nothing! Let stand www.signoraggio.com and Pascucci! HAND read "EUROSCA" Marco Antonio Miclavez Moon Search the Web. First Look interview Miclavez http://video.google.it/videoplay?docid=8208628600166597158 - debt = bogus fees that pay for it = A FRAUD - Bank of Italy, allowed to create on their own money from scratch, 1948 is the private property - Its shareholders are other banks and private insurance. The public debt of the state, then the citizens need to BANKS - The Bank of Italy (AS THE European Central Bank) uses an accounting trick to hide their profits, not paying taxes and not give it to the State - The Bank of Italy should ensure the correctness of the other banks, but it is itself owned by private banks, controller = CONTROLLED - Tuition fees must be in large part to pay the debt and interest on it, then go into the owners pocket PRIVATE Bank of Italy and European Central Bank, and Member - to get rich, public debt is artificially made continuously grow! - The organization upstream from this system of power transfer is international in almost all other countries, in fact, the situation is identical - This system (partners in crime, media, trade unionists, parliamentarians, ministers, presidents) produces, a huge and systematic transfer of property and wealth from citizens to the bankers, but also a transfer of political power from democratic institutions to the supranational BANKS - The real power, globally and nationally, is in these mechanisms, unknown to all or almost - Treaty of Maastricht, Euro, European Central Bank = PART OF THE FRAUD - Current lack of money, economic crisis, bankruptcy and privatization are driven by their governments through SERVI - SIMPLE SOLUTION: Return to the State, the issue of money! Fabio Castellucci 03:10:08 24:04 --------------------------------------- commander countermanded!! I think I have ... I revealed the secret and mysterious, and above all how important this issue :-) |
hello Robert Plant, Teutonia 03/10/2008 13:03 ----------------------------------- ---- Monday, June 9, 2008Does The Rook Piercing Ever Heal
June 9, 2008: word of mouth, Monday, June 9
Today I bought "Brothers of Italy" ... I went to check if it was true the phrase written in Labor hands dirty .. "in the years 92-94 parties survivors were indebted institutions credito.oggi i partiti dipendono sempre di più dalle banche"... Quindi marco Travaglio sa bene che cos'è il signoraggio, sa bene che i politici nel neoliberismo contano un CAZZO!!!!!!!! La massoneria, i banchieri sono loro che tirano le fila e quindi sono loro ad avere grandi responsabilità per come siamo conciati... CAxxo me ne Frega di sapere di Calderoli , Bossi La Russa e altri luridi servi?!?! Questi si sono svenduti il paese..e Travaglio dice che non c'è stato nessun panfilo?!? oh Travaglio va bene tutto .. è vero che in rete si trovano caxxate...ma cerca di non dirle tu però anche! Se li conosci li eviti...sono massoni, banchieri e grandi industriali.. sermbra company and labor as a reason that we are in deep shit because of the political turn ... it is Tell that to the Argentines! IMF, international investment banks have done what they are .. fance here .. We have sold out .. and the best is yet to come! Taxi Available 14:57 9:06:08 THOSE GREAT FRIENDS OF THIEVES grill0 beppe .. The managers of swindling meetup of Bologna, worthy friends beppe grill0, strong and teaching ideas to steal things to the next, infused them by the example of their guru, they stole the name "Fair of truth." After fooled for days unsuspecting readers, today (June 2) called off the event originally planned with primitive but have retained the name that distinguishes two years appointments created by seigniorage-Network and the first from the primitive time. site http://www.signoraggio.com/ Grillo? What is this? Herbert Marcuse 09/06/2008 13:01 Tuesday, January 22, 2008Boat Auction In Ontario
January 22, 2008: Timed Politicians are the stewards of the economy or parasitic mafia or the combination of the first with the second. The owners and their running order. The covering fire of their actions is the responsibility of the media, they always meet the same padroni . Il cittadino può decidere solo in base alle informazioni di cui dispone. Va quindi tenuto in coma assistito. I media sono l’anello di congiunzione tra i politici e l’economia. Senza il sostegno dei media il politico non sarebbe eletto. Senza le menzogne dei media i politici non potrebbero agire indisturbati. Se l’inceneritore è buono per i media è buono per tutti. Se Andreotti è innocente per i media e non prescritto per le sue frequentazioni mafiose, diventa un perseguitato. Se Cuffaro ritorna al lavoro dopo una condanna a cinque anni è un fatto normale. Se nessun giornale nazionale esce con il titolo: “VERGOGNA!” in prima pagina per la telefonata Berlusconi/Saccà che prospetta un colpo di Stato uterino. Se Casini, in Azzurra Caltagirone, è invitato in televisione dallo zerbino Fazio a difendere Cuffaro senza contraddittorio, per esempio con Rita Borsellino. Se, se, se. Gli italiani sono stanchi di se. I media non riescono più a coprire la realtà della povertà, della corruzione, dell’incapacità degli inetti che stanno al governo e all’opposizione. Mastella in un altro Paese avrebbe fatto il lavapiatti in una pizzeria, lo pisconano avrebbe scritto libri di successo come “Le mie prigioni” o “Le televendite da Sing Sing”. Si preparano le elezioni. Con questa legge elettorale saranno riconfermati tutti. Non c’è il voto di preferenza. Le The lists will decide the party secretaries who will confirm their servants and families. The economic situation is serious. The U.S. recession is coming and the weak will pay the consequences. Italy can no longer hold. The psycho-dwarf or a government or a government of Topo Gigio, which are the same thing. The two, hand in hand, will go see the film premiered in Rome dedicated to the statesman from his daughter fugitive Craxi. The return to vote with the bullshit electoral law is an insult to the Italians. Voting in this case will have no effect. We will vote on their own. Perhaps gain some time, but their time is running out. Posted by Beppe Grillo 01.22.2008 16:56 > Politicians are the stewards of the economy or parasitic mafia or the combination of the first with the second. The owners and their running order. The covering fire of their actions is the responsibility of the media, they always meet the same masters. • hey, friend of the bankers .. Who are these "masters" do not you say? |
You are informed about the prices, no? | Give me a number, so .. to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow much a cricket in 2008.
I saw you up close: I can tell)
Sandro Pascucci 01/22/2008 19:16
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